Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes
Welcome to the vibrant world of colors starting with L. From the soothing Lavender to the vivid Lemon Yellow, each color tells a unique story. Whether you’re a color enthusiast, a designer seeking inspiration, or simply curious, this journey through the alphabet of colors is sure to enlighten and entertain. Let’s uncover the beauty and secrets of these captivating L colors together!
Pacific Blue
A deep blue that evokes the vastness and depth of the Pacific Ocean.
Hex: #1CA9C9 RGB: 28, 169, 201 CMYK: 86%, 16%, 0%, 21% HSL: 191°, 76%, 45% |
Pacific Pearl
A soft, lustrous off-white reminiscent of the sheen of pearls found in the Pacific.
Hex: #E8EAE6 RGB: 232, 234, 230 CMYK: 1%, 0%, 2%, 8% HSL: 90°, 9%, 91% |
Pakistan Green
Pakistan Green is a deep, rich shade of green, imbued with cultural and national significance.
Hex: #01411C RGB: 1, 65, 28 CMYK: 98%, 0%, 57%, 75% HSL: 145°, 97%, 13% |
A robust purple associated with the Palatinate region and its historic royal lineage.
Hex: #68246D RGB: 104, 36, 109 CMYK: 5%, 67%, 0%, 57% HSL: 296°, 50%, 28% |
Pale Beige
A light, subtle beige that offers a hint of warmth and simplicity.
Hex: #DED1B4 RGB: 222, 209, 180 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 19%, 13% HSL: 41°, 39%, 79% |
Pale Blue
A soft, serene blue that brings to mind a clear, unclouded sky.
Hex: #AFEEEE RGB: 175, 238, 238 CMYK: 26%, 0%, 0%, 7% HSL: 180°, 65%, 81% |
Pale Brown
A light, muted brown that provides a sense of gentle earthiness.
Hex: #987654 RGB: 152, 118, 84 CMYK: 0%, 22%, 45%, 40% HSL: 30°, 29%, 46% |
Pale Carmine
A subdued red with a touch of pink, providing a soft, understated elegance.
Hex: #AF4035 RGB: 175, 64, 53 CMYK: 0%, 63%, 70%, 31% HSL: 5°, 54%, 45% |
Pale Cerulean
A gentle, airy blue that is reminiscent of a calm, peaceful day.
Hex: #9BC4E2 RGB: 155, 196, 226 CMYK: 31%, 13%, 0%, 11% HSL: 205°, 55%, 75% |
Pale Champagne
A very light, almost neutral color with a hint of warmth, like fine champagne.
Hex: #F9F0DF RGB: 249, 240, 223 CMYK: 0%, 4%, 10%, 2% HSL: 39°, 68%, 93% |
Pale Chartreuse
A muted yellow-green, less vibrant than classic chartreuse but still lively.
Hex: #EFFD5F RGB: 239, 253, 95 CMYK: 6%, 0%, 62%, 1% HSL: 65°, 98%, 68% |
Pale Cornflower Blue
A soft, subdued blue that captures the delicate essence of cornflower petals.
Hex: #ABCDEF RGB: 171, 205, 239 CMYK: 28%, 14%, 0%, 6% HSL: 210°, 68%, 80% |
Pale Cream
A light, soothing cream color that offers a touch of comfort and ease.
Hex: #FFFEE4 RGB: 255, 254, 228 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 11%, 0% HSL: 58°, 100%, 95% |
Pale Dogwood
A gentle pink with a touch of beige, subtle and unassuming.
Hex: #EDCDC2 RGB: 237, 205, 194 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 18%, 7% HSL: 15°, 54%, 85% |
Pale Fuchsia
A soft and subtle pink-purple, less bold than traditional fuchsia.
Hex: #F984E5 RGB: 249, 132, 229 CMYK: 0%, 47%, 8%, 2% HSL: 310°, 91%, 75% |
Pale Gold
A light, muted gold that glows softly without overpowering.
Hex: #E6BE8A RGB: 230, 190, 138 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 40%, 10% HSL: 34°, 65%, 72% |
Pale Goldenrod
A subdued, light yellow, reminiscent of goldenrod flowers.
Hex: #EEE8AA RGB: 238, 232, 170 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 29%, 7% HSL: 55°, 67%, 80% |
Pale Green
A light, refreshing green that evokes a sense of new growth and vitality.
Hex: #98FB98 RGB: 152, 251, 152 CMYK: 39%, 0%, 39%, 2% HSL: 120°, 93%, 79% |
Pale Honey
A sweet, muted yellow, as delicate and pleasing as honey.
Hex: #F6D7AB RGB: 246, 215, 171 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 30%, 4% HSL: 35°, 81%, 82% |
Pale Indigo
A light, washed-out indigo, more subdued than its deeper counterpart.
Hex: #9892B1 RGB: 152, 146, 177 CMYK: 14%, 18%, 0%, 31% HSL: 252°, 17%, 63% |
Pale Ivory
A very light, soft white with a hint of creaminess.
Hex: #FCFBF0 RGB: 252, 251, 240 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 5%, 1% HSL: 55°, 67%, 96% |
Pale Lavender
A gentle, muted purple with a calming, serene quality.
Hex: #DCD0FF RGB: 220, 208, 255 CMYK: 14%, 18%, 0%, 0% HSL: 255°, 100%, 91% |
Pale Lime
A subtle, muted green, reminiscent of lime in a more understated tone.
Hex: #C5C951 RGB: 197, 201, 81 CMYK: 2%, 0%, 60%, 21% HSL: 62°, 53%, 55% |
Pale Lime Yellow
A very light, muted yellow-green, soft and subtle.
Hex: #DFE69F RGB: 223, 230, 159 CMYK: 3%, 0%, 31%, 10% HSL: 66°, 59%, 76% |
Pale Magenta
A subdued, light version of magenta, offering a soft, gentle hue.
Hex: #F984E5 RGB: 249, 132, 229 CMYK: 0%, 47%, 8%, 2% HSL: 310°, 91%, 75% |
Pale Mauve
A light, muted mauve, less intense but still charming.
Hex: #F3E5F5 RGB: 243, 229, 245 CMYK: 1%, 7%, 0%, 4% HSL: 292°, 44%, 93% |
Pale Oak
A light, muted brown with a hint of sturdiness and reliability.
Hex: #DDD9CE RGB: 221, 217, 206 CMYK: 0%, 2%, 7%, 13% HSL: 44°, 18%, 84% |
Pale Orange
A soft, subdued orange, offering a gentle warmth.
Hex: #FFDFBF RGB: 255, 223, 191 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 25%, 0% HSL: 30°, 100%, 87% |
Pale Peach
A light, soft peach color, tender and delicate.
Hex: #FFE5B4 RGB: 255, 229, 180 CMYK: 0%, 10%, 29%, 0% HSL: 39°, 100%, 85% |
Pale Periwinkle
A light, muted periwinkle blue, soft and soothing.
Hex: #ECEBFF RGB: 236, 235, 255 CMYK: 7%, 8%, 0%, 0% HSL: 243°, 100%, 96% |
Pale Pink
A very soft, subtle pink, full of innocence and sweetness.
Hex: #FADADD RGB: 250, 218, 221 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 12%, 2% HSL: 354°, 76%, 92% |
Pale Purple
A muted, light purple, offering a hint of mystery and charm.
Hex: #FAE6FA RGB: 250, 230, 250 CMYK: 0%, 8%, 0%, 2% HSL: 300°, 67%, 94% |
Pale Silver
A light, muted silver color, elegant and understated.
Hex: #C9C0BB RGB: 201, 192, 187 CMYK: 0%, 4%, 7%, 21% HSL: 21°, 11%, 76% |
Pale Smoke
A light gray with a hint of blue, like smoke drifting in the air.
Hex: #CAD4D1 RGB: 202, 212, 209 CMYK: 5%, 0%, 1%, 17% HSL: 162°, 10%, 81% |
Pale Spring Bud
A light, vibrant green, reminiscent of new spring foliage.
Hex: #ECEBBD RGB: 236, 235, 189 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 20%, 7% HSL: 59°, 55%, 83% |
Pale Tan
A light, muted tan, offering a soft, neutral warmth.
Hex: #EAE0C8 RGB: 234, 224, 200 CMYK: 0%, 4%, 15%, 8% HSL: 42°, 45%, 85% |
Pale Taupe
A light, muted brown with a hint of gray, sophisticated and understated.
Hex: #BC987E RGB: 188, 152, 126 CMYK: 0%, 19%, 33%, 26% HSL: 25°, 32%, 62% |
Pale Teal
A light, subdued teal, less bold but still captivating.
Hex: #82CBB2 RGB: 130, 203, 178 CMYK: 36%, 0%, 12%, 20% HSL: 159°, 41%, 65% |
Pale Turquoise
A light, muted turquoise, offering a tranquil and refreshing hue.
Hex: #AFEEEE RGB: 175, 238, 238 CMYK: 26%, 0%, 0%, 7% HSL: 180°, 65%, 81% |
Pale Violet Red
A soft, subdued shade of pinkish-purple, delicate and romantic.
Hex: #DB7093 RGB: 219, 112, 147 CMYK: 0%, 49%, 33%, 14% HSL: 340°, 60%, 65% |
Pale Wheat
A soft, muted yellow, reminiscent of ripe wheat fields. It’s gentle and calming.
Hex: #FCF0E5 RGB: 252, 240, 229 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 9%, 1% HSL: 29°, 79%, 94% |
Pale Wood
A light, subtle brown with a natural, understated woodsy feel. It’s simple and elegant.
Hex: #EAD2A2 RGB: 234, 210, 162 CMYK: 0%, 10%, 31%, 8% HSL: 40°, 63%, 78% |
Pale Yellow
A soft, light yellow that radiates a subtle, sunny warmth. It’s delicate and cheerful.
Hex: #FFFF99 RGB: 255, 255, 153 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 40%, 0% HSL: 60°, 100%, 80% |
Palm Heart Cream
A rich, creamy color, like the heart of a palm tree. It’s lush and inviting.
Hex: #DDD8C2 RGB: 221, 216, 194 CMYK: 0%, 2%, 12%, 13% HSL: 49°, 28%, 81% |
A warm, earthy brown, evoking a sense of comfort and rustic charm. It’s natural and grounding.
Hex: #E8C79D RGB: 232, 199, 157 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 32%, 9% HSL: 34°, 62%, 76% |
Panda Black
A deep, intense black, reminiscent of the bold coloration of a panda bear. It’s striking and powerful.
Hex: #3C4748 RGB: 60, 71, 72 CMYK: 17%, 1%, 0%, 72% HSL: 185°, 9%, 26% |
Pansy Purple
A vibrant, floral purple inspired by the color of pansy flowers. It’s lively and playful.
Hex: #78184A RGB: 120, 24, 74 CMYK: 0%, 80%, 38%, 53% HSL: 329°, 67%, 28% |
Pantone Artichoke Green
A deep, muted green, resembling the color of artichoke leaves. It’s sophisticated and natural.
Hex: #4B6F44 RGB: 75, 111, 68 CMYK: 32%, 0%, 39%, 56% HSL: 110°, 24%, 35% |
Pantone Green
A bright, vibrant green that is a signature color of the Pantone color system. It’s fresh and dynamic.
Hex: #00AD83 RGB: 0, 173, 131 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 24%, 32% HSL: 165°, 100%, 34% |
Pantone Red
A bold, bright red that stands out as a classic Pantone color. It’s striking and confident.
Hex: #ED2939 RGB: 237, 41, 57 CMYK: 0%, 83%, 76%, 7% HSL: 355°, 84%, 55% |
Paolo Veronese Green
A rich, deep green named after the Renaissance painter. It’s artistic and luxurious.
Hex: #009B7D RGB: 0, 155, 125 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 19%, 39% HSL: 168°, 100%, 30% |
Papaya Orange
Papaya Orange is a vibrant and refreshing color that captures the essence of tropical warmth and vitality.
Hex: #F37835 RGB: 243, 120, 53 CMYK: 0%, 51%, 78%, 5% HSL: 21°, 89%, 58% |
Papaya Whip
A soft, creamy light orange, resembling whipped papaya. It’s light and airy.
Hex: #FFEFD5 RGB: 255, 239, 213 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 16%, 0% HSL: 37°, 100%, 92% |
Paper Beige
A light, neutral beige, like the color of plain paper. It’s simple and unassuming.
Hex: #DCBFA6 RGB: 220, 191, 166 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 25%, 14% HSL: 28°, 44%, 76% |
Paper Orange
A soft, muted orange, like the color of orange paper. It’s understated and warm.
Hex: #FEE8D6 RGB: 254, 232, 214 CMYK: 0%, 9%, 16%, 0% HSL: 27°, 95%, 92% |
Paper White
A clean, crisp white, like a fresh sheet of paper. It’s pure and unblemished.
Hex: #F9FBFF RGB: 249, 251, 255 CMYK: 2%, 2%, 0%, 0% HSL: 220°, 100%, 99% |
A deep, spicy red-orange, like the color of paprika spice. It’s warm and zesty.
Hex: #990033 RGB: 153, 0, 51 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 67%, 40% HSL: 340°, 100%, 30% |
A vibrant, tropical blue that evokes feelings of an exotic paradise. It’s alluring and dreamy.
Hex: #FFF700 RGB: 255, 247, 0 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 100%, 0% HSL: 58°, 100%, 50% |
Paradise Pink
A bright, tropical pink, reminiscent of exotic flowers in paradise. It’s playful and enchanting.
Hex: #E63E62 RGB: 230, 62, 98 CMYK: 0%, 73%, 57%, 10% HSL: 347°, 77%, 57% |
A light, aged beige, like old parchment paper. It’s historical and classic.
Hex: #F1E9D2 RGB: 241, 233, 210 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 13%, 5% HSL: 45°, 53%, 88% |
Paris Green
Paris Green, also known as Emerald Green, is a color with a rich and fascinating history.
Hex: #50C878 RGB: 80, 200, 120 CMYK: 60%, 0%, 40%, 22% HSL: 140°, 52%, 55% |
Paris White
A soft, muted white, evoking the chic and elegant vibe of Paris. It’s sophisticated and timeless.
Hex: #C2D8D3 RGB: 194, 216, 211 CMYK: 10%, 0%, 2%, 15% HSL: 166°, 22%, 80% |
Parisian Cashmere
A luxurious, soft gray or beige, reminiscent of fine cashmere. It’s elegant and refined.
Hex: #D1C7B8 RGB: 209, 199, 184 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% HSL: 36°, 21%, 77% |
Parisian Night
A deep, sophisticated blue, like the Parisian sky at night. It’s mysterious and romantic.
Hex: #323441 RGB: 50, 52, 65 CMYK: 23%, 20%, 0%, 75% HSL: 232°, 13%, 23% |
Parma Violet
A soft, pastel purple, named after the Parma violet flower. It’s delicate and sweet.
Hex: #55455A RGB: 85, 69, 90 CMYK: 6%, 23%, 0%, 65% HSL: 286°, 13%, 31% |
A pale, earthy beige, like the color of a parsnip root. It’s natural and unpretentious.
Hex: #D6C69A RGB: 214, 198, 154 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 28%, 16% HSL: 44°, 42%, 72% |
Pastel Black
A very dark gray, softer than pure black. It’s subtle and more approachable.
Hex: #1D1C1A RGB: 29, 28, 26 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 10%, 89% HSL: 40°, 5%, 11% |
Pastel Brown
A soft, muted brown, providing a gentle and understated warmth. It’s comforting and understated.
Hex: #836953 RGB: 131, 105, 83 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 37%, 49% HSL: 28°, 22%, 42% |
Pastel Champagne
A light, bubbly beige, reminiscent of champagne. It’s celebratory and elegant.
Hex: #FCF1DC RGB: 252, 241, 220 CMYK: 0%, 4%, 13%, 1% HSL: 39°, 84%, 93% |
Pastel Cream
A soft, pale yellow, like a light, creamy custard. It’s smooth and soothing.
Hex: #FFFEE0 RGB: 255, 254, 224 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 12%, 0% HSL: 58°, 100%, 94% |
Pastel Fuchsia
A muted, soft pink-purple, less intense than bright fuchsia. It’s gentle and whimsical.
Hex: #FF91D9 RGB: 255, 145, 217 CMYK: 0%, 43%, 15%, 0% HSL: 321°, 100%, 78% |
Pastel Gray
A soft, light gray, offering a calm and peaceful ambiance. It’s serene and neutral.
Hex: #CFCFC4 RGB: 207, 207, 196 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 5%, 19% HSL: 60°, 10%, 79% |
Pastel Green
A soft, muted green, bringing a touch of spring freshness. It’s light and rejuvenating.
Hex: #77DD77 RGB: 119, 221, 119 CMYK: 46%, 0%, 46%, 13% HSL: 120°, 60%, 67% |
Pastel Indigo
A soft, subdued indigo, less intense but still deep and mysterious. It’s calming and thoughtful.
Hex: #8686AF RGB: 134, 134, 175 CMYK: 23%, 23%, 0%, 31% HSL: 240°, 20%, 61% |
Pastel Ivory
A pale, soft off-white, with a hint of warmth. It’s elegant and understated.
Hex: #F2E7D4 RGB: 242, 231, 212 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 12%, 5% HSL: 38°, 54%, 89% |
Pastel Jade
A light, muted green, reminiscent of jade stone. It’s delicate and refined.
Hex: #D1F0E2 RGB: 209, 240, 226 CMYK: 13%, 0%, 6%, 6% HSL: 153°, 51%, 88% |
Pastel Magenta
A soft, muted magenta, providing a touch of feminine charm. It’s gentle and alluring.
Hex: #F49AC2 RGB: 244, 154, 194 CMYK: 0%, 37%, 20%, 4% HSL: 333°, 80%, 78% |
Pastel Maroon
A muted, soft maroon, less intense but still rich and warm. It’s subtle and sophisticated.
Hex: #944547 RGB: 148, 69, 71 CMYK: 0%, 53%, 52%, 42% HSL: 358°, 36%, 43% |
Pastel Orange
A soft, light orange, evoking a sense of gentle warmth and cheer. It’s playful and friendly.
Hex: #FEBA4F RGB: 254, 186, 79 CMYK: 0%, 27%, 69%, 0% HSL: 37°, 99%, 65% |
Pastel Peach
A soft, light peach, offering a delicate and inviting warmth. It’s sweet and tender.
Hex: #EFA498 RGB: 239, 164, 152 CMYK: 0%, 31%, 36%, 6% HSL: 8°, 73%, 77% |
Pastel Periwinkle
A soft, light blue with a touch of lavender. It’s serene and whimsical.
Hex: #CCD9FF RGB: 204, 217, 255 CMYK: 20%, 15%, 0%, 0% HSL: 225°, 100%, 90% |
Pastel Pink
A soft, gentle pink, evoking feelings of innocence and tenderness. It’s sweet and loving.
Hex: #FFD1DC RGB: 255, 209, 220 CMYK: 0%, 18%, 14%, 0% HSL: 346°, 100%, 91% |
Pastel Purple
A light, muted purple, offering a touch of whimsy and magic. It’s dreamy and enchanting.
Hex: #C3B1E1 RGB: 195, 177, 225 CMYK: 13%, 21%, 0%, 12% HSL: 262°, 44%, 79% |
Pastel Red
A soft, muted red, less intense but still warm and inviting. It’s gentle and approachable.
Hex: #FF6961 RGB: 255, 105, 97 CMYK: 0%, 59%, 62%, 0% HSL: 3°, 100%, 69% |
Pastel Taupe
A soft, muted brown-gray, versatile and understated. It’s sophisticated and modern.
Hex: #75655A RGB: 117, 101, 90 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 23%, 54% HSL: 24°, 13%, 41% |
Pastel Violet
A light, muted violet, soft and dreamy. It’s delicate and enchanting.
Hex: #CB99C9 RGB: 203, 153, 201 CMYK: 0%, 25%, 1%, 20% HSL: 302°, 32%, 70% |
Pastel Yellow
A soft, muted yellow, like the gentle rays of the morning sun. It’s light and cheerful.
Hex: #FDFD96 RGB: 253, 253, 150 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 41%, 1% HSL: 60°, 96%, 79% |
A warm, creamy beige, like the color of baked pastries. It’s comforting and appetizing.
Hex: #F8DEB8 RGB: 248, 222, 184 CMYK: 0%, 10%, 26%, 3% HSL: 36°, 82%, 85% |
A deep, strong purple, commanding respect and authority. It’s bold and dignified.
Hex: #800080 RGB: 128, 0, 128 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 0%, 50% HSL: 300°, 100%, 25% |
Payne’s Gray
A dark blue-gray, named after the painter William Payne. It’s deep and moody.
Hex: #40404F RGB: 64, 64, 79 CMYK: 19%, 19%, 0%, 69% HSL: 240°, 10%, 28% |
A soft, warm pink-orange, like the flesh of a ripe peach. It’s sweet and inviting.
Hex: #FFE5B4 RGB: 255, 229, 180 CMYK: 0%, 10%, 29%, 0% HSL: 39°, 100%, 85% |
Peach Amber
A warm, golden orange, reminiscent of the glow of amber with a peachy twist.
Hex: #FB9F93 RGB: 251, 159, 147 CMYK: 0%, 37%, 41%, 2% HSL: 7°, 93%, 78% |
Peach Beige
A soft, muted orange-beige, blending the warmth of peach with the neutrality of beige.
Hex: #F5DDC5 RGB: 245, 221, 197 CMYK: 0%, 10%, 20%, 4% HSL: 30°, 71%, 87% |
Peach Blossom
A delicate, soft pink-orange, like the petals of a peach blossom in spring.
Hex: #DE8286 RGB: 222, 130, 134 CMYK: 0%, 41%, 40%, 13% HSL: 357°, 58%, 69% |
Peach Blush
A light, warm pink with a hint of peach, like a natural, rosy complexion.
Hex: #E6CDC5 RGB: 230, 205, 197 CMYK: 0%, 11%, 14%, 10% HSL: 15°, 40%, 84% |
Peach Brick
A muted, earthy orange with a touch of red, similar to weathered brick.
Hex: #E5CCBD RGB: 229, 204, 189 CMYK: 0%, 11%, 17%, 10% HSL: 23°, 43%, 82% |
Peach Bud
A pale, soft peach, like the color of a newly opened peach blossom.
Hex: #FDB2AB RGB: 253, 178, 171 CMYK: 0%, 30%, 32%, 1% HSL: 5°, 95%, 83% |
Peach Burst
A bright, vibrant peach color, bursting with warmth and cheerfulness.
Hex: #F39998 RGB: 243, 153, 152 CMYK: 0%, 37%, 37%, 5% HSL: 1°, 79%, 77% |
Peach Cascade
A flowing, gentle shade of peach, like a cascade of soft, warm light.
Hex: #F9DCC3 RGB: 249, 220, 195 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 22%, 2% HSL: 28°, 82%, 87% |
Peach Cocktail
A lively, inviting peach, reminiscent of a refreshing, fruity cocktail.
Hex: #F7DABA RGB: 247, 218, 186 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 25%, 3% HSL: 31°, 79%, 85% |
Peach Coral
A blend of peach and coral, offering a warm, summery hue.
Hex: #FBD5AB RGB: 251, 213, 171 CMYK: 0%, 15%, 32%, 2% HSL: 32°, 91%, 83% |
Peach Crayon
A bright, playful peach, like the color of a crayon, vivid and fun.
Hex: #FFCBA7 RGB: 255, 203, 167 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 35%, 0% HSL: 25°, 100%, 83% |
Peach Cream
A soft, creamy peach, gentle and soothing with a hint of warmth.
Hex: #F6DFBF RGB: 246, 223, 191 CMYK: 0%, 9%, 22%, 4% HSL: 35°, 75%, 86% |
Peach Daiquiri
A vibrant, fruity peach, reminiscent of the tropical cocktail.
Hex: #F9CEC1 RGB: 249, 206, 193 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 22%, 2% HSL: 14°, 82%, 87% |
Peach Flower
A soft, floral peach, delicate and subtly sweet.
Hex: #E198B4 RGB: 225, 152, 180 CMYK: 0%, 32%, 20%, 12% HSL: 337°, 55%, 74% |
Peach Fuzz
A light, soft peach, like the fuzzy skin of a ripe peach.
Hex: #FFC7B9 RGB: 255, 199, 185 CMYK: 0%, 22%, 27%, 0% HSL: 12°, 100%, 86% |
Peach Nectar
A rich, juicy peach, like the concentrated sweetness of nectar.
Hex: #F5B2A1 RGB: 245, 178, 161 CMYK: 0%, 27%, 34%, 4% HSL: 12°, 81%, 80% |
Peach Orange
A blend of peach and orange, warm and vibrant.
Hex: #FFCC99 RGB: 255, 204, 153 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 40%, 0% HSL: 30°, 100%, 80% |
Peach Parfait
A layered, creamy peach, like the dessert, soft and delightful.
Hex: #F8BFA8 RGB: 248, 191, 168 CMYK: 0%, 23%, 32%, 3% HSL: 17°, 85%, 82% |
Peach Pink
A soft, warm pink with a peachy hue, gentle and inviting.
Hex: #FF9A8A RGB: 255, 154, 138 CMYK: 0%, 40%, 46%, 0% HSL: 8°, 100%, 77% |
Peach Puff
A light, airy peach, like a delicate puff of color.
Hex: #FFDAB9 RGB: 255, 218, 185 CMYK: 0%, 15%, 27%, 0% HSL: 28°, 100%, 86% |
Peach Scent
A subtle, soft peach, reminiscent of the sweet fragrance of a peach.
Hex: #F4E4D1 RGB: 244, 228, 209 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 14%, 4% HSL: 33°, 61%, 89% |
Peach Schnapps
A bright, sweet peach, like the liqueur, lively and festive.
Hex: #FFDCD6 RGB: 255, 220, 214 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 16%, 0% HSL: 9°, 100%, 92% |
Peach Sherbet
A light, refreshing peach, like the frozen dessert, sweet and cool.
Hex: #F1C7AE RGB: 241, 199, 174 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 28%, 5% HSL: 22°, 71%, 81% |
Peach Shortcake
A warm, inviting peach, reminiscent of the baked dessert.
Hex: #F3DFD4 RGB: 243, 223, 212 CMYK: 0%, 8%, 13%, 5% HSL: 21°, 56%, 89% |
Peach Tea
A soft, warm peach, infused with the comforting essence of tea.
Hex: #F8D9B4 RGB: 248, 217, 180 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 27%, 3% HSL: 33°, 83%, 84% |
Peach Yellow
A sunny, cheerful blend of peach and yellow, bright and uplifting.
Hex: #FADFAD RGB: 250, 223, 173 CMYK: 0%, 11%, 31%, 2% HSL: 39°, 89%, 83% |
Peach Yogurt
A creamy, smooth peach, like the flavor of peach yogurt, soft and comforting.
Hex: #F5B59A RGB: 245, 181, 154 CMYK: 0%, 26%, 37%, 4% HSL: 18°, 82%, 78% |
A sunny, warm blend of peach and yellow, evoking summertime warmth.
Hex: #FADFAD RGB: 250, 223, 173 CMYK: 0%, 11%, 31%, 2% HSL: 39°, 89%, 83% |
Peaches N’ Cream
A sweet combination of creamy white and soft peach, indulgent and soothing.
Hex: #F4A6A3 RGB: 244, 166, 163 CMYK: 0%, 32%, 33%, 4% HSL: 2°, 79%, 80% |
Peachy Coral
A vibrant, warm coral with a peachy twist, lively and inviting.
Hex: #FFCCC9 RGB: 255, 204, 201 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 21%, 0% HSL: 3°, 100%, 89% |
Peachy Keen
A bright, cheerful peach, full of optimism and charm.
Hex: #FEA27E RGB: 254, 162, 126 CMYK: 0%, 36%, 50%, 0% HSL: 17°, 98%, 75% |
Peachy Lips
A soft, alluring peach, like the natural color of lips, gentle and inviting.
Hex: #F6CCBE RGB: 246, 204, 190 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 23%, 4% HSL: 15°, 76%, 85% |
Peachy Pink
A blend of pink and peach, warm and flirtatious.
Hex: #FF9A8A RGB: 255, 154, 138 CMYK: 0%, 40%, 46%, 0% HSL: 8°, 100%, 77% |
A deep, navy blue, like the traditional color of a naval peacoat, classic and strong.
Hex: #2B2E43 RGB: 43, 46, 67 CMYK: 36%, 31%, 0%, 74% HSL: 232°, 22%, 22% |
A warm, earthy brown, like the shell of a peanut, natural and unassuming.
Hex: #795C32 RGB: 121, 92, 50 CMYK: 0%, 24%, 59%, 53% HSL: 35°, 42%, 34% |
Peanut Brittle
A caramelized, golden brown, reminiscent of the crunchy candy, sweet and inviting.
Hex: #A6893A RGB: 166, 137, 58 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 65%, 35% HSL: 44°, 48%, 44% |
A light, fresh green, like the skin of a ripe pear, bright and refreshing.
Hex: #D1E231 RGB: 209, 226, 49 CMYK: 8%, 0%, 78%, 11% HSL: 66°, 75%, 54% |
Pearl Aqua
A soft, iridescent aqua, reminiscent of the shimmer of a pearl in water.
Hex: #88D8C0 RGB: 136, 216, 192 CMYK: 37%, 0%, 11%, 15% HSL: 162°, 51%, 69% |
Pearl Ash
A pale, muted gray with a subtle pearly sheen, elegant and sophisticated.
Hex: #D0C9C3 RGB: 208, 201, 195 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 6%, 18% HSL: 28°, 12%, 79% |
Pearl White
A soft, lustrous white with a hint of iridescence, like a pearl, delicate and refined.
Hex: #F8F6F0 RGB: 248, 246, 240 CMYK: 0%, 1%, 3%, 3% HSL: 45°, 36%, 96% |
Pearled Ivory
A creamy, off-white with a gentle pearly sheen, elegant and warm.
Hex: #F0DFCC RGB: 240, 223, 204 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 15%, 6% HSL: 32°, 55%, 87% |
A soft, lustrous hue with a gentle iridescence, reminiscent of a pearl’s glow.
Hex: #B768A2 RGB: 183, 104, 162 CMYK: 0%, 43%, 11%, 28% HSL: 316°, 35%, 56% |
Pearly Cream
A creamy, lustrous shade, like a pearl with a touch of warmth.
Hex: #DFD9C6 RGB: 223, 217, 198 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 11%, 13% HSL: 46°, 28%, 83% |
Pearly Purple
A soft, muted purple with a subtle pearly shimmer, delicate and enchanting.
Hex: #B768A2 RGB: 183, 104, 162 CMYK: 0%, 43%, 11%, 28% HSL: 316°, 35%, 56% |
Peat Brown
A dark, earthy brown, like the rich, fertile peat soil, deep and natural.
Hex: #5A3D29 RGB: 90, 61, 41 CMYK: 0%, 32%, 54%, 65% HSL: 24°, 37%, 26% |
A light, neutral gray-brown, like the color of smooth river pebbles, unassuming and versatile.
Hex: #9D9880 RGB: 157, 152, 128 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 18%, 38% HSL: 50°, 13%, 56% |
A medium, warm brown, like the nut, rich and comforting.
Hex: #48260D RGB: 72, 38, 13 CMYK: 0%, 47%, 82%, 72% HSL: 25°, 69%, 17% |
Pecan Pie
A warm, golden brown, reminiscent of the sweet dessert, rich and inviting.
Hex: #E1C699 RGB: 225, 198, 153 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 32%, 12% HSL: 38°, 55%, 74% |
A soft, muted gray with a hint of brown, like the plumage of a pelican, understated and versatile.
Hex: #C1BCAC RGB: 193, 188, 172 CMYK: 0%, 3%, 11%, 24% HSL: 46°, 14%, 72% |
Pencil Beige
A light, neutral beige reminiscent of wooden pencils, simple and unassuming.
Hex: #F8D77F RGB: 248, 215, 127 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 49%, 3% HSL: 44°, 90%, 74% |
Pencil Lead
A dark, metallic gray like the graphite in a pencil, strong and defined.
Hex: #5C6274 RGB: 92, 98, 116 CMYK: 21%, 16%, 0%, 55% HSL: 225°, 12%, 41% |
Penn Red
A vibrant, bold red, associated with the University of Pennsylvania, prestigious and strong.
Hex: #990000 RGB: 153, 0, 0 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 100%, 40% HSL: 0°, 100%, 30% |
Pepper Orange
A bright, zesty orange, like the vibrant color of pepper fruits, lively and invigorating.
Hex: #E77D22 RGB: 231, 125, 34 CMYK: 0%, 46%, 85%, 9% HSL: 28°, 80%, 52% |
A fresh, bright green, reminiscent of peppermint candy, cool and refreshing.
Hex: #F1F9EC RGB: 241, 249, 236 CMYK: 3%, 0%, 5%, 2% HSL: 97°, 52%, 95% |
A vivid, bright red, like the color of ripe bell peppers, bold and appetizing.
Hex: #FFA62B RGB: 255, 166, 43 CMYK: 0%, 35%, 83%, 0% HSL: 35°, 100%, 58% |
Perfect Gray
A balanced, neutral gray that strikes a harmonious chord, versatile and timeless.
Hex: #A1A1A1 RGB: 161, 161, 161 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 37% HSL: 0°, 0%, 63% |
A delicate, light hue, suggestive of the soft and ethereal nature of fragrances.
Hex: #FFDBE5 RGB: 255, 219, 229 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 10%, 0% HSL: 343°, 100%, 93% |
Pericallis Hybrida
A deep, rich purple, like the flower it’s named after, vibrant and captivating.
Hex: #904FEF RGB: 144, 79, 239 CMYK: 40%, 67%, 0%, 6% HSL: 264°, 83%, 62% |
A bright, olive-green, like the gemstone, luminous and precious.
Hex: #B4C424 RGB: 180, 196, 36 CMYK: 8%, 0%, 82%, 23% HSL: 66°, 69%, 45% |
A soft, dreamy blue with a hint of purple, gentle and whimsical.
Hex: #CCCCFF RGB: 204, 204, 255 CMYK: 20%, 20%, 0%, 0% HSL: 240°, 100%, 90% |
Periwinkle (Crayola)
A playful, light blue-purple, a Crayola interpretation of the classic periwinkle shade.
Hex: #C3CDE6 RGB: 195, 205, 230 CMYK: 15%, 11%, 0%, 10% HSL: 223°, 41%, 83% |
Periwinkle Blue
A light, pastel blue with a soft purple undertone, calming and serene.
Hex: #8F99FB RGB: 143, 153, 251 CMYK: 43%, 39%, 0%, 2% HSL: 234°, 93%, 77% |
Periwinkle Cornflower
A soft, floral blue, reminiscent of cornflower petals, delicate and charming.
Hex: #ADC1FF RGB: 173, 193, 255 CMYK: 32%, 24%, 0%, 0% HSL: 225°, 100%, 84% |
Periwinkle Dusk
A muted, dusky periwinkle, evoking the tranquility of twilight, subtle and mysterious.
Hex: #8C9DB4 RGB: 140, 157, 180 CMYK: 22%, 13%, 0%, 29% HSL: 214°, 21%, 63% |
Periwinkle Fog
A pale, misty periwinkle, like a foggy morning sky, ethereal and soft.
Hex: #BABDD6 RGB: 186, 189, 214 CMYK: 13%, 12%, 0%, 16% HSL: 234°, 25%, 78% |
Periwinkle Frost
A cool, icy periwinkle, like frost on a winter morning, crisp and refreshing.
Hex: #C9D3E2 RGB: 201, 211, 226 CMYK: 11%, 7%, 0%, 11% HSL: 216°, 30%, 84% |
Periwinkle Gray
A muted, grayish periwinkle, blending the softness of blue with the neutrality of gray.
Hex: #C3CDE6 RGB: 195, 205, 230 CMYK: 15%, 11%, 0%, 10% HSL: 223°, 41%, 83% |
Periwinkle Heather
A dusty, muted purple, like heather flowers, subtle and natural.
Hex: #9C99AA RGB: 156, 153, 170 CMYK: 8%, 10%, 0%, 33% HSL: 251°, 9%, 63% |
Periwinkle Indigo
A blend of periwinkle and indigo, deep and mysterious with a hint of whimsy.
Hex: #404080 RGB: 64, 64, 128 CMYK: 50%, 50%, 0%, 50% HSL: 240°, 33%, 38% |
Periwinkle Mauve
A soft blend of periwinkle and mauve, gentle and romantic.
Hex: #9999CC RGB: 153, 153, 204 CMYK: 25%, 25%, 0%, 20% HSL: 240°, 33%, 70% |
Periwinkle Night
A deep, dark periwinkle, reminiscent of the night sky, mysterious and deep.
Hex: #2A2B47 RGB: 42, 43, 71 CMYK: 41%, 39%, 0%, 72% HSL: 238°, 26%, 22% |
Periwinkle Ocean
A soft, aquatic blue, like the gentle waves of the ocean, calming and expansive.
Hex: #4C6A92 RGB: 76, 106, 146 CMYK: 48%, 27%, 0%, 43% HSL: 214°, 32%, 44% |
Periwinkle Orchid
A light, floral purple, like the delicate petals of an orchid, elegant and exotic.
Hex: #E1D3E2 RGB: 225, 211, 226 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 0%, 11% HSL: 296°, 21%, 86% |
Periwinkle Pearl
A lustrous, soft blue with a pearly sheen, delicate and refined.
Hex: #E8E8FF RGB: 232, 232, 255 CMYK: 9%, 9%, 0%, 0% HSL: 240°, 100%, 95% |
Periwinkle Pink
A soft blend of periwinkle and pink, sweet and whimsical.
Hex: #E9CFEC RGB: 233, 207, 236 CMYK: 1%, 12%, 0%, 7% HSL: 294°, 43%, 87% |
Periwinkle Powder
A light, powdery blue, soft and airy like talcum powder.
Hex: #C5CBE1 RGB: 197, 203, 225 CMYK: 12%, 10%, 0%, 12% HSL: 227°, 32%, 83% |
Periwinkle Rose
A gentle blend of periwinkle and rose, romantic and tender.
Hex: #D8BFD8 RGB: 216, 191, 216 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 0%, 15% HSL: 300°, 24%, 80% |
Periwinkle Silver
A cool, shimmering blue with a hint of silver, elegant and sophisticated.
Hex: #C5C5DB RGB: 197, 197, 219 CMYK: 10%, 10%, 0%, 14% HSL: 240°, 23%, 82% |
Periwinkle Sky
A soft, sky blue with a touch of periwinkle, serene and expansive.
Hex: #8CB7D7 RGB: 140, 183, 215 CMYK: 35%, 15%, 0%, 16% HSL: 206°, 48%, 70% |
Periwinkle Tint
A very light, washed-out periwinkle, subtle and delicate.
Hex: #D3DDD6 RGB: 211, 221, 214 CMYK: 5%, 0%, 3%, 13% HSL: 138°, 13%, 85% |
Periwinkle Twilight
A muted, dusky periwinkle, capturing the magic of twilight, soft and mysterious.
Hex: #708DAC RGB: 112, 141, 172 CMYK: 35%, 18%, 0%, 33% HSL: 211°, 27%, 56% |
Permanent Green
A bright, enduring green, steadfast and vivid.
Hex: #009669 RGB: 0, 150, 105 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 30%, 41% HSL: 162°, 100%, 29% |
Persian Blue
A rich, royal blue, deep and luxurious, reminiscent of ancient Persian art.
Hex: #1C39BB RGB: 28, 57, 187 CMYK: 85%, 70%, 0%, 27% HSL: 229°, 74%, 42% |
Persian green
Persian Green is a captivating and elegant color, reminiscent of the lush gardens and rich textiles of ancient Persia.
Hex: #00A693 RGB: 0, 166, 147 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 11%, 35% HSL: 173°, 100%, 33% |
Persian Indigo
A deep, dark blue, rich and intense, inspired by traditional Persian dyes.
Hex: #32127A RGB: 50, 18, 122 CMYK: 59%, 85%, 0%, 52% HSL: 258°, 74%, 27% |
Persian Orange
A warm, bright orange, like the desert hues of Persia, lively and spirited.
Hex: #D99058 RGB: 217, 144, 88 CMYK: 0%, 34%, 59%, 15% HSL: 26°, 63%, 60% |
Persian Pink
A soft, rosy pink, delicate and charming, with a touch of exotic allure.
Hex: #F77FBE RGB: 247, 127, 190 CMYK: 0%, 49%, 23%, 3% HSL: 328°, 88%, 73% |
Persian Plum
A deep, rich plum color, luxurious and sumptuous.
Hex: #701C1C RGB: 112, 28, 28 CMYK: 0%, 75%, 75%, 56% HSL: 0°, 60%, 27% |
Persian Red
A warm, deep red, vibrant and passionate, like Persian carpets.
Hex: #CC3333 RGB: 204, 51, 51 CMYK: 0%, 75%, 75%, 20% HSL: 0°, 60%, 50% |
Persian Rose
A bright, vivid rose pink, bold and enchanting.
Hex: #FE28A2 RGB: 254, 40, 162 CMYK: 0%, 84%, 36%, 0% HSL: 326°, 99%, 58% |
Persian Violet
A deep, blue-purple, like the flowers of the Persian violet, rich and regal.
Hex: #8C8EB2 RGB: 140, 142, 178 CMYK: 21%, 20%, 0%, 30% HSL: 237°, 20%, 62% |
A vibrant, reddish-orange, like the fruit, juicy and bold.
Hex: #EC5800 RGB: 236, 88, 0 CMYK: 0%, 63%, 100%, 7% HSL: 22°, 100%, 46% |
A warm, earthy brown, like the terracotta and landscapes of Peru, rustic and natural.
Hex: #CD853F RGB: 205, 133, 63 CMYK: 0%, 35%, 69%, 20% HSL: 30°, 59%, 53% |
A dark, herbal green, like the traditional Italian sauce, savory and rich.
Hex: #C1B23E RGB: 193, 178, 62 CMYK: 0%, 8%, 68%, 24% HSL: 53°, 51%, 50% |
Petal Dust
A soft, delicate pink, like the fine dust on flower petals, gentle and subtle.
Hex: #F4DFCD RGB: 244, 223, 205 CMYK: 0%, 9%, 16%, 4% HSL: 28°, 64%, 88% |
A soft, understated color, delicate and charming.
Hex: #EACACB RGB: 234, 202, 203 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 13%, 8% HSL: 358°, 43%, 85% |
Petite Peach
A light, soft peach, like the blush on a young fruit, tender and sweet.
Hex: #F1B097 RGB: 241, 176, 151 CMYK: 0%, 27%, 37%, 5% HSL: 17°, 76%, 77% |
A muted, dark gray with a hint of blue, like the metal alloy, strong and timeless.
Hex: #899499 RGB: 137, 148, 153 CMYK: 10%, 3%, 0%, 40% HSL: 199°, 7%, 57% |
Pewter Blue
A muted, grayish-blue reminiscent of aged pewter with a bluish tint. It’s subtle and sophisticated.
Hex: #8BA8B7 RGB: 139, 168, 183 CMYK: 24%, 8%, 0%, 28% HSL: 200°, 23%, 63% |
Philippine Orange
A vibrant, bold orange, symbolic of the warmth and energy found in the Philippines.
Hex: #F26E01 RGB: 242, 110, 1 CMYK: 0%, 55%, 100%, 5% HSL: 27°, 99%, 48% |
Philippine Violet
A rich, deep purple, evoking the vibrancy and culture of the Philippines.
Hex: #81007F RGB: 129, 0, 127 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 2%, 49% HSL: 301°, 100%, 25% |
Phillies Red
A bright, bold red associated with the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team. It’s energetic and passionate.
Hex: #E81828 RGB: 232, 24, 40 CMYK: 0%, 90%, 83%, 9% HSL: 355°, 82%, 50% |
A vibrant, intense purple, like the color of phlox flowers. It’s lively and captivating.
Hex: #DF00FF RGB: 223, 0, 255 CMYK: 13%, 100%, 0%, 0% HSL: 292°, 100%, 50% |
Photon White
A bright, radiant white, suggesting a futuristic or high-tech quality.
Hex: #F8F8E8 RGB: 248, 248, 232 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 6%, 3% HSL: 60°, 53%, 94% |
Phthalo Blue
A deep, intense blue with greenish undertones, used in pigments and dyes. It’s vivid and striking.
Hex: #000F89 RGB: 0, 15, 137 CMYK: 100%, 89%, 0%, 46% HSL: 233°, 100%, 27% |
Phthalo Green
A deep, vibrant green with blue undertones, often used in artists’ pigments. It’s rich and luscious.
Hex: #123524 RGB: 18, 53, 36 CMYK: 66%, 0%, 32%, 79% HSL: 151°, 49%, 14% |
Picotee Blue
A delicate blue with a slightly purplish edge, like the petal edges of picotee flowers.
Hex: #2E2787 RGB: 46, 39, 135 CMYK: 66%, 71%, 0%, 47% HSL: 244°, 55%, 34% |
Pictorial Carmine
A deep, rich red, reminiscent of the carmine pigment used in historic paintings.
Hex: #C30B4E RGB: 195, 11, 78 CMYK: 0%, 94%, 60%, 24% HSL: 338°, 89%, 40% |
Pig Iron
A dark gray with a metallic sheen, like the color of raw iron. It’s industrial and solid.
Hex: #484848 RGB: 72, 72, 72 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 72% HSL: 0°, 0%, 28% |
Pigeon Gray
A medium gray with a hint of blue, resembling the color of a pigeon’s feathers. It’s calm and unassuming.
Hex: #C1B4A0 RGB: 193, 180, 160 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 17%, 24% HSL: 36°, 21%, 69% |
Piggy Pink
A very pale, soft pink, suggestive of a piglet’s skin. It’s gentle and playful.
Hex: #FDDDE6 RGB: 253, 221, 230 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 9%, 1% HSL: 343°, 89%, 93% |
Pigment Green
A deep, saturated green, typical of concentrated green pigments. It’s bold and vibrant.
Hex: #00A550 RGB: 0, 165, 80 CMYK: 100%, 0%, 52%, 35% HSL: 149°, 100%, 32% |
Pigment Magenta
A bright, intense magenta, like the color used in printing and art pigments. It’s vivid and striking.
Hex: #FF0090 RGB: 255, 0, 144 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 44%, 0% HSL: 326°, 100%, 50% |
Pigment Red
A deep, bright red, commonly used in pigments for its strong color. It’s vibrant and bold.
Hex: #ED1C24 RGB: 237, 28, 36 CMYK: 0%, 88%, 85%, 7% HSL: 358°, 85%, 52% |
Pika yellow
Pika Yellow is a vibrant and energetic color, embodying the spirit of adventure and playfulness.
Hex: #EEE92D RGB: 238, 233, 45 CMYK: 0%, 2%, 81%, 7% HSL: 58°, 85%, 55% |
A deep, earthy green, like the needles of a pine tree. It’s natural and calming.
Hex: #0A481E RGB: 10, 72, 30 CMYK: 86%, 0%, 58%, 72% HSL: 139°, 76%, 16% |
Pine green
Pine Green is a deep, earthy color that encapsulates the essence of tranquil forest landscapes.
Hex: #01796F RGB: 1, 121, 111 CMYK: 99%, 0%, 8%, 53% HSL: 175°, 98%, 24% |
Pine Needle Color
A specific shade of green typical of pine needles, rich and natural.
Hex: #454D32 RGB: 69, 77, 50 CMYK: 10%, 0%, 35%, 70% HSL: 78°, 21%, 25% |
Pine Nut
A soft, warm beige, like the color of pine nuts. It’s gentle and earthy.
Hex: #EADAC2 RGB: 234, 218, 194 CMYK: 0%, 7%, 17%, 8% HSL: 36°, 49%, 84% |
A bright, sunny yellow, reminiscent of ripe pineapple flesh. It’s juicy and tropical.
Hex: #563C0D RGB: 86, 60, 13 CMYK: 0%, 30%, 85%, 66% HSL: 39°, 74%, 19% |
A classic, soft red, full of charm and femininity. It’s sweet and playful.
Hex: #FFC0CB RGB: 255, 192, 203 CMYK: 0%, 25%, 20%, 0% HSL: 350°, 100%, 88% |
Pink (G&S)
A specific shade of pink, likely bright and engaging, often associated with a specific context or brand.
Hex: #F7BFBE RGB: 247, 191, 190 CMYK: 0%, 23%, 23%, 3% HSL: 1°, 78%, 86% |
Pink (Pantone)
A particular shade of pink defined by Pantone, known for its precision and vibrancy.
Hex: #D74894 RGB: 215, 72, 148 CMYK: 0%, 67%, 31%, 16% HSL: 328°, 64%, 56% |
Pink Champagne
A soft, effervescent pink, reminiscent of the color of pink champagne. It’s delicate and celebratory.
Hex: #F1DDCF RGB: 241, 221, 207 CMYK: 0%, 8%, 14%, 5% HSL: 25°, 55%, 88% |
Pink Flamingo
A bright, vibrant pink, like the feathers of a flamingo. It’s bold and exotic.
Hex: #FC74FD RGB: 252, 116, 253 CMYK: 0%, 54%, 0%, 1% HSL: 300°, 97%, 72% |
Pink Fraud
A playful, whimsical pink, perhaps with a surprising or unexpected quality.
Hex: #FEC0CB RGB: 254, 192, 203 CMYK: 0%, 24%, 20%, 0% HSL: 349°, 97%, 87% |
Pink Gold
A soft, metallic pink, like gold with a rosy tint. It’s luxurious and elegant.
Hex: #F2C3B8 RGB: 242, 195, 184 CMYK: 0%, 19%, 24%, 5% HSL: 11°, 69%, 84% |
Pink Gray
A muted, pale pink with gray undertones, soft and understated.
Hex: #E7DADA RGB: 231, 218, 218 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 6%, 9% HSL: 0°, 21%, 88% |
Pink Ivory
A rare, pale pink wood, luxurious and exotic.
Hex: #DBC3BE RGB: 219, 195, 190 CMYK: 0%, 11%, 13%, 14% HSL: 10°, 29%, 80% |
Pink Lace
A delicate, soft pink, like fine lace. It’s gentle and romantic.
Hex: #FFDDF4 RGB: 255, 221, 244 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 4%, 0% HSL: 319°, 100%, 93% |
Pink Lavender
Pink Lavender is a delicate and romantic color, blending the soft warmth of pink with the subtle, soothing tones of lavender.
Hex: #DBB2D1 RGB: 219, 178, 209 CMYK: 0%, 19%, 5%, 14% HSL: 315°, 36%, 78% |
Pink Lemonade
A bright, playful pink, like the color of pink lemonade. It’s refreshing and fun.
Hex: #EFD3D2 RGB: 239, 211, 210 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 12%, 6% HSL: 2°, 48%, 88% |
Pink Marshmallow
A fluffy, light pink, like the color of a marshmallow. It’s sweet and airy.
Hex: #FFC5C5 RGB: 255, 197, 197 CMYK: 0%, 23%, 23%, 0% HSL: 0°, 100%, 89% |
Pink Nude
A subtle, natural pink, like the color of nude lips. It’s understated and elegant.
Hex: #DDC0B4 RGB: 221, 192, 180 CMYK: 0%, 13%, 19%, 13% HSL: 18°, 38%, 79% |
Pink Orange
A warm, vibrant blend of pink and orange, lively and bright.
Hex: #F89880 RGB: 248, 152, 128 CMYK: 0%, 39%, 48%, 3% HSL: 12°, 90%, 74% |
Pink Pastel
A soft, gentle pink, like a pastel crayon. It’s delicate and light.
Hex: #FFD1DC RGB: 255, 209, 220 CMYK: 0%, 18%, 14%, 0% HSL: 346°, 100%, 91% |
Pink Pearl
A soft, lustrous pink with a pearly sheen. It’s delicate and refined.
Hex: #E7ACCF RGB: 231, 172, 207 CMYK: 0%, 26%, 10%, 9% HSL: 324°, 55%, 79% |
Pink Salt
A light, dusty pink, like the color of Himalayan salt. It’s natural and serene.
Hex: #F8EEEC RGB: 248, 238, 236 CMYK: 0%, 4%, 5%, 3% HSL: 10°, 46%, 95% |
Pink Sand
A soft, warm beige-pink, like the color of pink sand beaches. It’s gentle and calming.
Hex: #DFB19B RGB: 223, 177, 155 CMYK: 0%, 21%, 30%, 13% HSL: 19°, 52%, 74% |
Pink Sherbet
A bright, refreshing pink, like the frozen dessert. It’s sweet and lively.
Hex: #F78FA7 RGB: 247, 143, 167 CMYK: 0%, 42%, 32%, 3% HSL: 346°, 87%, 76% |
Pink Tulip
A bright, cheerful pink, like the color of tulip flowers. It’s vibrant and spring-like.
Hex: #FF8E8E RGB: 255, 142, 142 CMYK: 0%, 44%, 44%, 0% HSL: 0°, 100%, 78% |
Pinkish Beige
A beige with a hint of pink, creating a warm, subtle hue. It’s soft and inviting.
Hex: #D5A499 RGB: 213, 164, 153 CMYK: 0%, 23%, 28%, 16% HSL: 11°, 42%, 72% |
Pinkish Brown
A brown with a touch of pink, warm and earthy.
Hex: #C27E79 RGB: 194, 126, 121 CMYK: 0%, 35%, 38%, 24% HSL: 4°, 37%, 62% |
Pinkish Cream
A creamy, soft pink, gentle and soothing.
Hex: #FFD7E9 RGB: 255, 215, 233 CMYK: 0%, 16%, 9%, 0% HSL: 333°, 100%, 92% |
Pinkish Gray
Pinkish Gray is a unique and understated color that marries the cool tones of gray with a gentle hint of pink.
Hex: #C8ACA9 RGB: 200, 172, 169 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 16%, 22% HSL: 6°, 22%, 72% |
Pinkish Orange
A warm, vibrant blend of pink and orange, lively and cheerful.
Hex: #F89880 RGB: 248, 152, 128 CMYK: 0%, 39%, 48%, 3% HSL: 12°, 90%, 74% |
Pinkish Purple
A soft blend of pink and purple, romantic and charming.
Hex: #D648D7 RGB: 214, 72, 215 CMYK: 0%, 67%, 0%, 16% HSL: 300°, 64%, 56% |
Pinkish Red
Pinkish Red is a vibrant and lively color, combining the boldness of red with the softness of pink. This dynamic hue captures the warmth and passion of red, while the infusion of pink adds a playful and romantic touch
Hex: #F22952 RGB: 242, 41, 82 CMYK: 0%, 83%, 66%, 5% HSL: 348°, 89%, 55% |
Pinkish Tan
A light, warm tan with a hint of pink, creating a soft, inviting hue.
Hex: #D99B82 RGB: 217, 155, 130 CMYK: 0%, 29%, 40%, 15% HSL: 17°, 53%, 68% |
Pinot Noir
A deep, rich red, reminiscent of the luxurious Pinot Noir wine.
Hex: #653642 RGB: 101, 54, 66 CMYK: 0%, 47%, 35%, 60% HSL: 345°, 30%, 30% |
Pinterest Red
A vibrant, bold red associated with the Pinterest brand, lively and eye-catching.
Hex: #E60023 RGB: 230, 0, 35 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 85%, 10% HSL: 351°, 100%, 45% |
A light, greenish-yellow, similar to the color of pistachio nuts, fresh and natural.
Hex: #93C572 RGB: 147, 197, 114 CMYK: 25%, 0%, 42%, 23% HSL: 96°, 42%, 61% |
Pistachio Shell
A pale, muted green, like the outer shell of a pistachio, subtle and earthy.
Hex: #D7CFBB RGB: 215, 207, 187 CMYK: 0%, 4%, 13%, 16% HSL: 43°, 26%, 79% |
Pitch Black
An intense, deep black, evoking the darkness of night or tar, absolute and profound.
Hex: #27251F RGB: 39, 37, 31 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 21%, 85% HSL: 45°, 11%, 14% |
Pizza Edge
A golden brown, reminiscent of the crispy edges of a baked pizza, warm and appetizing.
Hex: #9A2CA0 RGB: 154, 44, 160 CMYK: 4%, 72%, 0%, 37% HSL: 297°, 57%, 40% |
Placebo Yellow
Placebo Yellow is an intriguing and thought-provoking color, named after the concept of the placebo effect in medicine.
Hex: #FCFBEB RGB: 252, 251, 235 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 7%, 1% HSL: 56°, 74%, 95% |
A metallic gray with a hint of silver, elegant and sophisticated.
Hex: #E5E4E2 RGB: 229, 228, 226 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 10% HSL: 40°, 5%, 89% |
Platinum Gray
A muted, sophisticated gray with a metallic sheen, modern and sleek.
Hex: #797979 RGB: 121, 121, 121 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 53% HSL: 0°, 0%, 47% |
Plaza Taupe
A warm, medium taupe, evoking the elegance and history of city plazas, refined and classic.
Hex: #AEA393 RGB: 174, 163, 147 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 16%, 32% HSL: 36°, 14%, 63% |
A rich, deep purple, reminiscent of the fruit, luxurious and indulgent.
Hex: #DDA0DD RGB: 221, 160, 221 CMYK: 0%, 28%, 0%, 13% HSL: 300°, 47%, 75% |
Plum (Crayola)
A specific shade of plum defined by Crayola, deep and vivid.
Hex: #843179 RGB: 132, 49, 121 CMYK: 0%, 63%, 8%, 48% HSL: 308°, 46%, 35% |
Plum web
A deep purple, like the standard web color named “plum,” rich and sophisticated.
Hex: #D793D4 RGB: 215, 147, 212 CMYK: 0%, 32%, 1%, 16% HSL: 303°, 46%, 71% |
Plump Purple
Plump Purple is a rich and sumptuous color, exuding depth and luxury. It’s a deep, velvety purple that conjures images of ripe, juicy fruit and opulent textiles.
Hex: #5946B2 RGB: 89, 70, 178 CMYK: 50%, 61%, 0%, 30% HSL: 251°, 44%, 49% |
Polar Bear
A bright, clean white, like the fur of a polar bear, pure and stark.
Hex: #EAE9E0 RGB: 234, 233, 224 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 4%, 8% HSL: 54°, 19%, 90% |
Polished Bronze
A shiny, metallic brown, reminiscent of polished bronze, rich and reflective.
Hex: #CD7F32 RGB: 205, 127, 50 CMYK: 0%, 38%, 76%, 20% HSL: 30°, 61%, 50% |
Polished Brown
A smooth, lustrous brown, like well-polished wood, elegant and rich.
Hex: #985538 RGB: 152, 85, 56 CMYK: 0%, 44%, 63%, 40% HSL: 18°, 46%, 41% |
Polished Stone
A sleek, refined gray, like a smooth, polished stone, timeless and solid.
Hex: #BEB49E RGB: 190, 180, 158 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 17%, 25% HSL: 41°, 20%, 68% |
Pomelo White
A pale, yellowish-white, like the rind of a pomelo fruit, light and fresh.
Hex: #F9FFE3 RGB: 249, 255, 227 CMYK: 2%, 0%, 11%, 0% HSL: 73°, 100%, 95% |
Pomp and Power
A bold, regal purple, evoking a sense of grandeur and authority.
Hex: #86608E RGB: 134, 96, 142 CMYK: 6%, 32%, 0%, 44% HSL: 290°, 19%, 47% |
A rich, deep purple, named after Madame de Pompadour, luxurious and royal.
Hex: #720058 RGB: 114, 0, 88 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 23%, 55% HSL: 314°, 100%, 22% |
A warm, soft brown, like the coat of a pony, gentle and natural.
Hex: #C6AA81 RGB: 198, 170, 129 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 35%, 22% HSL: 36°, 38%, 64% |
A bright, vivid red-orange, like the color of poppy flowers, lively and radiant.
Hex: #E35335 RGB: 227, 83, 53 CMYK: 0%, 63%, 77%, 11% HSL: 10°, 76%, 55% |
Poppy Red
Poppy Red is a striking and bold color, symbolizing passion and vitality.
Hex: #DC343B RGB: 220, 52, 59 CMYK: 0%, 76%, 73%, 14% HSL: 358°, 71%, 53% |
A bright, showy color, likely a vivid pink or purple, reminiscent of pop culture vibrancy.
Hex: #BE4F62 RGB: 190, 79, 98 CMYK: 0%, 58%, 48%, 25% HSL: 350°, 46%, 53% |
Popstar Red
A vibrant, striking red, bold and attention-grabbing, like a popstar’s charisma.
Hex: #BE4F62 RGB: 190, 79, 98 CMYK: 0%, 58%, 48%, 25% HSL: 350°, 46%, 53% |
A delicate, pale blue or white, like fine porcelain, elegant and refined.
Hex: #FFFEFC RGB: 255, 254, 252 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 0% HSL: 40°, 100%, 99% |
A medium gray with a hint of blue, like the color of a porpoise, sleek and intelligent.
Hex: #4D4D5C RGB: 77, 77, 92 CMYK: 16%, 16%, 0%, 64% HSL: 240°, 9%, 33% |
A specific shade of red or yellow, associated with the luxury car brand, dynamic and prestigious.
Hex: #EAB76A RGB: 234, 183, 106 CMYK: 0%, 22%, 55%, 8% HSL: 36°, 75%, 67% |
A deep, wine red, reminiscent of port wine, rich and robust.
Hex: #663336 RGB: 102, 51, 54 CMYK: 0%, 50%, 47%, 60% HSL: 356°, 33%, 30% |
Portland Orange
A bright, reddish-orange, like the color used in public transit in Portland, noticeable and vibrant.
Hex: #FF5A36 RGB: 255, 90, 54 CMYK: 0%, 65%, 79%, 0% HSL: 11°, 100%, 61% |
Posy Peach
A soft, light peach, reminiscent of delicate posy flowers, sweet and gentle.
Hex: #F1E4D7 RGB: 241, 228, 215 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 11%, 5% HSL: 30°, 48%, 89% |
Pot Black
A deep, dark black, like the color of a pot over a fire, intense and strong.
Hex: #161616 RGB: 22, 22, 22 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 91% HSL: 0°, 0%, 9% |
A soft, light color, like baby powder, gentle and delicate.
Hex: #FBFCFA RGB: 251, 252, 250 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 1% HSL: 90°, 25%, 98% |
Powder Blue
A pale, serene blue, soft and calming, like a clear, powdery sky.
Hex: #B0E0E6 RGB: 176, 224, 230 CMYK: 23%, 3%, 0%, 10% HSL: 187°, 52%, 80% |
Powdered Sugar
A bright, clean white, like fresh powdered sugar, sweet and light.
Hex: #FDFCFA RGB: 253, 252, 250 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 1% HSL: 40°, 43%, 99% |
Powdery Peach
A soft, muted peach, like the color of peach powder, gentle and warm.
Hex: #F2E5D7 RGB: 242, 229, 215 CMYK: 0%, 5%, 11%, 5% HSL: 31°, 51%, 90% |
Power Black
A deep, intense black, strong and commanding.
Hex: #0E0C01 RGB: 14, 12, 1 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 93%, 95% HSL: 51°, 87%, 3% |
Power Gray
A bold, assertive gray, strong and impactful.
Hex: #707272 RGB: 112, 114, 114 CMYK: 2%, 0%, 0%, 55% HSL: 180°, 1%, 44% |
Power Pink
A bright, vibrant pink, bold and empowering.
Hex: #FE6C9E RGB: 254, 108, 158 CMYK: 0%, 57%, 38%, 0% HSL: 339°, 99%, 71% |
Premium Black
A rich, deep black, luxurious and high-quality.
Hex: #100E09 RGB: 16, 14, 9 CMYK: 0%, 12%, 44%, 94% HSL: 43°, 28%, 5% |
Pretty Cream
A soft, delicate cream color, charming and lovely.
Hex: #FFFAD9 RGB: 255, 250, 217 CMYK: 0%, 2%, 15%, 0% HSL: 52°, 100%, 93% |
A soft, light yellow, like the color of primrose flowers, cheerful and gentle.
Hex: #EBEB91 RGB: 235, 235, 145 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 38%, 8% HSL: 60°, 69%, 75% |
Prince Charming
A charming, attractive blue or gray, reminiscent of storybook romance.
Hex: #493F5E RGB: 73, 63, 94 CMYK: 22%, 33%, 0%, 63% HSL: 259°, 20%, 31% |
Princeton Orange
Princeton Orange is a vivid and spirited color, embodying a blend of tradition and enthusiasm.
Hex: #E77500 RGB: 231, 117, 0 CMYK: 0%, 49%, 100%, 9% HSL: 30°, 100%, 45% |
Prism Violet
A bright, multifaceted violet, like light refracting through a prism, vivid and dynamic.
Hex: #53357D RGB: 83, 53, 125 CMYK: 34%, 58%, 0%, 51% HSL: 265°, 40%, 35% |
Prismatic Legacy
A rich, complex color, likely a deep blue or purple, evoking a sense of heritage and depth.
Hex: #BA1607 RGB: 186, 22, 7 CMYK: 0%, 88%, 96%, 27% HSL: 5°, 93%, 38% |
Prismatic Red
A bright, vivid red, like a prism’s reflection, bold and radiant.
Hex: #D03D33 RGB: 208, 61, 51 CMYK: 0%, 71%, 75%, 18% HSL: 4°, 63%, 51% |
Prismatic Reflection’s Shade
A color that captures the essence of light and reflection, likely a vibrant blue or purple.
Hex: #FF3C28 RGB: 255, 60, 40 CMYK: 0%, 76%, 84%, 0% HSL: 6°, 100%, 58% |
Prismatic Vermilion Renewal
A renewed, bright shade of vermillion, vibrant and lively.
Hex: #CA0123 RGB: 202, 1, 35 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 83%, 21% HSL: 350°, 99%, 40% |
Process Yellow
A pure, bright yellow used in color printing, clear and vivid.
Hex: #FFD300 RGB: 255, 211, 0 CMYK: 0%, 17%, 100%, 0% HSL: 50°, 100%, 50% |
A light, effervescent gold or beige, reminiscent of the sparkling wine, celebratory and elegant.
Hex: #FAD6A5 RGB: 250, 214, 165 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 34%, 2% HSL: 35°, 89%, 81% |
Prune Red
A deep, dark red, like the color of prunes, rich and concentrated.
Hex: #701C1C RGB: 112, 28, 28 CMYK: 0%, 75%, 75%, 56% HSL: 0°, 60%, 27% |
Prussian Blue
A deep, dark blue, historically used in art and uniforms, strong and enduring.
Hex: #003153 RGB: 0, 49, 83 CMYK: 100%, 41%, 0%, 67% HSL: 205°, 100%, 16% |
Psychedelic Purple
A bright, vivid purple, evocative of the 1960s psychedelic culture, bold and mind-bending.
Hex: #DF00FF RGB: 223, 0, 255 CMYK: 13%, 100%, 0%, 0% HSL: 292°, 100%, 50% |
Psychedelic Yellow
A bright, neon yellow, reminiscent of psychedelic art, vibrant and eye-catching.
Hex: #FFF53D RGB: 255, 245, 61 CMYK: 0%, 4%, 76%, 0% HSL: 57°, 100%, 62% |
A dark red or purple-brown color, rich and complex.
Hex: #CC8899 RGB: 204, 136, 153 CMYK: 0%, 33%, 25%, 20% HSL: 345°, 40%, 67% |
Puce Pink
A soft, muted pink with a hint of brown or purple, subtle and understated.
Hex: #CC8899 RGB: 204, 136, 153 CMYK: 0%, 33%, 25%, 20% HSL: 345°, 40%, 67% |
A muted, grayish-blue, like the color of water in a puddle, reflective and calm.
Hex: #C8B69E RGB: 200, 182, 158 CMYK: 0%, 9%, 21%, 22% HSL: 34°, 28%, 70% |
Pullman Green
A dark, railway green, historically used on Pullman train cars, traditional and elegant.
Hex: #3B331C RGB: 59, 51, 28 CMYK: 0%, 14%, 53%, 77% HSL: 45°, 36%, 17% |
A bright, warm orange, like the color of a ripe pumpkin, cheerful and autumnal.
Hex: #FF7518 RGB: 255, 117, 24 CMYK: 0%, 54%, 91%, 0% HSL: 24°, 100%, 55% |
Pumpkin Orange
A vibrant, deep orange, like a particularly rich-colored pumpkin, warm and inviting.
Hex: #FF7518 RGB: 255, 117, 24 CMYK: 0%, 54%, 91%, 0% HSL: 24°, 100%, 55% |
A bright, vibrant red or pink, like the color of fruit punch, lively and refreshing.
Hex: #F25278 RGB: 242, 82, 120 CMYK: 0%, 66%, 50%, 5% HSL: 346°, 86%, 64% |
Pure Chocolate
A deep, rich brown, like the color of pure, unadulterated chocolate, indulgent and luxurious.
Hex: #160D08 RGB: 22, 13, 8 CMYK: 0%, 41%, 64%, 91% HSL: 21°, 47%, 6% |
Pure Gold
A bright, metallic gold, radiant and valuable.
Hex: #E5B80B RGB: 229, 184, 11 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 95%, 10% HSL: 48°, 91%, 47% |
Pure Orange
A vivid, unadulterated orange, bright and cheerful.
Hex: #FF8000 RGB: 255, 128, 0 CMYK: 0%, 50%, 100%, 0% HSL: 30°, 100%, 50% |
Pure Silver
A bright, metallic silver, like polished silver, sleek and refined.
Hex: #C3C7C7 RGB: 195, 199, 199 CMYK: 2%, 0%, 0%, 22% HSL: 180°, 3%, 77% |
Pure White
A bright, clean white, unblemished and pristine.
Hex: #FFFFFF RGB: 255, 255, 255 CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 0% HSL: 0°, 0%, 100% |
A classic, deep purple, rich and regal.
Hex: #800080 RGB: 128, 0, 128 CMYK: 0%, 100%, 0%, 50% HSL: 300°, 100%, 25% |
Purple Corallite
A unique, coral-like purple, vibrant and unusual.
Hex: #5A4E8F RGB: 90, 78, 143 CMYK: 37%, 45%, 0%, 44% HSL: 251°, 29%, 43% |
Purple Gray
A muted, grayish-purple, sophisticated and understated.
Hex: #A7A6BA RGB: 167, 166, 186 CMYK: 10%, 11%, 0%, 27% HSL: 243°, 13%, 69% |
Purple Guy
A specific, playful purple, possibly associated with a character or brand.
Hex: #842593 RGB: 132, 37, 147 CMYK: 10%, 75%, 0%, 42% HSL: 292°, 60%, 36% |
Purple Heart
A deep, rich purple, like the military decoration, noble and dignified.
Hex: #7442C8 RGB: 116, 66, 200 CMYK: 42%, 67%, 0%, 22% HSL: 262°, 55%, 52% |
Purple Mauve
A soft, muted mauve with a purple tint, gentle and elegant.
Hex: #604B62 RGB: 96, 75, 98 CMYK: 2%, 23%, 0%, 62% HSL: 295°, 13%, 34% |
Purple Navy
A deep, dark blue with hints of purple, strong and sophisticated.
Hex: #4E5180 RGB: 78, 81, 128 CMYK: 39%, 37%, 0%, 50% HSL: 236°, 24%, 40% |
Purple Periwinkle
A soft, lavender-like purple with hints of blue, delicate and dreamy.
Hex: #807AA5 RGB: 128, 122, 165 CMYK: 22%, 26%, 0%, 35% HSL: 248°, 19%, 56% |
Purple Pizzazz
A vibrant, lively purple, bright and energetic.
Hex: #FE4EDA RGB: 254, 78, 218 CMYK: 0%, 69%, 14%, 0% HSL: 312°, 99%, 65% |
Purple Red
A rich, deep color blending purple and red, intense and passionate.
Hex: #953553 RGB: 149, 53, 83 CMYK: 0%, 64%, 44%, 42% HSL: 341°, 48%, 40% |
Purple Taupe
A muted, grayish-purple, sophisticated and versatile.
Hex: #50404D RGB: 80, 64, 77 CMYK: 0%, 20%, 4%, 69% HSL: 311°, 11%, 28% |
Purple Violet
A deep, vivid purple, blending the best of purple and violet, vibrant and captivating.
Hex: #47243C RGB: 71, 36, 60 CMYK: 0%, 49%, 15%, 72% HSL: 319°, 33%, 21% |
Purple X11
A specific shade of purple in the X11 color system, deep and vivid.
Hex: #A020F0 RGB: 160, 32, 240 CMYK: 33%, 87%, 0%, 6% HSL: 277°, 87%, 53% |
Purplish Blue
A blue with a purple tint, cool and mysterious.
Hex: #603FEF RGB: 96, 63, 239 CMYK: 60%, 74%, 0%, 6% HSL: 251°, 85%, 59% |
A Latin-inspired deep purple, rich and regal.
Hex: #9A4EAE RGB: 154, 78, 174 CMYK: 11%, 55%, 0%, 32% HSL: 287°, 38%, 49% |
A pale, neutral beige or gray, like modeling putty, versatile and understated.
Hex: #CFC3A5 RGB: 207, 195, 165 CMYK: 0%, 6%, 20%, 19% HSL: 43°, 30%, 73% |
In 2005, Charlene completed her Wellness Diplomas in Therapeutic Aromatherapy and Reflexology from the International School of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. She worked for a company offering corporate wellness programs for a couple of years, before opening up her own therapy practice. It was in 2015 that a friend, who was a digital marketer, asked her to join her company as a content creator, and this is where she found her excitement for writing.
Since joining the content writing world, she has gained a lot of experience over the years writing on a diverse selection of topics, from beauty, health, wellness, travel, and more. Due to various circumstances, she had to close her therapy practice and is now a full-time freelance writer. Being a creative person, she could not pass up the opportunity to contribute to the Art in Context team, where is was in her element, writing about a variety of art and craft topics. Contributing articles for over three years now, her knowledge in this area has grown, and she has gotten to explore her creativity and improve her research and writing skills.
Charlene Lewis has been working for since the relaunch in 2020. She is an experienced writer and mainly focuses on the topics of color theory, painting and drawing.
Learn more about Charlene Lewis and the Art in Context Team.
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Charlene, Lewis, “Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes.” Art in Context. November 14, 2023. URL:
Lewis, C. (2023, 14 November). Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes. Art in Context.
Lewis, Charlene. “Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes.” Art in Context, November 14, 2023.