what colors go with orange

What Colors Go With Orange? – 21 Easy Matches

The color orange always brings a sense of joy and warmth into a room. Orange is one of those colors that can be challenging to design with, but done properly, it can add just the right amount of enthusiasm and enjoyment. Some colors go with orange, and understanding what colors go with orange, you can create the perfect orange color scheme. Come along with us as we delve into 21 colors that seamlessly enhance orange, offering valuable insights into crafting attractive color combinations. Continue reading to discover the skill of harmonizing colors with orange!



What Colors Go With Orange?

You might think orange décor could be too much, but there is more to the color than a single option. There are a few ways you can subdue the color, or even use it like you would a neutral color. There are numerous shades of orange from a beautiful burnt orange to a softer more neutral orange. Some of the easier orange colors to work with besides burnt orange include sienna and terracotta.

colors that go with orange


Orange and Beige

Neutral colors have a way of toning down bolder colors and creating a softer look. For example, a bold orange couch against a white wall. The orange brings in a splash of color without being overpowering. This color combination is great for a living area, but you can also use it in spaces like the kitchen or even the bedroom.

Other neutral colors that can work well with orange include beiges and tans.

You can also go from bold to earthier shades of orange for a more rustic appeal. If you are happier with a more neutral color palette, orange can also be used similar to neutral colors. Some examples are burnt sienna and ochre. These colors work well with soft greens, warm browns, and pale blues, to create a natural and comfortable look.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Burnt Orange#cc55000, 58, 100, 20204, 85, 0 
Warm Beige#cfb9970, 11, 27, 19207, 185, 151 

orange and beige


Orange and Cream

Cream is another neutral color that can go well with orange as it has a yellowish undertone. When using this color combination, it can produce a balanced look, which can be used in most rooms in the home. If you choose to paint the walls orange, cream accessories can still bring in warmth but will help to dampen the effect of the bolder orange color. By adding another color like olive green or other browns, you can create a nice autumn color scheme.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Cream#fffdd00, 1, 18, 0255, 253, 208 
Orange#ffc04d0, 25, 70, 0255, 192, 77 

orange and cream


Orange and Gray

Gray is an easy color to work with and there are numerous shades of gray you can choose, along with shades of orange. Orange is a stimulating and playful color, while gray is more sophisticated. To add more depth of color, choose more than one shade of gray for your color scheme. 

When deciding on the shade of orange, you can go bold, or choose a more subdued or muted orange. 

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Light Orange#ff9a4e0, 40, 69, 0255, 154, 78 
Oslo Gray#8a8c8d2, 1, 0, 45138, 140, 141 

orange and gray


Orange and Brown

Earthy colors, in general, tend to work well with each other. Shades of brown also bring in warmth, since various brown colors can be seen as shades of orange and can create an inviting and relaxed feel to a room. You can also experiment with adding other neutrals into the orange décor combination.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Brown#b06a3b0, 40, 66, 31176, 106, 59 
Bright Orange#eb85400, 43, 73, 8235, 133, 64 

orange and brown


Orange and Black

Black might be a color that some find intimidating to use, but combinations with black can create a bold and more dramatic look. Using black as one of your accent colors for orange can help to make the orange color stand out more vibrantly. 

To produce a more cohesive look, use black and orange sparingly and try to bring in a third shade or color, for example, beige. 

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Black    #1f1f1f0, 0, 0, 8831, 31, 31 
Burnt Orange#cc55000, 58, 100, 20204, 85, 0 

orange and black


Orange and Turquoise 

This combination is fun and can elicit feelings associated with sunny beaches. Again, you need to try and match the shade of turquoise to the shade of orange you have on the walls for the best results. If using a more neutral orange, you may even consider bringing in turquoise couches or furniture. Otherwise, you can bring in the turquoise color through accessories like vases or throws. A splash of green can also work with orange walls. Orange, green, and brown combinations make a good fall color palette.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Turquoise#48d1cc66, 0, 2, 1872, 209, 204 
Orange#d188480, 35, 66, 18209, 136, 72 

orange and turquoise


Peach and Coral

his combination exudes a sense of warmth and positivity. Peach, with its soft undertones, pairs harmoniously with the vibrant energy of coral. The blend is ideal for spaces where you want to create a welcoming and uplifting atmosphere, such as living rooms or entryways.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Peach#FFDAB90, 15, 26, 0255, 218, 185 
Coral#FF6F610, 60, 61, 0255, 111, 97 

orange and coral


Tangerine and Aqua

 The lively contrast between tangerine and aqua brings a refreshing and invigorating dynamic to interiors. Tangerine injects a burst of energy, while aqua adds a cool and calming touch. This combination is particularly effective in spaces where you want to balance vibrancy with a sense of tranquility, like home offices or creative studios.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Tangerine#FFA07A0, 29, 47, 0255, 160, 122 
Aqua#00FFFF100, 0, 0, 00, 255, 255 

orange and aqua


Burnt Orange and Sage Green

The sophistication of burnt orange paired with the muted elegance of sage green creates a timeless and balanced look. This combination is well-suited for creating a cozy yet refined atmosphere in spaces like bedrooms or reading nooks, where a touch of earthy luxury is desired.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Burnt Orange#CC55000, 56, 100, 20204, 85, 0 
Sage Green#8F977932, 18, 56, 18143, 151, 121 

orange and sage green


Apricot and Charcoal Gray

The subtlety of apricot against a deep charcoal gray backdrop brings a sense of understated glamour. This pairing is excellent for spaces where you want to introduce a touch of sophistication, such as dining rooms or lounges, providing a visually appealing contrast that feels both chic and cozy.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Apricot#FBCEB10, 23, 31, 0251, 206, 177 
Charcoal Gray#36454F68, 45, 32, 7754, 69, 79 

orange and charcoal gray


Terracotta and Olive Green

This combination merges warm terracotta tones with the calming influence of olive green. It’s perfect for creating a grounded and nature-inspired feel in spaces like kitchens or dining areas, fostering a connection with the outdoors and infusing the room with a sense of tranquility.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Terracotta#E2725B0, 56, 44, 10226, 114, 91 
Olive Green#556B2F45, 0, 79, 7385, 107, 47 

orange and olive green


Mango and Navy Blue

 The bold contrast between the vibrancy of mango and the depth of navy blue adds a modern and energetic touch to interiors. Ideal for spaces where you want to make a statement, like accent walls in living rooms or eclectic home offices, this pairing creates a dynamic and visually engaging environment.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Mango#FFC3000, 7, 100, 0255, 195, 0 
Navy Blue#001F3F100, 52, 0, 870, 31, 63 

mango and navy


Cantaloupe and Lavender

 The delicate balance between cantaloupe and lavender creates a serene and calming atmosphere. Cantaloupe introduces a touch of warmth, while lavender brings in a sense of tranquility. This combination is perfect for bedrooms or relaxation spaces, where the goal is to cultivate a peaceful and restful environment.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Cantaloupe#FFA07A0, 29, 47, 0255, 160, 122 
Lavender#E6E6FA8, 8, 0, 4230, 230, 250 

orange and lavender


Rust Orange and Teal

Rust orange and teal come together to form a palette that exudes opulence and depth. The deep tones of rust orange, complemented by the richness of teal, create a sense of sophistication. This combination is well-suited for living rooms or home libraries, where a touch of luxury and warmth is desired.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Rust Orange#B7410E0, 68, 87, 28183, 65, 14 
Teal#008080100, 0, 33, 500, 128, 128 

orange and teal


Sunset Orange and Indigo

 The warmth of sunset orange against a deep indigo backdrop creates a dramatic and visually appealing contrast. This pairing is ideal for spaces where you want to make a bold statement, such as accent walls in living rooms or entryways. The combination evokes a sense of energy and modern flair.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Sunset Orange#FD5E530, 75, 72, 1253, 94, 83 
Indigo#4B008274, 100, 0, 4975, 0, 130 

orange and indigo


Coral and Mint Green

Coral and mint green come together to form a refreshing and lively color scheme. Coral adds vibrancy, while mint green provides a cool and invigorating balance. This combination works well in bathrooms or kitchens, where a burst of energy and a fresh feel are essential for a revitalizing space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Coral#FF6F610, 60, 61, 0255, 111, 97 
Mint Green#98FF9810, 0, 10, 0152, 255, 152 

orange and mint green


Pumpkin Spice and Beige

The comforting tones of pumpkin spice paired with neutral beige create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. This combination is perfect for living rooms or reading corners, where the goal is to foster a sense of warmth and relaxation. Pumpkin spice accents against a beige backdrop add a touch of sophistication.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Pumpkin Spice#FF75180, 60, 75, 0255, 117, 24 
Beige#F5F5DC4, 4, 21, 0245, 245, 220 

pumpkin spice and beige


Blood Orange and Charcoal Gray

The boldness of blood orange alongside charcoal gray creates a contemporary and edgy vibe. This combination is well-suited for modern and eclectic spaces, such as home offices or entertainment areas. The contrast between the vibrant blood orange and the deep charcoal gray adds a sense of drama and sophistication.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Blood Orange#D1001C0, 100, 98, 19209, 0, 28 
Charcoal Gray#36454F68, 45, 32, 7754, 69, 79 

orange and charcoal


Cinnamon and Forest Green

A warm and earthy palette, combining cinnamon with deep forest green, brings a sense of nature indoors. This combination is ideal for bedrooms or spaces where a connection with the outdoors is desired. The warm undertones of cinnamon paired with the calming influence of forest green create a harmonious and grounded environment.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Cinnamon#D2691E0, 49, 76, 18210, 105, 30 
Forest Green#228B2282, 0, 100, 5034, 139, 34 

orange and forrest green


Amber and Slate Blue

The richness of amber against a cool slate blue backdrop creates a harmonious and balanced color scheme. This combination is versatile and works well in various settings, from bedrooms to dining areas. The warm amber tones add a touch of elegance, while slate blue provides a serene and timeless backdrop.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Amber#FFBF000, 20, 100, 0255, 191, 0 
Slate Blue#6A5ACD50, 50, 0, 18106, 90, 205 

orange and slate blue


Honey and Eggplant

A unique combination of warm honey tones with the deep richness of eggplant creates a luxurious and inviting palette. This pairing is well-suited for bedrooms or formal dining rooms, where the goal is to establish a sense of opulence and sophistication. The contrast between honey and eggplant adds depth and visual interest to the space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Honey#FFC3000, 7, 100, 0255, 195, 0 
Eggplant#61405129, 65, 0, 6197, 64, 81 

orange and eggplant



How to Choose an Orange Color Scheme for Interior Design

Orange is an energetic color, and you might think it is a bad choice for interior design. However, selecting the proper orange décor can create a cozy and inviting setting. One of the first recommendations is to create a two-color wall combination so that the orange color does not overwhelm the space. You can also apply the colors you choose in various proportions, for a more balanced look. One main orange color and one or two accent colors for orange. 


Orange is a warm and uplifting color that can inspire creativity and brings a fun element to a space. To get the most out of orange décor ideas, you need to understand what colors go with orange, so you do not overwhelm the senses. By creating the best orange color combinations, you can help bring an engaging and joyful feeling to a room.


Take a look at our “what colors go with orange” webstory here!



Frequently Asked Questions


What Colors Go With Orange?

Orange is a warm and welcoming color and there are quite a few colors that go with orange. First, different shades of orange for a monochromatic look, or try using blues and greens. Neutral colors like white, brown, cream, and beige work well. Purple can also add a pop of color next to orange. When it comes to what color matches orange walls, then some of these are your go-to accent colors for orange.


What Is the Complementary Color to Orange?

When you have a look at the color wheel, this should show you what color sits opposite orange. You will find that the complementary color to orange is blue. When these two colors are placed beside each other, they create a contrast, and each color makes the other stand out.


What Colors Can Tone Down the Intensity of a Bright Orange?

Neutral tones like beige or gray can help tone down the intensity of a bright orange, creating a more subdued and sophisticated look.


Cite this Article

Kylie, Deyzel, “What Colors Go With Orange? – 21 Easy Matches.” Art in Context. June 14, 2022. URL: https://artincontext.org/what-colors-go-with-orange/

Deyzel, K. (2022, 14 June). What Colors Go With Orange? – 21 Easy Matches. Art in Context. https://artincontext.org/what-colors-go-with-orange/

Deyzel, Kylie. “What Colors Go With Orange? – 21 Easy Matches.” Art in Context, June 14, 2022. https://artincontext.org/what-colors-go-with-orange/.

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