colors starting with c

Colors that Start with C – List with all Information

Welcome to a vibrant journey through the color wheel, where we celebrate the richness of hues that commence with the charismatic letter ‘C’. From the calmness of Cerulean to the fiery cadence of Crimson, each color tells a story, evokes an emotion, and unveils a world of aesthetic delight. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the psychology, the history, and the beauty of these captivating colors. Whether you’re a designer seeking inspiration, an artist searching for the perfect palette, or simply a color enthusiast, prepare to be enchanted by the spectrum of shades that color our world with creativity and charm. Let’s embark on this chromatic adventure and discover the wonders of ‘Colors that Start with C.

Table of Contents



Our Collection of Colors Starting with C



Cadet is a soft, muted blue that is often associated with military uniforms.

Hex: #5F9EA0
RGB: 95, 158, 160
CMYK: 41%, 1%, 0%, 37%


Cadmium Green

Cadmium Green is a deep, rich green that is reminiscent of the natural pigment and often associated with vibrancy in paintings.

Hex: #006B3C
RGB: 0, 107, 60
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 44%, 58%


Cadmium Red

Cadmium Red is a warm, stimulating red that is often used in art to draw attention and convey excitement.

Hex: #E30022
RGB: 227, 0, 34
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 85%, 11%


Cadmium Yellow

Cadmium Yellow is a bright, sunny yellow that evokes the warmth and energy of sunlight.

Hex: #FFF600
RGB: 255, 246, 0
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 100%, 0%


Café au lait

Café au lait is a warm, beige color reminiscent of the creamy coffee drink it’s named after.

Hex: #A67B5B
RGB: 166, 123, 91
CMYK: 0%, 26%, 45%, 35%


Café noir

Café noir is a deep, dark brown color, much like a rich, black coffee without milk.

Hex: #4B3621
RGB: 75, 54, 33
CMYK: 0%, 28%, 56%, 71%


Cal Poly Pomona green

Cal Poly Pomona green is a shade of green that represents growth and the lush campus of the Cal Poly Pomona university.

Hex: #1E4D2B
RGB: 30, 77, 43
CMYK: 61%, 0%, 44%, 70%


Cambridge blue

Cambridge blue is a pale, cool blue that is associated with the prestigious University of Cambridge.

Hex: #A3C1AD
RGB: 163, 193, 173
CMYK: 16%, 0%, 10%, 24%



Camel is a rich, sandy color that brings to mind the desert and the durable fabric of the same name.

Hex: #C19A6B
RGB: 193, 154, 107
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 45%, 24%


Cameo pink

Cameo pink is a soft, muted pink that suggests delicacy and elegance, much like the carved gemstone.

RGB: 239, 187, 204
CMYK: 0%, 22%, 15%, 6%



Canary is a bright, cheerful yellow reminiscent of the vibrant plumage of a canary bird.

Hex: #FFFF99
RGB: 255, 255, 153
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 40%, 0%


Canary Yellow

Canary yellow is a vivid, pure yellow that is often associated with the brightness of a sunny day.

Hex: #FFEF00
RGB: 255, 239, 0
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 100%, 0%


Candy Apple Red

Candy apple red is a lustrous, bright red that resembles the shiny coating on candy apples.

Hex: #FF0800
RGB: 255, 8, 0
CMYK: 0%, 97%, 100%, 0%


Candy Pink

Candy pink is a playful, sweet pink that evokes the sugary pleasure of pink candies.

Hex: #E4717A
RGB: 228, 113, 122
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 46%, 11%



Capri is a deep sky blue, reminiscent of the grotto waters on the island of Capri in Italy.

Hex: #00BFFF
RGB: 0, 191, 255
CMYK: 100%, 25%, 0%, 0%


Caput Mortuum

Caput mortuum is a rich, earthy brown with a name that means “dead head” in Latin, often associated with the iron oxide used in painting.

Hex: #592720
RGB: 89, 39, 32
CMYK: 0%, 56%, 64%, 65%



Cardinal is a vivid red color that takes its name from the cassocks worn by Catholic cardinals.

Hex: #C41E3A
RGB: 196, 30, 58
CMYK: 0%, 85%, 70%, 23%


Caribbean Green

Caribbean Green is a tropical, aqua-green that is reminiscent of the clear, warm waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Hex: #00CC99
RGB: 0, 204, 153
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 25%, 20%



Carmine is a deep red color that is associated with the rich dye traditionally made from cochineal insects.

Hex: #960018
RGB: 150, 0, 24
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 84%, 41%


Carmine Pink

Carmine pink is a bright, reddish-pink hue that is energetic and passionate.

Hex: #EB4C42
RGB: 235, 76, 66
CMYK: 0%, 68%, 72%, 8%


Carmine Red

Carmine red is a rich, vivid red that is bold and commands attention.

Hex: #FF0038
RGB: 255, 0, 56
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 78%, 0%


Carnation Pink

Carnation pink is a soft, light pink that is reminiscent of the delicate color of carnation flowers.

Hex: #FFA6C9
RGB: 255, 166, 201
CMYK: 0%, 35%, 21%, 0%



Carnelian is a reddish-brown color, similar to the semi-precious gemstone from which it takes its name.

Hex: #B31B1B
RGB: 179, 27, 27
CMYK: 0%, 85%, 85%, 30%


Carolina Blue

Carolina Blue is a light blue color reminiscent of the sky and is associated with the University of North Carolina.

Hex: #56A0D3
RGB: 86, 160, 211
CMYK: 59%, 24%, 0%, 17%


Carrot Orange

Carrot Orange is a vibrant orange color that resembles the rich hue of a carrot.

Hex: #ED9121
RGB: 237, 145, 33
CMYK: 0%, 39%, 86%, 7%


Castleton Green

Castleton Green is a deep, dark shade of green, named after Castleton University.

Hex: #00563F
RGB: 0, 86, 63
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 27%, 66%


Catalina Blue

Catalina Blue is a deep blue that evokes the depth of the ocean surrounding Catalina Island.

Hex: #062A78
RGB: 6, 42, 120
CMYK: 95%, 65%, 0%, 53%



Catawba is a wine red color, named after the Catawba grape.

Hex: #703642
RGB: 112, 54, 66
CMYK: 0%, 52%, 41%, 56%


Cedar Chest

Cedar Chest is a warm, reddish-brown color reminiscent of the wood used to make cedar chests.

Hex: #C95A49
RGB: 201, 90, 73
CMYK: 0%, 55%, 64%, 21%



Ceil is a pale blue color that is often used in the healthcare industry for nurse’s uniforms.

Hex: #92A1CF
RGB: 146, 161, 207
CMYK: 29%, 22%, 0%, 19%



Celadon is a pale grey-green color that is reminiscent of the ceramic glaze which originated in China.

Hex: #ACE1AF
RGB: 172, 225, 175
CMYK: 24%, 0%, 22%, 12%


Celadon Blue

Celadon Blue is a shade of greenish-blue, similar to the color of the sky on a clear day.

Hex: #007BA7
RGB: 0, 123, 167
CMYK: 100%, 26%, 0%, 35%


Celadon Green

Celadon Green is a soft, muted green that carries a sense of tranquility and restfulness.

Hex: #2F847C
RGB: 47, 132, 124
CMYK: 64%, 0%, 6%, 48%



Celeste is a sky blue color, suggestive of the clear blue sky.

Hex: #B2FFFF
RGB: 178, 255, 255
CMYK: 30%, 0%, 0%, 0%


Celestial Blue

Celestial Blue is a calming, deep sky blue that is associated with the heavens.

Hex: #4997D0
RGB: 73, 151, 208
CMYK: 65%, 27%, 0%, 18%


Celtic Blue

Celtic Blue is a medium blue that has a slightly greenish tint, reminiscent of the ancient Celts.

Hex: #246BCE
RGB: 36, 107, 206
CMYK: 83%, 48%, 0%, 19%



Cerise is a deep, vivid pink-red color, reminiscent of the color of a cherry.

Hex: #DE3163
RGB: 222, 49, 99
CMYK: 0%, 78%, 55%, 13%


Cerise Pink

Cerise Pink is a bright shade of pink that has a hint of purple, much like the color of some cerise flowers.

Hex: #EC3B83
RGB: 236, 59, 131
CMYK: 0%, 75%, 45%, 7%



Cerulean is a sky-blue, azure color that is reminiscent of a serene, blue sky.

Hex: #007BA7
RGB: 0, 123, 167
CMYK: 100%, 26%, 0%, 35%


Cerulean Blue

Cerulean Blue is a deep blue with a slight hint of green, similar to the color of the sky on a clear day.

Hex: #2A52BE
RGB: 42, 82, 190
CMYK: 78%, 57%, 0%, 25%


Cerulean Frost

Cerulean Frost is a muted shade of blue that has a cool, frosted appearance.

Hex: #6D9BC3
RGB: 109, 155, 195
CMYK: 44%, 21%, 0%, 24%


CG Blue

CG Blue is a medium blue color, named after the Computer Graphics industry, often used in digital art and animation.

Hex: #007AA5
RGB: 0, 122, 165
CMYK: 100%, 26%, 0%, 35%


CG Red

CG Red is a bright, vivid red color, also named after the Computer Graphics industry.

Hex: #E03C31
RGB: 224, 60, 49
CMYK: 0%, 73%, 78%, 12%



Chamoisee is a shade of brown that resembles the color of the soft leather known as chamois.

Hex: #A0785A
RGB: 160, 120, 90
CMYK: 0%, 25%, 44%, 37%



Champagne is a pale, slightly golden tone that resembles the color of the beverage, champagne.

Hex: #F7E7CE
RGB: 247, 231, 206
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 17%, 3%


Champagne Pink

Champagne Pink is a soft, rosy pink that has a touch of warmth, like the blush on champagne.

Hex: #F1DDCF
RGB: 241, 221, 207
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 14%, 5%



Charcoal is a dark, matte grey color similar to the color of burnt wood.

Hex: #36454F
RGB: 54, 69, 79
CMYK: 32%, 13%, 0%, 69%


Charleston Green

Charleston Green is a very dark shade of green that may appear almost black; it’s a color deeply rooted in American history.

Hex: #232B2B
RGB: 35, 43, 43
CMYK: 19%, 0%, 0%, 83%


Charm Pink

Charm Pink is a medium pink shade that is charming and lively, a color that brings a playful mood.

Hex: #E68FAC
RGB: 230, 143, 172
CMYK: 0%, 38%, 25%, 10%


Cherry Blossom Pink

Cherry Blossom Pink is a soft pink reminiscent of the delicate blossoms of cherry trees in spring.

Hex: #FFB7C5
RGB: 255, 183, 197
CMYK: 0%, 28%, 23%, 0%



Chestnut is a rich brown color similar to the nut of the chestnut tree.

Hex: #954535
RGB: 149, 69, 53
CMYK: 0%, 54%, 64%, 42%


China Pink

China Pink is a bright, deep pink with a touch of purple, like the peony flowers often depicted in Chinese art.

Hex: #DE6FA1
RGB: 222, 111, 161
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 27%, 13%


China Rose

China Rose is a rosy pink color, suggestive of the roses found in traditional Chinese gardens.

Hex: #A8516E
RGB: 168, 81, 110
CMYK: 0%, 52%, 35%, 34%


Chinese Red

Chinese Red is a bright, bold red that symbolizes good fortune and joy in Chinese culture.

Hex: #AA381E
RGB: 170, 56, 30
CMYK: 0%, 67%, 82%, 33%


Chinese Violet

Chinese Violet is a deep shade of violet, reminiscent of the lavender flowers in Chinese art.

Hex: #856088
RGB: 133, 96, 136
CMYK: 2%, 29%, 0%, 47%


Chinese Yellow

Chinese Yellow is a bright, imperial yellow traditionally worn by the Emperor of China.

Hex: #FFB200
RGB: 255, 178, 0
CMYK: 0%, 30%, 100%, 0%


Chocolate Cosmos

Chocolate Cosmos is a deep brown with a reddish undertone, like the color of the chocolate cosmos flower.

Hex: #58111A
RGB: 88, 17, 26
CMYK: 0%, 81%, 70%, 66%


Chrome Yellow

Chrome Yellow is a vivid yellow that was historically used in the production of school buses in the United States.

Hex: #FFA700
RGB: 255, 167, 0
CMYK: 0%, 35%, 100%, 0%



Cinereous is a color that can be described as a dusky shade of gray-brown, like ash.

Hex: #98817B
RGB: 152, 129, 123
CMYK: 0%, 15%, 19%, 40%



Cinnabar is a deep reddish-brown color, named after the mineral of the same name.

Hex: #E34234
RGB: 227, 66, 52
CMYK: 0%, 71%, 77%, 11%


Cinnamon Satin

Cinnamon Satin is a rich, warm shade of reddish-brown, smooth and spicy like cinnamon.

Hex: #CD607E
RGB: 205, 96, 126
CMYK: 0%, 53%, 39%, 20%



Citrine is a pale gold color, named after the gemstone, and is associated with optimism and clarity.

Hex: #E4D00A
RGB: 228, 208, 10
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 96%, 11%



Citron is a dark lemon color, which resembles the fruit citron with its greenish-yellow hue.

Hex: #9FA91F
RGB: 159, 169, 31
CMYK: 6%, 0%, 82%, 34%



Claret is a deep, dark red color, similar to the red wine after which it is named.

Hex: #7F1734
RGB: 127, 23, 52
CMYK: 0%, 82%, 59%, 50%


Classic Rose

Classic Rose is a soft, light pink that evokes a sense of timeless, romantic elegance.

Hex: #FBCCE7
RGB: 251, 204, 231
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 8%, 2%


Cobalt Blue

Cobalt Blue is a rich blue color with a slightly greenish tint, inspired by the chemical element cobalt.

Hex: #0047AB
RGB: 0, 71, 171
CMYK: 100%, 58%, 0%, 33%


Cocoa Brown

Cocoa Brown is a medium brown color, reminiscent of the color of cocoa powder.

Hex: #D2691E
RGB: 210, 105, 30
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 86%, 18%



Coconut is a color that captures the essence of the outer shell of a coconut, a greyish-brown hue.

Hex: #965A3E
RGB: 150, 90, 62
CMYK: 0%, 40%, 59%, 41%



Coffee is a dark shade of brown that represents the color of roasted coffee beans.

Hex: #6F4E37
RGB: 111, 78, 55
CMYK: 0%, 30%, 50%, 56%


Columbia Blue

Columbia Blue is a soft blue color, named after Columbia University and often used in collegiate apparel.

Hex: #B9D9EB
RGB: 185, 217, 235
CMYK: 21%, 8%, 0%, 8%


Congo Pink

Congo Pink is a medium pink with a slight touch of orange, vibrant and lively.

Hex: #F88379
RGB: 248, 131, 121
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 51%, 3%


Cool Grey

Cool Grey is a medium grey color with a noticeably bluish undertone, giving it a cool appearance.

Hex: #8C92AC
RGB: 140, 146, 172
CMYK: 19%, 15%, 0%, 33%



Copper is a reddish-brown color that resembles the metal copper.

Hex: #B87333
RGB: 184, 115, 51
CMYK: 0%, 38%, 72%, 28%


Copper Penny

Copper Penny is a color that looks like the shiny, fresh minted pennies, a warm copper color.

Hex: #AD6F69
RGB: 173, 111, 105
CMYK: 0%, 36%, 39%, 32%


Copper Red

Copper Red is a warm, earthy shade of red with a hint of coppery tone.

Hex: #CB6D51
RGB: 203, 109, 81
CMYK: 0%, 46%, 60%, 20%


Copper Rose

Copper Rose is a metallic tint of rose, resembling the patina on weathered copper.

Hex: #996666
RGB: 153, 102, 102
CMYK: 0%, 33%, 33%, 40%



Coquelicot is a vibrant shade of poppy red, reminiscent of the wild poppies found in the French countryside.

Hex: #FF3800
RGB: 255, 56, 0
CMYK: 0%, 78%, 100%, 0%



Coral is a soft, vibrant hue that mirrors the lively underwater ecosystems of coral reefs.

Hex: #FF7F50
RGB: 255, 127, 80
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 69%, 0%


Coral Pink

Coral Pink is a softer version of coral, tinged with a pinkish hue that evokes a gentle warmth.

Hex: #F88379
RGB: 248, 131, 121
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 51%, 3%



Cordovan is a rich shade of burgundy and a dark shade of rose, much like the color of the leather of the same name.

Hex: #893F45
RGB: 137, 63, 69
CMYK: 0%, 54%, 50%, 46%



Corn is a shade of yellow that represents the golden kernels of a ripe ear of corn.

Hex: #FBEC5D
RGB: 251, 236, 93
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 63%, 2%


Cornell Red

Cornell Red is a deep, vibrant red, embodying the spirit and tradition of Cornell University.

Hex: #B31B1B
RGB: 179, 27, 27
CMYK: 0%, 85%, 85%, 30%


Cornflower Blue

Cornflower Blue is a soft, endearing blue that takes its name from the delicate flowers of the cornflower plant.

Hex: #6495ED
RGB: 100, 149, 237
CMYK: 58%, 37%, 0%, 7%



Cornsilk is a pale tint of yellow, similar to the color of the silky threads of corn.

Hex: #FFF8DC
RGB: 255, 248, 220
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 14%, 0%


Cosmic Cobalt

Cosmic Cobalt is a deep blue that suggests the vastness and depth of outer space.

Hex: #2E2D88
RGB: 46, 45, 136
CMYK: 66%, 67%, 0%, 47%


Cosmic Latte

Cosmic Latte is a name given to the average color of the universe, a shade of off-white.

Hex: #FFF8E7
RGB: 255, 248, 231
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 9%, 0%


Coyote Brown

Coyote Brown is a grayish-brown color that resembles the fur of a coyote.

Hex: #81613C
RGB: 129, 97, 60
CMYK: 0%, 25%, 53%, 49%


Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy is a playful pink that resembles the sugary treat often found at fairs and carnivals.

Hex: #FFBCD9
RGB: 255, 188, 217
CMYK: 0%, 26%, 15%, 0%



Cream is a pale shade of yellow, like the rich dairy product that gives it its name.

Hex: #FFFDD0
RGB: 255, 253, 208
CMYK: 0%, 1%, 18%, 0%



Crimson is a strong, red color, inclining to purple. It symbolizes passion and love.

Hex: #DC143C
RGB: 220, 20, 60
CMYK: 0%, 91%, 73%, 14%



Crystal is a pale, blue-tinted white, evoking the clarity and sparkle of pure crystal.

Hex: #A7D8DE
RGB: 167, 216, 222
CMYK: 25%, 3%, 0%, 13%



Cultured is a soft white with a hint of grey, suggesting sophistication and refinement.

Hex: #F5F5F5
RGB: 245, 245, 245
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 4%



Cyan is a greenish-blue color, which is one of the primary subtractive colors, complementary to red.

Hex: #00FFFF
RGB: 0, 255, 255
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 0%, 0%


Cyber Grape

Cyber Grape is a deep tone of violet, giving a futuristic digital feel.

Hex: #58427C
RGB: 88, 66, 124
CMYK: 29%, 47%, 0%, 51%


Cyber Yellow

Cyber Yellow is a radiant, electronic-inspired yellow, bright and bold.

Hex: #FFD300
RGB: 255, 211, 0
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 100%, 0%



Cyclamen is a vivid pinkish-purple color, inspired by the flowers of the same name.

Hex: #F56FA1
RGB: 245, 111, 161
CMYK: 0%, 55%, 34%, 4%



Cite this Article

Charlene, Lewis, “Colors that Start with C – List with all Information.” Art in Context. November 5, 2023. URL:

Lewis, C. (2023, 5 November). Colors that Start with C – List with all Information. Art in Context.

Lewis, Charlene. “Colors that Start with C – List with all Information.” Art in Context, November 5, 2023.

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