Colors that Start with F – From Facebook Blue to Fuchsia
Face is a warm, peachy hue, reminiscent of a healthy, natural skin tone.
Hex: #FF936A RGB: 255, 147, 106 CMYK: 0%, 42%, 58%, 0% HSL: 14°, 100%, 71% |
Facebook Blue
Facebook Blue is a deep, vivid blue, often associated with the popular social media platform Facebook.
Hex: #3B5999 RGB: 59, 89, 153 CMYK: 61%, 42%, 0%, 40% HSL: 221°, 44%, 42% |
Facebook Navy Blue
Facebook Navy Blue is a darker shade of blue, representing a more formal and professional aspect of Facebook.
Hex: #2648AC RGB: 38, 72, 172 CMYK: 78%, 58%, 0%, 33% HSL: 224°, 64%, 41% |
Faded Jade
Faded Jade is a muted, greenish-blue color, reminiscent of weathered jade stones.
Hex: #427977 RGB: 66, 121, 119 CMYK: 45%, 0%, 2%, 53% HSL: 178°, 29%, 37% |
Fahrenheit is a deep, warm brown, evoking a sense of earthiness and stability.
Hex: #672E2B RGB: 103, 46, 43 CMYK: 0%, 55%, 58%, 60% HSL: 3°, 41%, 29% |
Fair Pink
Fair Pink is a soft, delicate pink, often associated with innocence and gentleness.
Hex: #FFEFEC RGB: 255, 239, 236 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 7%, 0% HSL: 10°, 100%, 96% |
Fairground is a rich, deep purple, reminiscent of the vibrant colors found at amusement parks.
Hex: #483A79 RGB: 72, 58, 121 CMYK: 40%, 52%, 0%, 53% HSL: 251°, 35%, 35% |
Face is a warm, peachy shade reminiscent of a healthy, natural skin tone.
Hex: #FF936A RGB: 255, 147, 106 CMYK: 0%, 42%, 58%, 0% HSL: 14, 100%, 71% |
Facebook Blue
Facebook Blue is a deep, vivid blue, symbolizing trust and professionalism.
Hex: #3B5999 RGB: 59, 89, 153 CMYK: 61%, 42%, 0%, 40% HSL: 221, 44%, 42% |
Facebook Navy Blue
Facebook Navy Blue is a darker shade of blue, often associated with depth and expertise.
Hex: #2648AC RGB: 38, 72, 172 CMYK: 78%, 58%, 0%, 33% HSL: 227, 64%, 41% |
Faded Jade
Faded Jade is a muted, greenish-blue color, reminiscent of serene, aged jade stones.
Hex: #427977 RGB: 66, 121, 119 CMYK: 45%, 0%, 2%, 53% HSL: 178, 29%, 37% |
Fahrenheit is a deep, warm brown, evoking a sense of earthiness and comfort.
Hex: #672E2B RGB: 103, 46, 43 CMYK: 0%, 55%, 58%, 60% HSL: 3, 41%, 29% |
Fair Pink
Fair Pink is a soft, pale pink that conveys innocence and gentleness.
Hex: #FFEFEC RGB: 255, 239, 236 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 7%, 0% HSL: 10, 100%, 96% |
Fairground is a deep purple, reminiscent of the mysterious and playful atmosphere of a night at the fair.
Hex: #483A79 RGB: 72, 58, 121 CMYK: 40%, 52%, 0%, 53% HSL: 252, 35%, 35% |
Fair Pink
Fair Pink is a soft and delicate shade, reminiscent of a gentle blush or a serene sunrise.
Hex: #FFEFEC RGB: 255, 239, 236 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 7%, 0% HSL: 15, 100%, 96% |
Fairground evokes the excitement and vibrant colors of amusement parks and festive activities.
Hex: #483A79 RGB: 72, 58, 121 CMYK: 40%, 52%, 0%, 53% HSL: 251, 35%, 35% |
Fairy Tales Forest
Fairy Tales Forest is a deep, enchanting green that brings to mind mystical forests and magical stories.
Hex: #008000 RGB: 0, 128, 0 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 100%, 50% HSL: 120, 100%, 25% |
Fairylight is a whimsical, pale lavender, reminiscent of soft, glowing lights in a magical setting.
Hex: #D5C7E8 RGB: 213, 199, 232 CMYK: 8%, 14%, 0%, 9% HSL: 270, 45%, 85% |
Fairytale is a soft, muted purple, evoking the dreamy and mystical elements of classic fairy tales.
Hex: #C6C4DB RGB: 198, 196, 219 CMYK: 10%, 11%, 0%, 14% HSL: 248, 25%, 81% |
Falcon is a deep, muted purple-brown, reminiscent of the majestic bird’s plumage.
Hex: #7F626D RGB: 127, 98, 109 CMYK: 0%, 23%, 14%, 50% HSL: 342, 13%, 44% |
Fall Green
Fall Green is a light, earthy green, reminiscent of the changing leaves in autumn.
Hex: #ECEBBD RGB: 236, 235, 189 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 20%, 7% HSL: 59, 52%, 83% |
Fallow is a warm, muted brown, evoking the rich, fertile earth.
Hex: #C19A6B RGB: 193, 154, 107 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 45%, 24% HSL: 30, 40%, 59% |
Falu Red
Falu Red is a deep, rustic red, often seen in traditional Swedish cottages.
Hex: #801818 RGB: 128, 24, 24 CMYK: 0%, 81%, 81%, 50% HSL: 0, 68%, 30% |
Fandango is a vivid purplish-red, vibrant and full of energy.
Hex: #B53389 RGB: 181, 51, 137 CMYK: 0%, 72%, 24%, 29% HSL: 322, 56%, 45% |
Fandango Pink
Fandango Pink is a playful, bright pink with a hint of purple.
Hex: #DE5285 RGB: 222, 82, 133 CMYK: 0%, 63%, 40%, 13% HSL: 340, 70%, 60% |
Fandango Purple
Fandango Purple is a deep, mysterious purple, evoking a sense of luxury and depth.
Hex: #5A3851 RGB: 90, 56, 81 CMYK: 0%, 38%, 10%, 65% HSL: 315, 23%, 29% |
Fantasy is a soft, pale pink, giving a sense of whimsy and dreaminess.
Hex: #FAF3F0 RGB: 250, 243, 240 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 4%, 2% HSL: 20, 50%, 96% |
Fashion Fuchsia
Fashion Fuchsia is a bold, vibrant pink, full of confidence and flair.
Hex: #F400A1 RGB: 244, 0, 161 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 34%, 4% HSL: 320, 100%, 48% |
Fast Lane
Fast Lane is a deep, intense red, reminiscent of speed and excitement.
Hex: #892431 RGB: 137, 36, 49 CMYK: 0%, 74%, 64%, 46% HSL: 354, 58%, 34% |
Fawn is a warm, muted beige, evoking the natural color of deer fur.
Hex: #E5AA70 RGB: 229, 170, 112 CMYK: 0%, 26%, 51%, 10% HSL: 26, 66%, 67% |
Fawn Green
Fawn Green is a muted, earthy green, suggesting tranquility and nature.
Hex: #C7BD95 RGB: 199, 189, 149 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 25%, 22% HSL: 46, 33%, 68% |
Fawn Olive
Fawn Olive is a soft, muted olive green, bringing to mind peaceful forests.
Hex: #BCB88F RGB: 188, 184, 143 CMYK: 0%, 2%, 24%, 26% HSL: 56, 27%, 65% |
Fedora is a deep, muted purple-grey, sophisticated and understated.
Hex: #796A78 RGB: 121, 106, 120 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 1%, 53% HSL: 302, 7%, 45% |
Feijoa is a vibrant, fresh green, reminiscent of the fruit it’s named after.
Hex: #9FDD8C RGB: 159, 221, 140 CMYK: 28%, 0%, 37%, 13% HSL: 101, 55%, 71% |
Feldspar is a warm, peachy beige, evoking natural earth tones.
Hex: #FDD5B1 RGB: 253, 213, 177 CMYK: 0%, 16%, 30%, 1% HSL: 25, 94%, 84% |
Felix is a deep, dark brown, reminiscent of rich soil or coffee.
Hex: #534541 RGB: 83, 69, 65 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 22%, 67% HSL: 10, 12%, 29% |
Fern is a lush, vibrant green, evoking the feeling of a dense forest.
Hex: #63B76C RGB: 99, 183, 108 CMYK: 46%, 0%, 41%, 28% HSL: 126, 39%, 55% |
Fern Frond
Fern Frond is a deep, earthy green, reminiscent of the dense foliage in a forest.
Hex: #657220 RGB: 101, 114, 32 CMYK: 11%, 0%, 72%, 55% HSL: 69, 56%, 29% |
Fern Green
Fern Green is a true, natural green, bringing to mind lush ferns in a rainforest.
Hex: #4F7942 RGB: 79, 121, 66 CMYK: 35%, 0%, 45%, 53% HSL: 100, 29%, 37% |
Ferra is a muted, reddish-brown, evoking the feeling of antique leather.
Hex: #704F50 RGB: 112, 79, 80 CMYK: 0%, 29%, 29%, 56% HSL: 358, 17%, 38% |
Ferrari Red
Ferrari Red is a bold, bright red, symbolizing speed and luxury.
Hex: #FF2800 RGB: 255, 40, 0 CMYK: 0%, 84%, 100%, 0% HSL: 9, 100%, 50% |
Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel is a soft, muted purple, reminiscent of twilight skies.
Hex: #724AA1 RGB: 114, 74, 161 CMYK: 29%, 54%, 0%, 37% HSL: 267, 37%, 46% |
Ferrari Red
Ferrari Red is a vivid, bold red color, symbolizing speed and excitement.
Hex: #FF2800 RGB: 255, 40, 0 CMYK: 0%, 84%, 100%, 0% HSL: 9, 100%, 50% |
Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel is a soft, muted purple, reminiscent of twilight skies.
Hex: #724AA1 RGB: 114, 74, 161 CMYK: 29%, 54%, 0%, 37% HSL: 267, 37%, 46% |
Fertile Mind
Fertile Mind is a serene, pastel green, evoking a sense of calm and growth.
Hex: #B9D6C2 RGB: 185, 214, 194 CMYK: 13%, 0%, 9%, 16% HSL: 140, 25%, 78% |
Fervent Green
Fervent Green is a deep, lush green, reminiscent of dense forests.
Hex: #394F2B RGB: 57, 79, 43 CMYK: 28%, 0%, 46%, 69% HSL: 100, 29%, 24% |
Festive Green
Festive Green is a vibrant, cheerful green, perfect for celebrations.
Hex: #009C45 RGB: 0, 156, 69 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 56%, 39% HSL: 147, 100%, 31% |
Festival is a bright, sunny yellow, full of energy and joy.
Hex: #FBE96C RGB: 251, 233, 108 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 57%, 2% HSL: 52, 94%, 70% |
Feta is a soft, creamy white, reminiscent of the cheese it’s named after.
Hex: #F0FCEA RGB: 240, 252, 234 CMYK: 5%, 0%, 7%, 1% HSL: 100, 60%, 95% |
Feverpitch is a deep, earthy green, evoking a sense of mystery and depth.
Hex: #2D4325 RGB: 45, 67, 37 CMYK: 33%, 0%, 45%, 74% HSL: 111, 29%, 20% |
Field Drab
Field Drab is a muted, olive brown, reminiscent of military uniforms and natural landscapes.
Hex: #6C541E RGB: 108, 84, 30 CMYK: 0%, 22%, 72%, 58% HSL: 39, 56%, 27% |
Fiery Orange
Fiery Orange is a vibrant, energetic orange that captures the essence of a blazing fire.
Hex: #B35213 RGB: 179, 82, 19 CMYK: 0%, 54%, 89%, 30% HSL: 20, 68%, 39% |
Fiery Rose
Fiery Rose is a bold, vivid pink with a warm, inviting tone.
Hex: #FF5470 RGB: 255, 84, 112 CMYK: 0%, 67%, 56%, 0% HSL: 348, 100%, 66% |
Fiesta is a warm, earthy orange-brown, reminiscent of autumn celebrations.
Hex: #BD7E2D RGB: 189, 126, 45 CMYK: 0%, 33%, 76%, 26% HSL: 30, 61%, 46% |
Fiji Green
Fiji Green is a deep, tropical green, evoking images of lush island vegetation.
Hex: #636F22 RGB: 99, 111, 34 CMYK: 11%, 0%, 69%, 56% HSL: 68, 53%, 28% |
FilmPro Black
FilmPro Black is a deep, intense black, perfect for creating dramatic and sophisticated looks.
Hex: #282828 RGB: 40, 40, 40 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 84% HSL: 0, 0%, 16% |
FilmPro Burnt Sienna
FilmPro Burnt Sienna is a rich, warm brown with a hint of red, reminiscent of earthy tones.
Hex: #522C2B RGB: 82, 44, 43 CMYK: 0%, 46%, 48%, 68% HSL: 1, 31%, 25% |
FilmPro Burnt Umber
FilmPro Burnt Umber is a dark, reddish-brown color, often used in artistic and decorative contexts.
Hex: #3A302C RGB: 58, 48, 44 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 24%, 77% HSL: 12, 14%, 20% |
FilmPro Chrome Green
FilmPro Chrome Green is a deep, rich green, evoking a sense of luxury and elegance.
Hex: #2F452C RGB: 47, 69, 44 CMYK: 32%, 0%, 36%, 73% HSL: 116, 22%, 22% |
FilmPro Deep Red
FilmPro Deep Red is a bold, striking red that commands attention and exudes confidence.
Hex: #90243A RGB: 144, 36, 58 CMYK: 0%, 75%, 60%, 44% HSL: 348, 60%, 35% |
FilmPro Digital Blue
FilmPro Digital Blue is a deep, vivid blue that evokes a sense of modernity and technology.
Hex: #2D2480 RGB: 45, 36, 128 CMYK: 65%, 72%, 0%, 50% HSL: 248, 56%, 32% |
FilmPro Digital Green
FilmPro Digital Green is a bright and lively green, reminiscent of digital screens and electronic displays.
Hex: #44C553 RGB: 68, 197, 83 CMYK: 65%, 0%, 58%, 23% HSL: 126, 53%, 52% |
FilmPro Emerald Green
FilmPro Emerald Green is a rich, jewel-toned green that symbolizes luxury and elegance.
Hex: #2C8139 RGB: 44, 129, 57 CMYK: 66%, 0%, 56%, 49% HSL: 133, 49%, 34% |
FilmPro Fire Red
FilmPro Fire Red is a dynamic and intense red that conveys energy and passion.
Hex: #A5333C RGB: 165, 51, 60 CMYK: 0%, 69%, 64%, 35% HSL: 356, 53%, 42% |
FilmPro Golden Yellow
FilmPro Golden Yellow is a warm, sunny yellow that brings to mind brightness and cheerfulness.
Hex: #F7B52D RGB: 247, 181, 45 CMYK: 0%, 27%, 82%, 3% HSL: 42, 92%, 57% |
FilmPro Lemon Yellow
FilmPro Lemon Yellow is a vibrant, citrusy yellow that is fresh and invigorating.
Hex: #F3D52C RGB: 243, 213, 44 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 82%, 5% HSL: 53, 88%, 56% |
FilmPro Magenta
FilmPro Magenta is a deep, saturated magenta that is bold and expressive.
Hex: #AA305D RGB: 170, 48, 93 CMYK: 0%, 72%, 45%, 33% HSL: 342, 56%, 43% |
FilmPro Fire Red
FilmPro Fire Red is a vibrant and intense red, evoking feelings of passion and energy.
Hex: #A5333C RGB: 165, 51, 60 CMYK: 0%, 69%, 64%, 35% HSL: 354, 53%, 42% |
FilmPro Golden Yellow
FilmPro Golden Yellow is a warm, sunny yellow that radiates cheerfulness and optimism.
Hex: #F7B52D RGB: 247, 181, 45 CMYK: 0%, 27%, 82%, 3% HSL: 39, 92%, 57% |
FilmPro Lemon Yellow
FilmPro Lemon Yellow is a bright and zesty yellow, reminiscent of fresh lemons and summer days.
Hex: #F3D52C RGB: 243, 213, 44 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 82%, 5% HSL: 52, 89%, 56% |
FilmPro Magenta
FilmPro Magenta is a deep and vivid pinkish-purple, often associated with creativity and imagination.
Hex: #AA305D RGB: 170, 48, 93 CMYK: 0%, 72%, 45%, 33% HSL: 340, 56%, 43% |
FilmPro Orange
FilmPro Orange is a bold and bright orange, full of energy and vibrancy.
Hex: #D4503C RGB: 212, 80, 60 CMYK: 0%, 62%, 72%, 17% HSL: 7, 64%, 53% |
FilmPro Pthalo Blue
FilmPro Pthalo Blue is a deep and intense blue, often used to convey a sense of depth and stability.
Hex: #2B3860 RGB: 43, 56, 96 CMYK: 55%, 42%, 0%, 62% HSL: 227, 38%, 27% |
FilmPro Pthalo Green
FilmPro Pthalo Green is a rich and lush green, reminiscent of dense forests and natural beauty.
Hex: #005645 RGB: 0, 86, 69 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 20%, 66% HSL: 172, 100%, 17% |
FilmPro Purple
FilmPro Purple is a mysterious and regal purple, often associated with luxury and sophistication.
Hex: #362A4D RGB: 54, 42, 77 CMYK: 30%, 45%, 0%, 70% HSL: 261, 29%, 23% |
FilmPro Raw Sienna
FilmPro Raw Sienna is an earthy brown, reminiscent of natural clay and rustic landscapes.
Hex: #66592E RGB: 102, 89, 46 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 55%, 60% HSL: 47, 38%, 29% |
FilmPro Raw Sienna
FilmPro Raw Sienna is an earthy brown, reminiscent of natural clay and rustic landscapes.
Hex: #66592E RGB: 102, 89, 46 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 55%, 60% HSL: 47, 38%, 29% |
FilmPro Raw Umber
FilmPro Raw Umber is a deep, dark brown, evoking the feeling of earth and nature.
Hex: #3F3930 RGB: 63, 57, 48 CMYK: 0%, 10%, 24%, 75% HSL: 35, 14%, 22% |
FilmPro Reduction Base
FilmPro Reduction Base is a soft, muted white, perfect for creating a calm and serene ambiance.
Hex: #F1F0E9 RGB: 241, 240, 233 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 3%, 5% HSL: 54, 20%, 93% |
FilmPro Sky Blue
FilmPro Sky Blue is a light and airy blue, reminiscent of a clear, sunny sky.
Hex: #355D90 RGB: 53, 93, 144 CMYK: 63%, 35%, 0%, 44% HSL: 214, 46%, 39% |
FilmPro Ultramarine Blue
FilmPro Ultramarine Blue is a deep, vibrant blue, evoking feelings of depth and sophistication.
Hex: #2C3E6B RGB: 44, 62, 107 CMYK: 59%, 42%, 0%, 58% HSL: 220, 42%, 30% |
FilmPro White
FilmPro White is a pure, bright white, symbolizing clarity and simplicity.
Hex: #F9F6ED RGB: 249, 246, 237 CMYK: 0%, 1%, 5%, 2% HSL: 42, 43%, 95% |
FilmPro Yellow Oxide
FilmPro Yellow Oxide is a warm, earthy yellow, reminiscent of sun-baked clay and autumn leaves.
Hex: #B98036 RGB: 185, 128, 54 CMYK: 0%, 31%, 71%, 27% HSL: 31, 55%, 47% |
Finch is a muted greenish-brown, evoking the natural hues of forest undergrowth and bird feathers.
Hex: #626649 RGB: 98, 102, 73 CMYK: 4%, 0%, 28%, 60% HSL: 68, 17%, 34% |
Finlandia is a deep, dark green, reminiscent of dense northern forests and the mystery of the wilderness.
Hex: #556D56 RGB: 85, 109, 86 CMYK: 22%, 0%, 21%, 57% HSL: 122, 12%, 38% |
Fern is a rich, leafy green color, evoking the lush foliage of a dense forest.
Hex: #63B76C RGB: 99, 183, 108 CMYK: 46%, 0%, 41%, 28% HSL: 129, 39%, 55% |
Fern Green
Fern Green is a darker shade of green, reminiscent of the dense undergrowth in forests.
Hex: #4F7942 RGB: 79, 121, 66 CMYK: 35%, 0%, 45%, 53% HSL: 100, 29%, 37% |
Ferra is a muted, earthy brown, suggesting stability and reliability.
Hex: #704F50 RGB: 112, 79, 80 CMYK: 0%, 30%, 29%, 56% HSL: 358, 17%, 38% |
Ferrari Red
Ferrari Red is a vivid, bold red, associated with luxury, speed, and the famous Italian sports car.
Hex: #FF2800 RGB: 255, 40, 0 CMYK: 0%, 84%, 100%, 0% HSL: 9, 100%, 50% |
Ferrari Red
Ferrari Red is a vivid, bold red, symbolizing speed and luxury like the famous sports car.
Hex: #FF2800 RGB: 255, 40, 0 CMYK: 0%, 84%, 100%, 0% HSL: 9, 100%, 50% |
Festival is a lively, vibrant orange, reminiscent of festive celebrations and joy.
Hex: #FBE96C RGB: 251, 233, 108 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 57%, 2% HSL: 54, 94%, 70% |
Feta is a soft, creamy white, similar to the cheese it’s named after.
Hex: #F0EADC RGB: 240, 234, 220 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 8%, 6% HSL: 40, 40%, 90% |
Field Drab
Field Drab is a muted, earthy brown, evoking the feeling of open fields and rugged terrain.
Hex: #6C541E RGB: 108, 84, 30 CMYK: 0%, 22%, 72%, 58% HSL: 42, 56%, 27% |
Fiery Rose
Fiery Rose is a vibrant, intense pink with a hint of red, like a rose in full bloom.
Hex: #FF5470 RGB: 255, 84, 112 CMYK: 0%, 67%, 56%, 0% HSL: 350, 100%, 66% |
Fire is a bright, intense red-orange, capturing the essence of flames and warmth.
Hex: #CE2029 RGB: 206, 32, 41 CMYK: 0%, 84%, 80%, 19% HSL: 357, 73%, 47% |
Fire Brick
Fire Brick is a deep, rich red, reminiscent of traditional brick fireplaces.
Hex: #B22222 RGB: 178, 34, 34 CMYK: 0%, 81%, 81%, 30% HSL: 0, 68%, 42% |
Fire Engine Red
Fire Engine Red is a bright, bold red, symbolizing urgency and energy, much like a fire engine.
Hex: #CE2029 RGB: 206, 32, 41 CMYK: 0%, 84%, 80%, 19% HSL: 357, 73%, 47% |
Fire Opal
Fire Opal is a vibrant, translucent orange-red, reminiscent of the gemstone it’s named after.
Hex: #E95C4B RGB: 233, 92, 75 CMYK: 0%, 61%, 68%, 9% HSL: 5, 80%, 60% |
Firefly is a deep, dark greenish-brown, reminiscent of the natural ambiance created by fireflies at night.
Hex: #0E2A30 RGB: 14, 42, 48 CMYK: 71%, 13%, 0%, 81% HSL: 191, 55%, 12% |
Flame is a bright, fiery orange, capturing the lively essence and warmth of an open fire.
Hex: #E25822 RGB: 226, 88, 34 CMYK: 0%, 61%, 85%, 11% HSL: 14, 74%, 51% |
Flame Pea
Flame Pea is a vibrant, reddish-orange, similar to the fiery petals of the flame pea flower.
Hex: #DA5B38 RGB: 218, 91, 56 CMYK: 0%, 58%, 74%, 15% HSL: 12, 70%, 54% |
Flamenco is a soft, warm orange, reminiscent of the passionate and lively Flamenco dance.
Hex: #FF7D07 RGB: 255, 125, 7 CMYK: 0%, 51%, 97%, 0% HSL: 25, 100%, 51% |
Flamingo is a bright, vivid pink, capturing the playful and exotic nature of the flamingo bird.
Hex: #FC8EAC RGB: 252, 142, 172 CMYK: 0%, 44%, 32%, 1% HSL: 344, 94%, 77% |
Flavescent is a soft, pale yellow, evoking the subtlety and warmth of early morning sunlight.
Hex: #F7E98E RGB: 247, 233, 142 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 42%, 3% HSL: 54, 85%, 76% |
Flax is a natural, light tan color, reminiscent of the flax plant used in making linen.
Hex: #EEDC82 RGB: 238, 220, 130 CMYK: 0%, 8%, 45%, 7% HSL: 50, 77%, 72% |
Flesh is a warm, peachy color, often used to represent a natural skin tone in art.
Hex: #FFCBA4 RGB: 255, 203, 164 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 36%, 0% HSL: 25, 100%, 82% |
Flint is a deep, cool gray, evoking the hard, sedimentary rock used in early tools.
Hex: #6F6A61 RGB: 111, 106, 97 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 13%, 56% HSL: 40, 7%, 41% |
Flirt is a deep, dramatic purple, suggestive of mystery and romantic allure.
Hex: #A2006D RGB: 162, 0, 109 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 33%, 36% HSL: 320, 100%, 32% |
Floral White
Floral White is a soft, creamy white, reminiscent of the delicate petals of white flowers.
Hex: #FFFAF0 RGB: 255, 250, 240 CMYK: 0%, 2%, 6%, 0% HSL: 40, 100%, 97% |
Fog is a pale, muted gray, evoking the ethereal and transient nature of morning fog.
Hex: #D7D0FF RGB: 215, 208, 255 CMYK: 16%, 18%, 0%, 0% HSL: 251, 100%, 91% |
Folly is a bold, pure red, symbolizing passion and vibrancy.
Hex: #FF004F RGB: 255, 0, 79 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 69%, 0% HSL: 344, 100%, 50% |
Forest Green
Forest Green is a deep, rich green, reminiscent of the dense and dark hues found in a forest.
Hex: #014421 RGB: 1, 68, 33 CMYK: 99%, 0%, 52%, 73% HSL: 149, 97%, 14% |
Forest Green Web
Forest Green Web is a classic, medium green, evoking the lushness of forest foliage.
Hex: #228B22 RGB: 34, 139, 34 CMYK: 76%, 0%, 76%, 45% HSL: 120, 61%, 34% |
French Bistre
French Bistre is a warm, earthy brown, reminiscent of the aged pages of classic French literature.
Hex: #856D4D RGB: 133, 109, 77 CMYK: 0%, 18%, 42%, 48% HSL: 30, 27%, 41% |
French Blue
French Blue is a rich, deep blue, conveying elegance and sophistication, often seen in French fashion.
Hex: #0072BB RGB: 0, 114, 187 CMYK: 100%, 39%, 0%, 27% HSL: 204, 100%, 37% |
French Fuchsia
French Fuchsia is a bright, vivid pink-purple, embodying the flair and vivacity of French fashion.
Hex: #FD3F92 RGB: 253, 63, 146 CMYK: 0%, 75%, 42%, 1% HSL: 336, 97%, 62% |
French Lilac
French Lilac is a soft, muted purple, reminiscent of the delicate lilac flowers found in French gardens.
Hex: #86608E RGB: 134, 96, 142 CMYK: 6%, 32%, 0%, 44% HSL: 291, 19%, 47% |
French Lime
French Lime is a bright, zesty green, capturing the freshness and vibrancy of lime fruit.
Hex: #9EFD38 RGB: 158, 253, 56 CMYK: 38%, 0%, 78%, 1% HSL: 88, 97%, 61% |
French Mauve
French Mauve is a deep, sophisticated purple, evoking the elegance and romance of France.
Hex: #D473D4 RGB: 212, 115, 212 CMYK: 0%, 46%, 0%, 17% HSL: 300, 58%, 64% |
French Pink
French Pink is a soft, delicate pink, embodying the charm and femininity of French culture.
Hex: #FD6C9E RGB: 253, 108, 158 CMYK: 0%, 57%, 38%, 1% HSL: 340, 97%, 71% |
French Plum
French Plum is a deep, rich purple, reminiscent of the luxurious plums found in French orchards.
Hex: #811453 RGB: 129, 20, 83 CMYK: 0%, 85%, 36%, 49% HSL: 328, 73%, 29% |
French Raspberry
French Raspberry is a vibrant, deep pink, evoking the sweet and tart flavor of raspberries.
Hex: #C72C48 RGB: 199, 44, 72 CMYK: 0%, 78%, 64%, 22% HSL: 350, 64%, 48% |
French Rose
French Rose is a bright, vivid pink, capturing the romance and beauty of a blooming rose.
Hex: #F64A8A RGB: 246, 74, 138 CMYK: 0%, 70%, 44%, 4% HSL: 340, 89%, 63% |
French Sky Blue
French Sky Blue is a soft, serene blue, reminiscent of a clear and peaceful French sky.
Hex: #77B5FE RGB: 119, 181, 254 CMYK: 53%, 29%, 0%, 0% HSL: 213, 98%, 73% |
French Violet
French Violet is a deep, intense purple, symbolizing the richness and depth of French culture.
Hex: #8806CE RGB: 136, 6, 206 CMYK: 34%, 97%, 0%, 19% HSL: 277, 94%, 42% |
French Wine
French Wine is a rich, deep red, reminiscent of the luxurious wines from the vineyards of France.
Hex: #AC1E44 RGB: 172, 30, 68 CMYK: 0%, 83%, 60%, 33% HSL: 347, 70%, 40% |
Fresh Air
Fresh Air is a light, airy blue, evoking the feeling of a crisp, clean breeze.
Hex: #A6E7FF RGB: 166, 231, 255 CMYK: 35%, 9%, 0%, 0% HSL: 197, 100%, 83% |
Frostbite is a vibrant, icy blue, reminiscent of the chilling beauty of frost.
Hex: #E936A7 RGB: 233, 54, 167 CMYK: 0%, 77%, 28%, 9% HSL: 324, 80%, 56% |
Fuchsia is a vivid pink-purple, named after the striking fuchsia flower, symbolizing boldness and creativity.
Hex: #FF00FF RGB: 255, 0, 255 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 0%, 0% HSL: 300, 100%, 50% |
Fuchsia Pink
Fuchsia Pink is a softer, more delicate shade of pink, offering a more subtle take on the vibrancy of fuchsia.
Hex: #FF77FF RGB: 255, 119, 255 CMYK: 0%, 53%, 0%, 0% HSL: 300, 100%, 73% |
Fuchsia Purple
Fuchsia Purple is a deep, rich purple with hints of pink, combining the intensity of purple with the playfulness of pink.
Hex: #CC397B RGB: 204, 57, 123 CMYK: 0%, 72%, 40%, 20% HSL: 336, 61%, 51% |
Fuchsia Rose
Fuchsia Rose is a vibrant and rich pink, reminiscent of the bold and beautiful fuchsia flower.
Hex: #C74375 RGB: 199, 67, 117 CMYK: 0%, 66%, 41%, 22% HSL: 342, 50%, 52% |
Fulvous is a rich, earthy brown-orange, reminiscent of autumn leaves and wildlife.
Hex: #E48400 RGB: 228, 132, 0 CMYK: 0%, 42%, 100%, 11% HSL: 33, 100%, 45% |
Fuzzy Wuzzy
Fuzzy Wuzzy is a warm, reddish-brown color, evoking the soft and cozy feel of a fuzzy texture.
Hex: #CC6666 RGB: 204, 102, 102 CMYK: 0%, 50%, 50%, 20% HSL: 0, 50%, 60% |
In 2005, Charlene completed her Wellness Diplomas in Therapeutic Aromatherapy and Reflexology from the International School of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. She worked for a company offering corporate wellness programs for a couple of years, before opening up her own therapy practice. It was in 2015 that a friend, who was a digital marketer, asked her to join her company as a content creator, and this is where she found her excitement for writing.
Since joining the content writing world, she has gained a lot of experience over the years writing on a diverse selection of topics, from beauty, health, wellness, travel, and more. Due to various circumstances, she had to close her therapy practice and is now a full-time freelance writer. Being a creative person, she could not pass up the opportunity to contribute to the Art in Context team, where is was in her element, writing about a variety of art and craft topics. Contributing articles for over three years now, her knowledge in this area has grown, and she has gotten to explore her creativity and improve her research and writing skills.
Charlene Lewis has been working for since the relaunch in 2020. She is an experienced writer and mainly focuses on the topics of color theory, painting and drawing.
Learn more about Charlene Lewis and the Art in Context Team.
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Charlene, Lewis, “Colors that Start with F – From Facebook Blue to Fuchsia.” Art in Context. November 12, 2023. URL:
Lewis, C. (2023, 12 November). Colors that Start with F – From Facebook Blue to Fuchsia. Art in Context.
Lewis, Charlene. “Colors that Start with F – From Facebook Blue to Fuchsia.” Art in Context, November 12, 2023.