colors starting with p

Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes

Welcome to the vibrant world of colors starting with L. From the soothing Lavender to the vivid Lemon Yellow, each color tells a unique story. Whether you’re a color enthusiast, a designer seeking inspiration, or simply curious, this journey through the alphabet of colors is sure to enlighten and entertain. Let’s uncover the beauty and secrets of these captivating L colors together!

Table of Contents


Pacific Blue

A deep blue that evokes the vastness and depth of the Pacific Ocean.

Hex: #1CA9C9
RGB: 28, 169, 201
CMYK: 86%, 16%, 0%, 21%
HSL: 191°, 76%, 45%


Pacific Pearl

A soft, lustrous off-white reminiscent of the sheen of pearls found in the Pacific.

Hex: #E8EAE6
RGB: 232, 234, 230
CMYK: 1%, 0%, 2%, 8%
HSL: 90°, 9%, 91%


Pakistan Green

Pakistan Green is a deep, rich shade of green, imbued with cultural and national significance.

Hex: #01411C
RGB: 1, 65, 28
CMYK: 98%, 0%, 57%, 75%
HSL: 145°, 97%, 13%



A robust purple associated with the Palatinate region and its historic royal lineage.

Hex: #68246D
RGB: 104, 36, 109
CMYK: 5%, 67%, 0%, 57%
HSL: 296°, 50%, 28%


Pale Beige

A light, subtle beige that offers a hint of warmth and simplicity.

Hex: #DED1B4
RGB: 222, 209, 180
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 19%, 13%
HSL: 41°, 39%, 79%


Pale Blue

A soft, serene blue that brings to mind a clear, unclouded sky.

RGB: 175, 238, 238
CMYK: 26%, 0%, 0%, 7%
HSL: 180°, 65%, 81%


Pale Brown

A light, muted brown that provides a sense of gentle earthiness.

Hex: #987654
RGB: 152, 118, 84
CMYK: 0%, 22%, 45%, 40%
HSL: 30°, 29%, 46%


Pale Carmine

A subdued red with a touch of pink, providing a soft, understated elegance.

Hex: #AF4035
RGB: 175, 64, 53
CMYK: 0%, 63%, 70%, 31%
HSL: 5°, 54%, 45%


Pale Cerulean

A gentle, airy blue that is reminiscent of a calm, peaceful day.

Hex: #9BC4E2
RGB: 155, 196, 226
CMYK: 31%, 13%, 0%, 11%
HSL: 205°, 55%, 75%


Pale Champagne

A very light, almost neutral color with a hint of warmth, like fine champagne.

Hex: #F9F0DF
RGB: 249, 240, 223
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 10%, 2%
HSL: 39°, 68%, 93%


Pale Chartreuse

A muted yellow-green, less vibrant than classic chartreuse but still lively.

Hex: #EFFD5F
RGB: 239, 253, 95
CMYK: 6%, 0%, 62%, 1%
HSL: 65°, 98%, 68%


Pale Cornflower Blue

A soft, subdued blue that captures the delicate essence of cornflower petals.

RGB: 171, 205, 239
CMYK: 28%, 14%, 0%, 6%
HSL: 210°, 68%, 80%


Pale Cream

A light, soothing cream color that offers a touch of comfort and ease.

Hex: #FFFEE4
RGB: 255, 254, 228
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 11%, 0%
HSL: 58°, 100%, 95%


Pale Dogwood

A gentle pink with a touch of beige, subtle and unassuming.

Hex: #EDCDC2
RGB: 237, 205, 194
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 18%, 7%
HSL: 15°, 54%, 85%


Pale Fuchsia

A soft and subtle pink-purple, less bold than traditional fuchsia.

Hex: #F984E5
RGB: 249, 132, 229
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 8%, 2%
HSL: 310°, 91%, 75%


Pale Gold

A light, muted gold that glows softly without overpowering.

Hex: #E6BE8A
RGB: 230, 190, 138
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 40%, 10%
HSL: 34°, 65%, 72%


Pale Goldenrod

A subdued, light yellow, reminiscent of goldenrod flowers.

Hex: #EEE8AA
RGB: 238, 232, 170
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 29%, 7%
HSL: 55°, 67%, 80%


Pale Green

A light, refreshing green that evokes a sense of new growth and vitality.

Hex: #98FB98
RGB: 152, 251, 152
CMYK: 39%, 0%, 39%, 2%
HSL: 120°, 93%, 79%


Pale Honey

A sweet, muted yellow, as delicate and pleasing as honey.

Hex: #F6D7AB
RGB: 246, 215, 171
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 30%, 4%
HSL: 35°, 81%, 82%


Pale Indigo

A light, washed-out indigo, more subdued than its deeper counterpart.

Hex: #9892B1
RGB: 152, 146, 177
CMYK: 14%, 18%, 0%, 31%
HSL: 252°, 17%, 63%


Pale Ivory

A very light, soft white with a hint of creaminess.

Hex: #FCFBF0
RGB: 252, 251, 240
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 5%, 1%
HSL: 55°, 67%, 96%


Pale Lavender

A gentle, muted purple with a calming, serene quality.

Hex: #DCD0FF
RGB: 220, 208, 255
CMYK: 14%, 18%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 255°, 100%, 91%


Pale Lime

A subtle, muted green, reminiscent of lime in a more understated tone.

Hex: #C5C951
RGB: 197, 201, 81
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 60%, 21%
HSL: 62°, 53%, 55%


Pale Lime Yellow

A very light, muted yellow-green, soft and subtle.

Hex: #DFE69F
RGB: 223, 230, 159
CMYK: 3%, 0%, 31%, 10%
HSL: 66°, 59%, 76%


Pale Magenta

A subdued, light version of magenta, offering a soft, gentle hue.

Hex: #F984E5
RGB: 249, 132, 229
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 8%, 2%
HSL: 310°, 91%, 75%


Pale Mauve

A light, muted mauve, less intense but still charming.

Hex: #F3E5F5
RGB: 243, 229, 245
CMYK: 1%, 7%, 0%, 4%
HSL: 292°, 44%, 93%


Pale Oak

A light, muted brown with a hint of sturdiness and reliability.

Hex: #DDD9CE
RGB: 221, 217, 206
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 7%, 13%
HSL: 44°, 18%, 84%


Pale Orange

A soft, subdued orange, offering a gentle warmth.

RGB: 255, 223, 191
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 25%, 0%
HSL: 30°, 100%, 87%


Pale Peach

A light, soft peach color, tender and delicate.

Hex: #FFE5B4
RGB: 255, 229, 180
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 29%, 0%
HSL: 39°, 100%, 85%


Pale Periwinkle

A light, muted periwinkle blue, soft and soothing.

RGB: 236, 235, 255
CMYK: 7%, 8%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 243°, 100%, 96%


Pale Pink

A very soft, subtle pink, full of innocence and sweetness.

RGB: 250, 218, 221
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 12%, 2%
HSL: 354°, 76%, 92%


Pale Purple

A muted, light purple, offering a hint of mystery and charm.

Hex: #FAE6FA
RGB: 250, 230, 250
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 0%, 2%
HSL: 300°, 67%, 94%


Pale Silver

A light, muted silver color, elegant and understated.

Hex: #C9C0BB
RGB: 201, 192, 187
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 7%, 21%
HSL: 21°, 11%, 76%


Pale Smoke

A light gray with a hint of blue, like smoke drifting in the air.

Hex: #CAD4D1
RGB: 202, 212, 209
CMYK: 5%, 0%, 1%, 17%
HSL: 162°, 10%, 81%


Pale Spring Bud

A light, vibrant green, reminiscent of new spring foliage.

RGB: 236, 235, 189
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 20%, 7%
HSL: 59°, 55%, 83%


Pale Tan

A light, muted tan, offering a soft, neutral warmth.

Hex: #EAE0C8
RGB: 234, 224, 200
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 15%, 8%
HSL: 42°, 45%, 85%


Pale Taupe

A light, muted brown with a hint of gray, sophisticated and understated.

Hex: #BC987E
RGB: 188, 152, 126
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 33%, 26%
HSL: 25°, 32%, 62%


Pale Teal

A light, subdued teal, less bold but still captivating.

Hex: #82CBB2
RGB: 130, 203, 178
CMYK: 36%, 0%, 12%, 20%
HSL: 159°, 41%, 65%


Pale Turquoise

A light, muted turquoise, offering a tranquil and refreshing hue.

RGB: 175, 238, 238
CMYK: 26%, 0%, 0%, 7%
HSL: 180°, 65%, 81%


Pale Violet Red

A soft, subdued shade of pinkish-purple, delicate and romantic.

Hex: #DB7093
RGB: 219, 112, 147
CMYK: 0%, 49%, 33%, 14%
HSL: 340°, 60%, 65%


Pale Wheat

A soft, muted yellow, reminiscent of ripe wheat fields. It’s gentle and calming.

Hex: #FCF0E5
RGB: 252, 240, 229
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 9%, 1%
HSL: 29°, 79%, 94%


Pale Wood

A light, subtle brown with a natural, understated woodsy feel. It’s simple and elegant.

Hex: #EAD2A2
RGB: 234, 210, 162
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 31%, 8%
HSL: 40°, 63%, 78%


Pale Yellow

A soft, light yellow that radiates a subtle, sunny warmth. It’s delicate and cheerful.

Hex: #FFFF99
RGB: 255, 255, 153
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 40%, 0%
HSL: 60°, 100%, 80%


Palm Heart Cream

A rich, creamy color, like the heart of a palm tree. It’s lush and inviting.

Hex: #DDD8C2
RGB: 221, 216, 194
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 12%, 13%
HSL: 49°, 28%, 81%



A warm, earthy brown, evoking a sense of comfort and rustic charm. It’s natural and grounding.

Hex: #E8C79D
RGB: 232, 199, 157
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 32%, 9%
HSL: 34°, 62%, 76%


Panda Black

A deep, intense black, reminiscent of the bold coloration of a panda bear. It’s striking and powerful.

Hex: #3C4748
RGB: 60, 71, 72
CMYK: 17%, 1%, 0%, 72%
HSL: 185°, 9%, 26%


Pansy Purple

A vibrant, floral purple inspired by the color of pansy flowers. It’s lively and playful.

Hex: #78184A
RGB: 120, 24, 74
CMYK: 0%, 80%, 38%, 53%
HSL: 329°, 67%, 28%


Pantone Artichoke Green

A deep, muted green, resembling the color of artichoke leaves. It’s sophisticated and natural.

Hex: #4B6F44
RGB: 75, 111, 68
CMYK: 32%, 0%, 39%, 56%
HSL: 110°, 24%, 35%


Pantone Green

A bright, vibrant green that is a signature color of the Pantone color system. It’s fresh and dynamic.

Hex: #00AD83
RGB: 0, 173, 131
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 24%, 32%
HSL: 165°, 100%, 34%


Pantone Red

A bold, bright red that stands out as a classic Pantone color. It’s striking and confident.

Hex: #ED2939
RGB: 237, 41, 57
CMYK: 0%, 83%, 76%, 7%
HSL: 355°, 84%, 55%


Paolo Veronese Green

A rich, deep green named after the Renaissance painter. It’s artistic and luxurious.

Hex: #009B7D
RGB: 0, 155, 125
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 19%, 39%
HSL: 168°, 100%, 30%


Papaya Orange

Papaya Orange is a vibrant and refreshing color that captures the essence of tropical warmth and vitality.

Hex: #F37835
RGB: 243, 120, 53
CMYK: 0%, 51%, 78%, 5%
HSL: 21°, 89%, 58%


Papaya Whip

A soft, creamy light orange, resembling whipped papaya. It’s light and airy.

Hex: #FFEFD5
RGB: 255, 239, 213
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 16%, 0%
HSL: 37°, 100%, 92%


Paper Beige

A light, neutral beige, like the color of plain paper. It’s simple and unassuming.

Hex: #DCBFA6
RGB: 220, 191, 166
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 25%, 14%
HSL: 28°, 44%, 76%


Paper Orange

A soft, muted orange, like the color of orange paper. It’s understated and warm.

Hex: #FEE8D6
RGB: 254, 232, 214
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 16%, 0%
HSL: 27°, 95%, 92%


Paper White

A clean, crisp white, like a fresh sheet of paper. It’s pure and unblemished.

Hex: #F9FBFF
RGB: 249, 251, 255
CMYK: 2%, 2%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 220°, 100%, 99%



A deep, spicy red-orange, like the color of paprika spice. It’s warm and zesty.

Hex: #990033
RGB: 153, 0, 51
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 67%, 40%
HSL: 340°, 100%, 30%



A vibrant, tropical blue that evokes feelings of an exotic paradise. It’s alluring and dreamy.

Hex: #FFF700
RGB: 255, 247, 0
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 100%, 0%
HSL: 58°, 100%, 50%


Paradise Pink

A bright, tropical pink, reminiscent of exotic flowers in paradise. It’s playful and enchanting.

Hex: #E63E62
RGB: 230, 62, 98
CMYK: 0%, 73%, 57%, 10%
HSL: 347°, 77%, 57%



A light, aged beige, like old parchment paper. It’s historical and classic.

Hex: #F1E9D2
RGB: 241, 233, 210
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 13%, 5%
HSL: 45°, 53%, 88%


Paris Green

Paris Green, also known as Emerald Green, is a color with a rich and fascinating history.

Hex: #50C878
RGB: 80, 200, 120
CMYK: 60%, 0%, 40%, 22%
HSL: 140°, 52%, 55%


Paris White

A soft, muted white, evoking the chic and elegant vibe of Paris. It’s sophisticated and timeless.

Hex: #C2D8D3
RGB: 194, 216, 211
CMYK: 10%, 0%, 2%, 15%
HSL: 166°, 22%, 80%


Parisian Cashmere

A luxurious, soft gray or beige, reminiscent of fine cashmere. It’s elegant and refined.

Hex: #D1C7B8
RGB: 209, 199, 184
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%
HSL: 36°, 21%, 77%


Parisian Night

A deep, sophisticated blue, like the Parisian sky at night. It’s mysterious and romantic.

Hex: #323441
RGB: 50, 52, 65
CMYK: 23%, 20%, 0%, 75%
HSL: 232°, 13%, 23%


Parma Violet

A soft, pastel purple, named after the Parma violet flower. It’s delicate and sweet.

Hex: #55455A
RGB: 85, 69, 90
CMYK: 6%, 23%, 0%, 65%
HSL: 286°, 13%, 31%



A pale, earthy beige, like the color of a parsnip root. It’s natural and unpretentious.

Hex: #D6C69A
RGB: 214, 198, 154
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 28%, 16%
HSL: 44°, 42%, 72%


Pastel Black

A very dark gray, softer than pure black. It’s subtle and more approachable.

Hex: #1D1C1A
RGB: 29, 28, 26
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 10%, 89%
HSL: 40°, 5%, 11%


Pastel Brown

A soft, muted brown, providing a gentle and understated warmth. It’s comforting and understated.

Hex: #836953
RGB: 131, 105, 83
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 37%, 49%
HSL: 28°, 22%, 42%


Pastel Champagne

A light, bubbly beige, reminiscent of champagne. It’s celebratory and elegant.

Hex: #FCF1DC
RGB: 252, 241, 220
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 13%, 1%
HSL: 39°, 84%, 93%


Pastel Cream

A soft, pale yellow, like a light, creamy custard. It’s smooth and soothing.

Hex: #FFFEE0
RGB: 255, 254, 224
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 12%, 0%
HSL: 58°, 100%, 94%


Pastel Fuchsia

A muted, soft pink-purple, less intense than bright fuchsia. It’s gentle and whimsical.

Hex: #FF91D9
RGB: 255, 145, 217
CMYK: 0%, 43%, 15%, 0%
HSL: 321°, 100%, 78%


Pastel Gray

A soft, light gray, offering a calm and peaceful ambiance. It’s serene and neutral.

Hex: #CFCFC4
RGB: 207, 207, 196
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 5%, 19%
HSL: 60°, 10%, 79%


Pastel Green

A soft, muted green, bringing a touch of spring freshness. It’s light and rejuvenating.

Hex: #77DD77
RGB: 119, 221, 119
CMYK: 46%, 0%, 46%, 13%
HSL: 120°, 60%, 67%


Pastel Indigo

A soft, subdued indigo, less intense but still deep and mysterious. It’s calming and thoughtful.

Hex: #8686AF
RGB: 134, 134, 175
CMYK: 23%, 23%, 0%, 31%
HSL: 240°, 20%, 61%


Pastel Ivory

A pale, soft off-white, with a hint of warmth. It’s elegant and understated.

Hex: #F2E7D4
RGB: 242, 231, 212
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 12%, 5%
HSL: 38°, 54%, 89%


Pastel Jade

A light, muted green, reminiscent of jade stone. It’s delicate and refined.

Hex: #D1F0E2
RGB: 209, 240, 226
CMYK: 13%, 0%, 6%, 6%
HSL: 153°, 51%, 88%


Pastel Magenta

A soft, muted magenta, providing a touch of feminine charm. It’s gentle and alluring.

Hex: #F49AC2
RGB: 244, 154, 194
CMYK: 0%, 37%, 20%, 4%
HSL: 333°, 80%, 78%


Pastel Maroon

A muted, soft maroon, less intense but still rich and warm. It’s subtle and sophisticated.

Hex: #944547
RGB: 148, 69, 71
CMYK: 0%, 53%, 52%, 42%
HSL: 358°, 36%, 43%


Pastel Orange

A soft, light orange, evoking a sense of gentle warmth and cheer. It’s playful and friendly.

Hex: #FEBA4F
RGB: 254, 186, 79
CMYK: 0%, 27%, 69%, 0%
HSL: 37°, 99%, 65%


Pastel Peach

A soft, light peach, offering a delicate and inviting warmth. It’s sweet and tender.

Hex: #EFA498
RGB: 239, 164, 152
CMYK: 0%, 31%, 36%, 6%
HSL: 8°, 73%, 77%


Pastel Periwinkle

A soft, light blue with a touch of lavender. It’s serene and whimsical.

Hex: #CCD9FF
RGB: 204, 217, 255
CMYK: 20%, 15%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 225°, 100%, 90%


Pastel Pink

A soft, gentle pink, evoking feelings of innocence and tenderness. It’s sweet and loving.

Hex: #FFD1DC
RGB: 255, 209, 220
CMYK: 0%, 18%, 14%, 0%
HSL: 346°, 100%, 91%


Pastel Purple

A light, muted purple, offering a touch of whimsy and magic. It’s dreamy and enchanting.

Hex: #C3B1E1
RGB: 195, 177, 225
CMYK: 13%, 21%, 0%, 12%
HSL: 262°, 44%, 79%


Pastel Red

A soft, muted red, less intense but still warm and inviting. It’s gentle and approachable.

Hex: #FF6961
RGB: 255, 105, 97
CMYK: 0%, 59%, 62%, 0%
HSL: 3°, 100%, 69%


Pastel Taupe

A soft, muted brown-gray, versatile and understated. It’s sophisticated and modern.

Hex: #75655A
RGB: 117, 101, 90
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 23%, 54%
HSL: 24°, 13%, 41%


Pastel Violet

A light, muted violet, soft and dreamy. It’s delicate and enchanting.

Hex: #CB99C9
RGB: 203, 153, 201
CMYK: 0%, 25%, 1%, 20%
HSL: 302°, 32%, 70%


Pastel Yellow

A soft, muted yellow, like the gentle rays of the morning sun. It’s light and cheerful.

Hex: #FDFD96
RGB: 253, 253, 150
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 41%, 1%
HSL: 60°, 96%, 79%



A warm, creamy beige, like the color of baked pastries. It’s comforting and appetizing.

Hex: #F8DEB8
RGB: 248, 222, 184
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 26%, 3%
HSL: 36°, 82%, 85%



A deep, strong purple, commanding respect and authority. It’s bold and dignified.

Hex: #800080
RGB: 128, 0, 128
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 0%, 50%
HSL: 300°, 100%, 25%


Payne’s Gray

A dark blue-gray, named after the painter William Payne. It’s deep and moody.

Hex: #40404F
RGB: 64, 64, 79
CMYK: 19%, 19%, 0%, 69%
HSL: 240°, 10%, 28%



A soft, warm pink-orange, like the flesh of a ripe peach. It’s sweet and inviting.

Hex: #FFE5B4
RGB: 255, 229, 180
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 29%, 0%
HSL: 39°, 100%, 85%


Peach Amber

A warm, golden orange, reminiscent of the glow of amber with a peachy twist.

Hex: #FB9F93
RGB: 251, 159, 147
CMYK: 0%, 37%, 41%, 2%
HSL: 7°, 93%, 78%


Peach Beige

A soft, muted orange-beige, blending the warmth of peach with the neutrality of beige.

Hex: #F5DDC5
RGB: 245, 221, 197
CMYK: 0%, 10%, 20%, 4%
HSL: 30°, 71%, 87%


Peach Blossom

A delicate, soft pink-orange, like the petals of a peach blossom in spring.

Hex: #DE8286
RGB: 222, 130, 134
CMYK: 0%, 41%, 40%, 13%
HSL: 357°, 58%, 69%


Peach Blush

A light, warm pink with a hint of peach, like a natural, rosy complexion.

Hex: #E6CDC5
RGB: 230, 205, 197
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 14%, 10%
HSL: 15°, 40%, 84%


Peach Brick

A muted, earthy orange with a touch of red, similar to weathered brick.

Hex: #E5CCBD
RGB: 229, 204, 189
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 17%, 10%
HSL: 23°, 43%, 82%


Peach Bud

A pale, soft peach, like the color of a newly opened peach blossom.

Hex: #FDB2AB
RGB: 253, 178, 171
CMYK: 0%, 30%, 32%, 1%
HSL: 5°, 95%, 83%


Peach Burst

A bright, vibrant peach color, bursting with warmth and cheerfulness.

Hex: #F39998
RGB: 243, 153, 152
CMYK: 0%, 37%, 37%, 5%
HSL: 1°, 79%, 77%


Peach Cascade

A flowing, gentle shade of peach, like a cascade of soft, warm light.

Hex: #F9DCC3
RGB: 249, 220, 195
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 22%, 2%
HSL: 28°, 82%, 87%


Peach Cocktail

A lively, inviting peach, reminiscent of a refreshing, fruity cocktail.

Hex: #F7DABA
RGB: 247, 218, 186
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 25%, 3%
HSL: 31°, 79%, 85%


Peach Coral

A blend of peach and coral, offering a warm, summery hue.

Hex: #FBD5AB
RGB: 251, 213, 171
CMYK: 0%, 15%, 32%, 2%
HSL: 32°, 91%, 83%


Peach Crayon

A bright, playful peach, like the color of a crayon, vivid and fun.

Hex: #FFCBA7
RGB: 255, 203, 167
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 35%, 0%
HSL: 25°, 100%, 83%


Peach Cream

A soft, creamy peach, gentle and soothing with a hint of warmth.

Hex: #F6DFBF
RGB: 246, 223, 191
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 22%, 4%
HSL: 35°, 75%, 86%


Peach Daiquiri

A vibrant, fruity peach, reminiscent of the tropical cocktail.

Hex: #F9CEC1
RGB: 249, 206, 193
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 22%, 2%
HSL: 14°, 82%, 87%


Peach Flower

A soft, floral peach, delicate and subtly sweet.

Hex: #E198B4
RGB: 225, 152, 180
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 20%, 12%
HSL: 337°, 55%, 74%


Peach Fuzz

A light, soft peach, like the fuzzy skin of a ripe peach.

Hex: #FFC7B9
RGB: 255, 199, 185
CMYK: 0%, 22%, 27%, 0%
HSL: 12°, 100%, 86%


Peach Nectar

A rich, juicy peach, like the concentrated sweetness of nectar.

Hex: #F5B2A1
RGB: 245, 178, 161
CMYK: 0%, 27%, 34%, 4%
HSL: 12°, 81%, 80%


Peach Orange

A blend of peach and orange, warm and vibrant.

Hex: #FFCC99
RGB: 255, 204, 153
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 40%, 0%
HSL: 30°, 100%, 80%


Peach Parfait

A layered, creamy peach, like the dessert, soft and delightful.

Hex: #F8BFA8
RGB: 248, 191, 168
CMYK: 0%, 23%, 32%, 3%
HSL: 17°, 85%, 82%


Peach Pink

A soft, warm pink with a peachy hue, gentle and inviting.

Hex: #FF9A8A
RGB: 255, 154, 138
CMYK: 0%, 40%, 46%, 0%
HSL: 8°, 100%, 77%


Peach Puff

A light, airy peach, like a delicate puff of color.

Hex: #FFDAB9
RGB: 255, 218, 185
CMYK: 0%, 15%, 27%, 0%
HSL: 28°, 100%, 86%


Peach Scent

A subtle, soft peach, reminiscent of the sweet fragrance of a peach.

Hex: #F4E4D1
RGB: 244, 228, 209
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 14%, 4%
HSL: 33°, 61%, 89%


Peach Schnapps

A bright, sweet peach, like the liqueur, lively and festive.

Hex: #FFDCD6
RGB: 255, 220, 214
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 16%, 0%
HSL: 9°, 100%, 92%


Peach Sherbet

A light, refreshing peach, like the frozen dessert, sweet and cool.

Hex: #F1C7AE
RGB: 241, 199, 174
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 28%, 5%
HSL: 22°, 71%, 81%


Peach Shortcake

A warm, inviting peach, reminiscent of the baked dessert.

Hex: #F3DFD4
RGB: 243, 223, 212
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 13%, 5%
HSL: 21°, 56%, 89%


Peach Tea

A soft, warm peach, infused with the comforting essence of tea.

Hex: #F8D9B4
RGB: 248, 217, 180
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 27%, 3%
HSL: 33°, 83%, 84%


Peach Yellow

A sunny, cheerful blend of peach and yellow, bright and uplifting.

RGB: 250, 223, 173
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 31%, 2%
HSL: 39°, 89%, 83%


Peach Yogurt

A creamy, smooth peach, like the flavor of peach yogurt, soft and comforting.

Hex: #F5B59A
RGB: 245, 181, 154
CMYK: 0%, 26%, 37%, 4%
HSL: 18°, 82%, 78%



A sunny, warm blend of peach and yellow, evoking summertime warmth.

RGB: 250, 223, 173
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 31%, 2%
HSL: 39°, 89%, 83%


Peaches N’ Cream

A sweet combination of creamy white and soft peach, indulgent and soothing.

Hex: #F4A6A3
RGB: 244, 166, 163
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 33%, 4%
HSL: 2°, 79%, 80%


Peachy Coral

A vibrant, warm coral with a peachy twist, lively and inviting.

Hex: #FFCCC9
RGB: 255, 204, 201
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 21%, 0%
HSL: 3°, 100%, 89%


Peachy Keen

A bright, cheerful peach, full of optimism and charm.

Hex: #FEA27E
RGB: 254, 162, 126
CMYK: 0%, 36%, 50%, 0%
HSL: 17°, 98%, 75%


Peachy Lips

A soft, alluring peach, like the natural color of lips, gentle and inviting.

Hex: #F6CCBE
RGB: 246, 204, 190
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 23%, 4%
HSL: 15°, 76%, 85%


Peachy Pink

A blend of pink and peach, warm and flirtatious.

Hex: #FF9A8A
RGB: 255, 154, 138
CMYK: 0%, 40%, 46%, 0%
HSL: 8°, 100%, 77%



A deep, navy blue, like the traditional color of a naval peacoat, classic and strong.

Hex: #2B2E43
RGB: 43, 46, 67
CMYK: 36%, 31%, 0%, 74%
HSL: 232°, 22%, 22%



A warm, earthy brown, like the shell of a peanut, natural and unassuming.

Hex: #795C32
RGB: 121, 92, 50
CMYK: 0%, 24%, 59%, 53%
HSL: 35°, 42%, 34%


Peanut Brittle

A caramelized, golden brown, reminiscent of the crunchy candy, sweet and inviting.

Hex: #A6893A
RGB: 166, 137, 58
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 65%, 35%
HSL: 44°, 48%, 44%



A light, fresh green, like the skin of a ripe pear, bright and refreshing.

Hex: #D1E231
RGB: 209, 226, 49
CMYK: 8%, 0%, 78%, 11%
HSL: 66°, 75%, 54%


Pearl Aqua

A soft, iridescent aqua, reminiscent of the shimmer of a pearl in water.

Hex: #88D8C0
RGB: 136, 216, 192
CMYK: 37%, 0%, 11%, 15%
HSL: 162°, 51%, 69%


Pearl Ash

A pale, muted gray with a subtle pearly sheen, elegant and sophisticated.

Hex: #D0C9C3
RGB: 208, 201, 195
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 6%, 18%
HSL: 28°, 12%, 79%


Pearl White

A soft, lustrous white with a hint of iridescence, like a pearl, delicate and refined.

Hex: #F8F6F0
RGB: 248, 246, 240
CMYK: 0%, 1%, 3%, 3%
HSL: 45°, 36%, 96%


Pearled Ivory

A creamy, off-white with a gentle pearly sheen, elegant and warm.

Hex: #F0DFCC
RGB: 240, 223, 204
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 15%, 6%
HSL: 32°, 55%, 87%



A soft, lustrous hue with a gentle iridescence, reminiscent of a pearl’s glow.

Hex: #B768A2
RGB: 183, 104, 162
CMYK: 0%, 43%, 11%, 28%
HSL: 316°, 35%, 56%


Pearly Cream

A creamy, lustrous shade, like a pearl with a touch of warmth.

Hex: #DFD9C6
RGB: 223, 217, 198
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 11%, 13%
HSL: 46°, 28%, 83%


Pearly Purple

A soft, muted purple with a subtle pearly shimmer, delicate and enchanting.

Hex: #B768A2
RGB: 183, 104, 162
CMYK: 0%, 43%, 11%, 28%
HSL: 316°, 35%, 56%


Peat Brown

A dark, earthy brown, like the rich, fertile peat soil, deep and natural.

Hex: #5A3D29
RGB: 90, 61, 41
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 54%, 65%
HSL: 24°, 37%, 26%



A light, neutral gray-brown, like the color of smooth river pebbles, unassuming and versatile.

Hex: #9D9880
RGB: 157, 152, 128
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 18%, 38%
HSL: 50°, 13%, 56%



A medium, warm brown, like the nut, rich and comforting.

Hex: #48260D
RGB: 72, 38, 13
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 82%, 72%
HSL: 25°, 69%, 17%


Pecan Pie

A warm, golden brown, reminiscent of the sweet dessert, rich and inviting.

Hex: #E1C699
RGB: 225, 198, 153
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 32%, 12%
HSL: 38°, 55%, 74%



A soft, muted gray with a hint of brown, like the plumage of a pelican, understated and versatile.

Hex: #C1BCAC
RGB: 193, 188, 172
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 11%, 24%
HSL: 46°, 14%, 72%


Pencil Beige

A light, neutral beige reminiscent of wooden pencils, simple and unassuming.

Hex: #F8D77F
RGB: 248, 215, 127
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 49%, 3%
HSL: 44°, 90%, 74%


Pencil Lead

A dark, metallic gray like the graphite in a pencil, strong and defined.

Hex: #5C6274
RGB: 92, 98, 116
CMYK: 21%, 16%, 0%, 55%
HSL: 225°, 12%, 41%


Penn Red

A vibrant, bold red, associated with the University of Pennsylvania, prestigious and strong.

Hex: #990000
RGB: 153, 0, 0
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 100%, 40%
HSL: 0°, 100%, 30%


Pepper Orange

A bright, zesty orange, like the vibrant color of pepper fruits, lively and invigorating.

Hex: #E77D22
RGB: 231, 125, 34
CMYK: 0%, 46%, 85%, 9%
HSL: 28°, 80%, 52%



A fresh, bright green, reminiscent of peppermint candy, cool and refreshing.

Hex: #F1F9EC
RGB: 241, 249, 236
CMYK: 3%, 0%, 5%, 2%
HSL: 97°, 52%, 95%



A vivid, bright red, like the color of ripe bell peppers, bold and appetizing.

Hex: #FFA62B
RGB: 255, 166, 43
CMYK: 0%, 35%, 83%, 0%
HSL: 35°, 100%, 58%


Perfect Gray

A balanced, neutral gray that strikes a harmonious chord, versatile and timeless.

Hex: #A1A1A1
RGB: 161, 161, 161
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 37%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 63%



A delicate, light hue, suggestive of the soft and ethereal nature of fragrances.

Hex: #FFDBE5
RGB: 255, 219, 229
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 10%, 0%
HSL: 343°, 100%, 93%


Pericallis Hybrida

A deep, rich purple, like the flower it’s named after, vibrant and captivating.

Hex: #904FEF
RGB: 144, 79, 239
CMYK: 40%, 67%, 0%, 6%
HSL: 264°, 83%, 62%



A bright, olive-green, like the gemstone, luminous and precious.

Hex: #B4C424
RGB: 180, 196, 36
CMYK: 8%, 0%, 82%, 23%
HSL: 66°, 69%, 45%



A soft, dreamy blue with a hint of purple, gentle and whimsical.

RGB: 204, 204, 255
CMYK: 20%, 20%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 240°, 100%, 90%


Periwinkle (Crayola)

A playful, light blue-purple, a Crayola interpretation of the classic periwinkle shade.

Hex: #C3CDE6
RGB: 195, 205, 230
CMYK: 15%, 11%, 0%, 10%
HSL: 223°, 41%, 83%


Periwinkle Blue

A light, pastel blue with a soft purple undertone, calming and serene.

Hex: #8F99FB
RGB: 143, 153, 251
CMYK: 43%, 39%, 0%, 2%
HSL: 234°, 93%, 77%


Periwinkle Cornflower

A soft, floral blue, reminiscent of cornflower petals, delicate and charming.

Hex: #ADC1FF
RGB: 173, 193, 255
CMYK: 32%, 24%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 225°, 100%, 84%


Periwinkle Dusk

A muted, dusky periwinkle, evoking the tranquility of twilight, subtle and mysterious.

Hex: #8C9DB4
RGB: 140, 157, 180
CMYK: 22%, 13%, 0%, 29%
HSL: 214°, 21%, 63%


Periwinkle Fog

A pale, misty periwinkle, like a foggy morning sky, ethereal and soft.

Hex: #BABDD6
RGB: 186, 189, 214
CMYK: 13%, 12%, 0%, 16%
HSL: 234°, 25%, 78%


Periwinkle Frost

A cool, icy periwinkle, like frost on a winter morning, crisp and refreshing.

Hex: #C9D3E2
RGB: 201, 211, 226
CMYK: 11%, 7%, 0%, 11%
HSL: 216°, 30%, 84%


Periwinkle Gray

A muted, grayish periwinkle, blending the softness of blue with the neutrality of gray.

Hex: #C3CDE6
RGB: 195, 205, 230
CMYK: 15%, 11%, 0%, 10%
HSL: 223°, 41%, 83%


Periwinkle Heather

A dusty, muted purple, like heather flowers, subtle and natural.

Hex: #9C99AA
RGB: 156, 153, 170
CMYK: 8%, 10%, 0%, 33%
HSL: 251°, 9%, 63%


Periwinkle Indigo

A blend of periwinkle and indigo, deep and mysterious with a hint of whimsy.

Hex: #404080
RGB: 64, 64, 128
CMYK: 50%, 50%, 0%, 50%
HSL: 240°, 33%, 38%


Periwinkle Mauve

A soft blend of periwinkle and mauve, gentle and romantic.

Hex: #9999CC
RGB: 153, 153, 204
CMYK: 25%, 25%, 0%, 20%
HSL: 240°, 33%, 70%


Periwinkle Night

A deep, dark periwinkle, reminiscent of the night sky, mysterious and deep.

Hex: #2A2B47
RGB: 42, 43, 71
CMYK: 41%, 39%, 0%, 72%
HSL: 238°, 26%, 22%


Periwinkle Ocean

A soft, aquatic blue, like the gentle waves of the ocean, calming and expansive.

Hex: #4C6A92
RGB: 76, 106, 146
CMYK: 48%, 27%, 0%, 43%
HSL: 214°, 32%, 44%


Periwinkle Orchid

A light, floral purple, like the delicate petals of an orchid, elegant and exotic.

Hex: #E1D3E2
RGB: 225, 211, 226
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 0%, 11%
HSL: 296°, 21%, 86%


Periwinkle Pearl

A lustrous, soft blue with a pearly sheen, delicate and refined.

Hex: #E8E8FF
RGB: 232, 232, 255
CMYK: 9%, 9%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 240°, 100%, 95%


Periwinkle Pink

A soft blend of periwinkle and pink, sweet and whimsical.

Hex: #E9CFEC
RGB: 233, 207, 236
CMYK: 1%, 12%, 0%, 7%
HSL: 294°, 43%, 87%


Periwinkle Powder

A light, powdery blue, soft and airy like talcum powder.

Hex: #C5CBE1
RGB: 197, 203, 225
CMYK: 12%, 10%, 0%, 12%
HSL: 227°, 32%, 83%


Periwinkle Rose

A gentle blend of periwinkle and rose, romantic and tender.

Hex: #D8BFD8
RGB: 216, 191, 216
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 0%, 15%
HSL: 300°, 24%, 80%


Periwinkle Silver

A cool, shimmering blue with a hint of silver, elegant and sophisticated.

Hex: #C5C5DB
RGB: 197, 197, 219
CMYK: 10%, 10%, 0%, 14%
HSL: 240°, 23%, 82%


Periwinkle Sky

A soft, sky blue with a touch of periwinkle, serene and expansive.

Hex: #8CB7D7
RGB: 140, 183, 215
CMYK: 35%, 15%, 0%, 16%
HSL: 206°, 48%, 70%


Periwinkle Tint

A very light, washed-out periwinkle, subtle and delicate.

Hex: #D3DDD6
RGB: 211, 221, 214
CMYK: 5%, 0%, 3%, 13%
HSL: 138°, 13%, 85%


Periwinkle Twilight

A muted, dusky periwinkle, capturing the magic of twilight, soft and mysterious.

Hex: #708DAC
RGB: 112, 141, 172
CMYK: 35%, 18%, 0%, 33%
HSL: 211°, 27%, 56%


Permanent Green

A bright, enduring green, steadfast and vivid.

Hex: #009669
RGB: 0, 150, 105
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 30%, 41%
HSL: 162°, 100%, 29%


Persian Blue

A rich, royal blue, deep and luxurious, reminiscent of ancient Persian art.

Hex: #1C39BB
RGB: 28, 57, 187
CMYK: 85%, 70%, 0%, 27%
HSL: 229°, 74%, 42%


Persian green

Persian Green is a captivating and elegant color, reminiscent of the lush gardens and rich textiles of ancient Persia.

Hex: #00A693
RGB: 0, 166, 147
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 11%, 35%
HSL: 173°, 100%, 33%


Persian Indigo

A deep, dark blue, rich and intense, inspired by traditional Persian dyes.

Hex: #32127A
RGB: 50, 18, 122
CMYK: 59%, 85%, 0%, 52%
HSL: 258°, 74%, 27%


Persian Orange

A warm, bright orange, like the desert hues of Persia, lively and spirited.

Hex: #D99058
RGB: 217, 144, 88
CMYK: 0%, 34%, 59%, 15%
HSL: 26°, 63%, 60%


Persian Pink

A soft, rosy pink, delicate and charming, with a touch of exotic allure.

Hex: #F77FBE
RGB: 247, 127, 190
CMYK: 0%, 49%, 23%, 3%
HSL: 328°, 88%, 73%


Persian Plum

A deep, rich plum color, luxurious and sumptuous.

Hex: #701C1C
RGB: 112, 28, 28
CMYK: 0%, 75%, 75%, 56%
HSL: 0°, 60%, 27%


Persian Red

A warm, deep red, vibrant and passionate, like Persian carpets.

Hex: #CC3333
RGB: 204, 51, 51
CMYK: 0%, 75%, 75%, 20%
HSL: 0°, 60%, 50%


Persian Rose

A bright, vivid rose pink, bold and enchanting.

Hex: #FE28A2
RGB: 254, 40, 162
CMYK: 0%, 84%, 36%, 0%
HSL: 326°, 99%, 58%


Persian Violet

A deep, blue-purple, like the flowers of the Persian violet, rich and regal.

Hex: #8C8EB2
RGB: 140, 142, 178
CMYK: 21%, 20%, 0%, 30%
HSL: 237°, 20%, 62%



A vibrant, reddish-orange, like the fruit, juicy and bold.

Hex: #EC5800
RGB: 236, 88, 0
CMYK: 0%, 63%, 100%, 7%
HSL: 22°, 100%, 46%



A warm, earthy brown, like the terracotta and landscapes of Peru, rustic and natural.

Hex: #CD853F
RGB: 205, 133, 63
CMYK: 0%, 35%, 69%, 20%
HSL: 30°, 59%, 53%



A dark, herbal green, like the traditional Italian sauce, savory and rich.

Hex: #C1B23E
RGB: 193, 178, 62
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 68%, 24%
HSL: 53°, 51%, 50%


Petal Dust

A soft, delicate pink, like the fine dust on flower petals, gentle and subtle.

Hex: #F4DFCD
RGB: 244, 223, 205
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 16%, 4%
HSL: 28°, 64%, 88%



A soft, understated color, delicate and charming.

RGB: 234, 202, 203
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 13%, 8%
HSL: 358°, 43%, 85%


Petite Peach

A light, soft peach, like the blush on a young fruit, tender and sweet.

Hex: #F1B097
RGB: 241, 176, 151
CMYK: 0%, 27%, 37%, 5%
HSL: 17°, 76%, 77%



A muted, dark gray with a hint of blue, like the metal alloy, strong and timeless.

Hex: #899499
RGB: 137, 148, 153
CMYK: 10%, 3%, 0%, 40%
HSL: 199°, 7%, 57%


Pewter Blue

A muted, grayish-blue reminiscent of aged pewter with a bluish tint. It’s subtle and sophisticated.

Hex: #8BA8B7
RGB: 139, 168, 183
CMYK: 24%, 8%, 0%, 28%
HSL: 200°, 23%, 63%


Philippine Orange

A vibrant, bold orange, symbolic of the warmth and energy found in the Philippines.

Hex: #F26E01
RGB: 242, 110, 1
CMYK: 0%, 55%, 100%, 5%
HSL: 27°, 99%, 48%


Philippine Violet

A rich, deep purple, evoking the vibrancy and culture of the Philippines.

Hex: #81007F
RGB: 129, 0, 127
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 2%, 49%
HSL: 301°, 100%, 25%


Phillies Red

A bright, bold red associated with the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team. It’s energetic and passionate.

Hex: #E81828
RGB: 232, 24, 40
CMYK: 0%, 90%, 83%, 9%
HSL: 355°, 82%, 50%



A vibrant, intense purple, like the color of phlox flowers. It’s lively and captivating.

Hex: #DF00FF
RGB: 223, 0, 255
CMYK: 13%, 100%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 292°, 100%, 50%


Photon White

A bright, radiant white, suggesting a futuristic or high-tech quality.

Hex: #F8F8E8
RGB: 248, 248, 232
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 6%, 3%
HSL: 60°, 53%, 94%


Phthalo Blue

A deep, intense blue with greenish undertones, used in pigments and dyes. It’s vivid and striking.

Hex: #000F89
RGB: 0, 15, 137
CMYK: 100%, 89%, 0%, 46%
HSL: 233°, 100%, 27%


Phthalo Green

A deep, vibrant green with blue undertones, often used in artists’ pigments. It’s rich and luscious.

Hex: #123524
RGB: 18, 53, 36
CMYK: 66%, 0%, 32%, 79%
HSL: 151°, 49%, 14%


Picotee Blue

A delicate blue with a slightly purplish edge, like the petal edges of picotee flowers.

Hex: #2E2787
RGB: 46, 39, 135
CMYK: 66%, 71%, 0%, 47%
HSL: 244°, 55%, 34%


Pictorial Carmine

A deep, rich red, reminiscent of the carmine pigment used in historic paintings.

Hex: #C30B4E
RGB: 195, 11, 78
CMYK: 0%, 94%, 60%, 24%
HSL: 338°, 89%, 40%


Pig Iron

A dark gray with a metallic sheen, like the color of raw iron. It’s industrial and solid.

Hex: #484848
RGB: 72, 72, 72
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 72%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 28%


Pigeon Gray

A medium gray with a hint of blue, resembling the color of a pigeon’s feathers. It’s calm and unassuming.

Hex: #C1B4A0
RGB: 193, 180, 160
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 17%, 24%
HSL: 36°, 21%, 69%


Piggy Pink

A very pale, soft pink, suggestive of a piglet’s skin. It’s gentle and playful.

Hex: #FDDDE6
RGB: 253, 221, 230
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 9%, 1%
HSL: 343°, 89%, 93%


Pigment Green

A deep, saturated green, typical of concentrated green pigments. It’s bold and vibrant.

Hex: #00A550
RGB: 0, 165, 80
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 52%, 35%
HSL: 149°, 100%, 32%


Pigment Magenta

A bright, intense magenta, like the color used in printing and art pigments. It’s vivid and striking.

Hex: #FF0090
RGB: 255, 0, 144
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 44%, 0%
HSL: 326°, 100%, 50%


Pigment Red

A deep, bright red, commonly used in pigments for its strong color. It’s vibrant and bold.

Hex: #ED1C24
RGB: 237, 28, 36
CMYK: 0%, 88%, 85%, 7%
HSL: 358°, 85%, 52%


Pika yellow

Pika Yellow is a vibrant and energetic color, embodying the spirit of adventure and playfulness.

Hex: #EEE92D
RGB: 238, 233, 45
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 81%, 7%
HSL: 58°, 85%, 55%



A deep, earthy green, like the needles of a pine tree. It’s natural and calming.

Hex: #0A481E
RGB: 10, 72, 30
CMYK: 86%, 0%, 58%, 72%
HSL: 139°, 76%, 16%


Pine green

Pine Green is a deep, earthy color that encapsulates the essence of tranquil forest landscapes.

Hex: #01796F
RGB: 1, 121, 111
CMYK: 99%, 0%, 8%, 53%
HSL: 175°, 98%, 24%


Pine Needle Color

A specific shade of green typical of pine needles, rich and natural.

Hex: #454D32
RGB: 69, 77, 50
CMYK: 10%, 0%, 35%, 70%
HSL: 78°, 21%, 25%


Pine Nut

A soft, warm beige, like the color of pine nuts. It’s gentle and earthy.

Hex: #EADAC2
RGB: 234, 218, 194
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 17%, 8%
HSL: 36°, 49%, 84%



A bright, sunny yellow, reminiscent of ripe pineapple flesh. It’s juicy and tropical.

Hex: #563C0D
RGB: 86, 60, 13
CMYK: 0%, 30%, 85%, 66%
HSL: 39°, 74%, 19%



A classic, soft red, full of charm and femininity. It’s sweet and playful.

Hex: #FFC0CB
RGB: 255, 192, 203
CMYK: 0%, 25%, 20%, 0%
HSL: 350°, 100%, 88%


Pink (G&S)

A specific shade of pink, likely bright and engaging, often associated with a specific context or brand.

Hex: #F7BFBE
RGB: 247, 191, 190
CMYK: 0%, 23%, 23%, 3%
HSL: 1°, 78%, 86%


Pink (Pantone)

A particular shade of pink defined by Pantone, known for its precision and vibrancy.

Hex: #D74894
RGB: 215, 72, 148
CMYK: 0%, 67%, 31%, 16%
HSL: 328°, 64%, 56%


Pink Champagne

A soft, effervescent pink, reminiscent of the color of pink champagne. It’s delicate and celebratory.

Hex: #F1DDCF
RGB: 241, 221, 207
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 14%, 5%
HSL: 25°, 55%, 88%


Pink Flamingo

A bright, vibrant pink, like the feathers of a flamingo. It’s bold and exotic.

Hex: #FC74FD
RGB: 252, 116, 253
CMYK: 0%, 54%, 0%, 1%
HSL: 300°, 97%, 72%


Pink Fraud

A playful, whimsical pink, perhaps with a surprising or unexpected quality.

Hex: #FEC0CB
RGB: 254, 192, 203
CMYK: 0%, 24%, 20%, 0%
HSL: 349°, 97%, 87%


Pink Gold

A soft, metallic pink, like gold with a rosy tint. It’s luxurious and elegant.

Hex: #F2C3B8
RGB: 242, 195, 184
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 24%, 5%
HSL: 11°, 69%, 84%


Pink Gray

A muted, pale pink with gray undertones, soft and understated.

Hex: #E7DADA
RGB: 231, 218, 218
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 6%, 9%
HSL: 0°, 21%, 88%


Pink Ivory

A rare, pale pink wood, luxurious and exotic.

Hex: #DBC3BE
RGB: 219, 195, 190
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 13%, 14%
HSL: 10°, 29%, 80%


Pink Lace

A delicate, soft pink, like fine lace. It’s gentle and romantic.

Hex: #FFDDF4
RGB: 255, 221, 244
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 4%, 0%
HSL: 319°, 100%, 93%


Pink Lavender

Pink Lavender is a delicate and romantic color, blending the soft warmth of pink with the subtle, soothing tones of lavender.

Hex: #DBB2D1
RGB: 219, 178, 209
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 5%, 14%
HSL: 315°, 36%, 78%


Pink Lemonade

A bright, playful pink, like the color of pink lemonade. It’s refreshing and fun.

Hex: #EFD3D2
RGB: 239, 211, 210
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 12%, 6%
HSL: 2°, 48%, 88%


Pink Marshmallow

A fluffy, light pink, like the color of a marshmallow. It’s sweet and airy.

Hex: #FFC5C5
RGB: 255, 197, 197
CMYK: 0%, 23%, 23%, 0%
HSL: 0°, 100%, 89%


Pink Nude

A subtle, natural pink, like the color of nude lips. It’s understated and elegant.

Hex: #DDC0B4
RGB: 221, 192, 180
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 19%, 13%
HSL: 18°, 38%, 79%


Pink Orange

A warm, vibrant blend of pink and orange, lively and bright.

Hex: #F89880
RGB: 248, 152, 128
CMYK: 0%, 39%, 48%, 3%
HSL: 12°, 90%, 74%


Pink Pastel

A soft, gentle pink, like a pastel crayon. It’s delicate and light.

Hex: #FFD1DC
RGB: 255, 209, 220
CMYK: 0%, 18%, 14%, 0%
HSL: 346°, 100%, 91%


Pink Pearl

A soft, lustrous pink with a pearly sheen. It’s delicate and refined.

Hex: #E7ACCF
RGB: 231, 172, 207
CMYK: 0%, 26%, 10%, 9%
HSL: 324°, 55%, 79%


Pink Salt

A light, dusty pink, like the color of Himalayan salt. It’s natural and serene.

Hex: #F8EEEC
RGB: 248, 238, 236
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 5%, 3%
HSL: 10°, 46%, 95%


Pink Sand

A soft, warm beige-pink, like the color of pink sand beaches. It’s gentle and calming.

Hex: #DFB19B
RGB: 223, 177, 155
CMYK: 0%, 21%, 30%, 13%
HSL: 19°, 52%, 74%


Pink Sherbet

A bright, refreshing pink, like the frozen dessert. It’s sweet and lively.

Hex: #F78FA7
RGB: 247, 143, 167
CMYK: 0%, 42%, 32%, 3%
HSL: 346°, 87%, 76%


Pink Tulip

A bright, cheerful pink, like the color of tulip flowers. It’s vibrant and spring-like.

Hex: #FF8E8E
RGB: 255, 142, 142
CMYK: 0%, 44%, 44%, 0%
HSL: 0°, 100%, 78%


Pinkish Beige

A beige with a hint of pink, creating a warm, subtle hue. It’s soft and inviting.

Hex: #D5A499
RGB: 213, 164, 153
CMYK: 0%, 23%, 28%, 16%
HSL: 11°, 42%, 72%


Pinkish Brown

A brown with a touch of pink, warm and earthy.

Hex: #C27E79
RGB: 194, 126, 121
CMYK: 0%, 35%, 38%, 24%
HSL: 4°, 37%, 62%


Pinkish Cream

A creamy, soft pink, gentle and soothing.

Hex: #FFD7E9
RGB: 255, 215, 233
CMYK: 0%, 16%, 9%, 0%
HSL: 333°, 100%, 92%


Pinkish Gray

Pinkish Gray is a unique and understated color that marries the cool tones of gray with a gentle hint of pink.

Hex: #C8ACA9
RGB: 200, 172, 169
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 16%, 22%
HSL: 6°, 22%, 72%


Pinkish Orange

A warm, vibrant blend of pink and orange, lively and cheerful.

Hex: #F89880
RGB: 248, 152, 128
CMYK: 0%, 39%, 48%, 3%
HSL: 12°, 90%, 74%


Pinkish Purple

A soft blend of pink and purple, romantic and charming.

Hex: #D648D7
RGB: 214, 72, 215
CMYK: 0%, 67%, 0%, 16%
HSL: 300°, 64%, 56%


Pinkish Red

Pinkish Red is a vibrant and lively color, combining the boldness of red with the softness of pink. This dynamic hue captures the warmth and passion of red, while the infusion of pink adds a playful and romantic touch

Hex: #F22952
RGB: 242, 41, 82
CMYK: 0%, 83%, 66%, 5%
HSL: 348°, 89%, 55%


Pinkish Tan

A light, warm tan with a hint of pink, creating a soft, inviting hue.

Hex: #D99B82
RGB: 217, 155, 130
CMYK: 0%, 29%, 40%, 15%
HSL: 17°, 53%, 68%


Pinot Noir

A deep, rich red, reminiscent of the luxurious Pinot Noir wine.

Hex: #653642
RGB: 101, 54, 66
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 35%, 60%
HSL: 345°, 30%, 30%


Pinterest Red

A vibrant, bold red associated with the Pinterest brand, lively and eye-catching.

Hex: #E60023
RGB: 230, 0, 35
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 85%, 10%
HSL: 351°, 100%, 45%



A light, greenish-yellow, similar to the color of pistachio nuts, fresh and natural.

Hex: #93C572
RGB: 147, 197, 114
CMYK: 25%, 0%, 42%, 23%
HSL: 96°, 42%, 61%


Pistachio Shell

A pale, muted green, like the outer shell of a pistachio, subtle and earthy.

Hex: #D7CFBB
RGB: 215, 207, 187
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 13%, 16%
HSL: 43°, 26%, 79%


Pitch Black

An intense, deep black, evoking the darkness of night or tar, absolute and profound.

Hex: #27251F
RGB: 39, 37, 31
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 21%, 85%
HSL: 45°, 11%, 14%


Pizza Edge

A golden brown, reminiscent of the crispy edges of a baked pizza, warm and appetizing.

Hex: #9A2CA0
RGB: 154, 44, 160
CMYK: 4%, 72%, 0%, 37%
HSL: 297°, 57%, 40%


Placebo Yellow

Placebo Yellow is an intriguing and thought-provoking color, named after the concept of the placebo effect in medicine.

RGB: 252, 251, 235
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 7%, 1%
HSL: 56°, 74%, 95%



A metallic gray with a hint of silver, elegant and sophisticated.

Hex: #E5E4E2
RGB: 229, 228, 226
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 10%
HSL: 40°, 5%, 89%


Platinum Gray

A muted, sophisticated gray with a metallic sheen, modern and sleek.

Hex: #797979
RGB: 121, 121, 121
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 53%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 47%


Plaza Taupe

A warm, medium taupe, evoking the elegance and history of city plazas, refined and classic.

Hex: #AEA393
RGB: 174, 163, 147
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 16%, 32%
HSL: 36°, 14%, 63%



A rich, deep purple, reminiscent of the fruit, luxurious and indulgent.

Hex: #DDA0DD
RGB: 221, 160, 221
CMYK: 0%, 28%, 0%, 13%
HSL: 300°, 47%, 75%


Plum (Crayola)

A specific shade of plum defined by Crayola, deep and vivid.

Hex: #843179
RGB: 132, 49, 121
CMYK: 0%, 63%, 8%, 48%
HSL: 308°, 46%, 35%


Plum web

A deep purple, like the standard web color named “plum,” rich and sophisticated.

Hex: #D793D4
RGB: 215, 147, 212
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 1%, 16%
HSL: 303°, 46%, 71%


Plump Purple

Plump Purple is a rich and sumptuous color, exuding depth and luxury. It’s a deep, velvety purple that conjures images of ripe, juicy fruit and opulent textiles.

Hex: #5946B2
RGB: 89, 70, 178
CMYK: 50%, 61%, 0%, 30%
HSL: 251°, 44%, 49%


Polar Bear

A bright, clean white, like the fur of a polar bear, pure and stark.

Hex: #EAE9E0
RGB: 234, 233, 224
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 4%, 8%
HSL: 54°, 19%, 90%


Polished Bronze

A shiny, metallic brown, reminiscent of polished bronze, rich and reflective.

Hex: #CD7F32
RGB: 205, 127, 50
CMYK: 0%, 38%, 76%, 20%
HSL: 30°, 61%, 50%


Polished Brown

A smooth, lustrous brown, like well-polished wood, elegant and rich.

Hex: #985538
RGB: 152, 85, 56
CMYK: 0%, 44%, 63%, 40%
HSL: 18°, 46%, 41%


Polished Stone

A sleek, refined gray, like a smooth, polished stone, timeless and solid.

Hex: #BEB49E
RGB: 190, 180, 158
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 17%, 25%
HSL: 41°, 20%, 68%


Pomelo White

A pale, yellowish-white, like the rind of a pomelo fruit, light and fresh.

Hex: #F9FFE3
RGB: 249, 255, 227
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 11%, 0%
HSL: 73°, 100%, 95%


Pomp and Power

A bold, regal purple, evoking a sense of grandeur and authority.

Hex: #86608E
RGB: 134, 96, 142
CMYK: 6%, 32%, 0%, 44%
HSL: 290°, 19%, 47%



A rich, deep purple, named after Madame de Pompadour, luxurious and royal.

Hex: #720058
RGB: 114, 0, 88
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 23%, 55%
HSL: 314°, 100%, 22%



A warm, soft brown, like the coat of a pony, gentle and natural.

Hex: #C6AA81
RGB: 198, 170, 129
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 35%, 22%
HSL: 36°, 38%, 64%



A bright, vivid red-orange, like the color of poppy flowers, lively and radiant.

Hex: #E35335
RGB: 227, 83, 53
CMYK: 0%, 63%, 77%, 11%
HSL: 10°, 76%, 55%


Poppy Red

Poppy Red is a striking and bold color, symbolizing passion and vitality.

Hex: #DC343B
RGB: 220, 52, 59
CMYK: 0%, 76%, 73%, 14%
HSL: 358°, 71%, 53%



A bright, showy color, likely a vivid pink or purple, reminiscent of pop culture vibrancy.

Hex: #BE4F62
RGB: 190, 79, 98
CMYK: 0%, 58%, 48%, 25%
HSL: 350°, 46%, 53%


Popstar Red

A vibrant, striking red, bold and attention-grabbing, like a popstar’s charisma.

Hex: #BE4F62
RGB: 190, 79, 98
CMYK: 0%, 58%, 48%, 25%
HSL: 350°, 46%, 53%



A delicate, pale blue or white, like fine porcelain, elegant and refined.

RGB: 255, 254, 252
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 0%
HSL: 40°, 100%, 99%



A medium gray with a hint of blue, like the color of a porpoise, sleek and intelligent.

Hex: #4D4D5C
RGB: 77, 77, 92
CMYK: 16%, 16%, 0%, 64%
HSL: 240°, 9%, 33%



A specific shade of red or yellow, associated with the luxury car brand, dynamic and prestigious.

Hex: #EAB76A
RGB: 234, 183, 106
CMYK: 0%, 22%, 55%, 8%
HSL: 36°, 75%, 67%



A deep, wine red, reminiscent of port wine, rich and robust.

Hex: #663336
RGB: 102, 51, 54
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 47%, 60%
HSL: 356°, 33%, 30%


Portland Orange

A bright, reddish-orange, like the color used in public transit in Portland, noticeable and vibrant.

Hex: #FF5A36
RGB: 255, 90, 54
CMYK: 0%, 65%, 79%, 0%
HSL: 11°, 100%, 61%


Posy Peach

A soft, light peach, reminiscent of delicate posy flowers, sweet and gentle.

Hex: #F1E4D7
RGB: 241, 228, 215
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 11%, 5%
HSL: 30°, 48%, 89%


Pot Black

A deep, dark black, like the color of a pot over a fire, intense and strong.

Hex: #161616
RGB: 22, 22, 22
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 91%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 9%



A soft, light color, like baby powder, gentle and delicate.

RGB: 251, 252, 250
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 1%
HSL: 90°, 25%, 98%


Powder Blue

A pale, serene blue, soft and calming, like a clear, powdery sky.

Hex: #B0E0E6
RGB: 176, 224, 230
CMYK: 23%, 3%, 0%, 10%
HSL: 187°, 52%, 80%


Powdered Sugar

A bright, clean white, like fresh powdered sugar, sweet and light.

RGB: 253, 252, 250
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 1%, 1%
HSL: 40°, 43%, 99%


Powdery Peach

A soft, muted peach, like the color of peach powder, gentle and warm.

Hex: #F2E5D7
RGB: 242, 229, 215
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 11%, 5%
HSL: 31°, 51%, 90%


Power Black

A deep, intense black, strong and commanding.

Hex: #0E0C01
RGB: 14, 12, 1
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 93%, 95%
HSL: 51°, 87%, 3%


Power Gray

A bold, assertive gray, strong and impactful.

Hex: #707272
RGB: 112, 114, 114
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 0%, 55%
HSL: 180°, 1%, 44%


Power Pink

A bright, vibrant pink, bold and empowering.

Hex: #FE6C9E
RGB: 254, 108, 158
CMYK: 0%, 57%, 38%, 0%
HSL: 339°, 99%, 71%


Premium Black

A rich, deep black, luxurious and high-quality.

Hex: #100E09
RGB: 16, 14, 9
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 44%, 94%
HSL: 43°, 28%, 5%


Pretty Cream

A soft, delicate cream color, charming and lovely.

Hex: #FFFAD9
RGB: 255, 250, 217
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 15%, 0%
HSL: 52°, 100%, 93%



A soft, light yellow, like the color of primrose flowers, cheerful and gentle.

Hex: #EBEB91
RGB: 235, 235, 145
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 38%, 8%
HSL: 60°, 69%, 75%


Prince Charming

A charming, attractive blue or gray, reminiscent of storybook romance.

Hex: #493F5E
RGB: 73, 63, 94
CMYK: 22%, 33%, 0%, 63%
HSL: 259°, 20%, 31%


Princeton Orange

Princeton Orange is a vivid and spirited color, embodying a blend of tradition and enthusiasm.

Hex: #E77500
RGB: 231, 117, 0
CMYK: 0%, 49%, 100%, 9%
HSL: 30°, 100%, 45%


Prism Violet

A bright, multifaceted violet, like light refracting through a prism, vivid and dynamic.

Hex: #53357D
RGB: 83, 53, 125
CMYK: 34%, 58%, 0%, 51%
HSL: 265°, 40%, 35%


Prismatic Legacy

A rich, complex color, likely a deep blue or purple, evoking a sense of heritage and depth.

Hex: #BA1607
RGB: 186, 22, 7
CMYK: 0%, 88%, 96%, 27%
HSL: 5°, 93%, 38%


Prismatic Red

A bright, vivid red, like a prism’s reflection, bold and radiant.

Hex: #D03D33
RGB: 208, 61, 51
CMYK: 0%, 71%, 75%, 18%
HSL: 4°, 63%, 51%


Prismatic Reflection’s Shade

A color that captures the essence of light and reflection, likely a vibrant blue or purple.

Hex: #FF3C28
RGB: 255, 60, 40
CMYK: 0%, 76%, 84%, 0%
HSL: 6°, 100%, 58%


Prismatic Vermilion Renewal

A renewed, bright shade of vermillion, vibrant and lively.

Hex: #CA0123
RGB: 202, 1, 35
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 83%, 21%
HSL: 350°, 99%, 40%


Process Yellow

A pure, bright yellow used in color printing, clear and vivid.

Hex: #FFD300
RGB: 255, 211, 0
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 100%, 0%
HSL: 50°, 100%, 50%



A light, effervescent gold or beige, reminiscent of the sparkling wine, celebratory and elegant.

Hex: #FAD6A5
RGB: 250, 214, 165
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 34%, 2%
HSL: 35°, 89%, 81%


Prune Red

A deep, dark red, like the color of prunes, rich and concentrated.

Hex: #701C1C
RGB: 112, 28, 28
CMYK: 0%, 75%, 75%, 56%
HSL: 0°, 60%, 27%


Prussian Blue

A deep, dark blue, historically used in art and uniforms, strong and enduring.

Hex: #003153
RGB: 0, 49, 83
CMYK: 100%, 41%, 0%, 67%
HSL: 205°, 100%, 16%


Psychedelic Purple

A bright, vivid purple, evocative of the 1960s psychedelic culture, bold and mind-bending.

Hex: #DF00FF
RGB: 223, 0, 255
CMYK: 13%, 100%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 292°, 100%, 50%


Psychedelic Yellow

A bright, neon yellow, reminiscent of psychedelic art, vibrant and eye-catching.

Hex: #FFF53D
RGB: 255, 245, 61
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 76%, 0%
HSL: 57°, 100%, 62%



A dark red or purple-brown color, rich and complex.

Hex: #CC8899
RGB: 204, 136, 153
CMYK: 0%, 33%, 25%, 20%
HSL: 345°, 40%, 67%


Puce Pink

A soft, muted pink with a hint of brown or purple, subtle and understated.

Hex: #CC8899
RGB: 204, 136, 153
CMYK: 0%, 33%, 25%, 20%
HSL: 345°, 40%, 67%



A muted, grayish-blue, like the color of water in a puddle, reflective and calm.

Hex: #C8B69E
RGB: 200, 182, 158
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 21%, 22%
HSL: 34°, 28%, 70%


Pullman Green

A dark, railway green, historically used on Pullman train cars, traditional and elegant.

Hex: #3B331C
RGB: 59, 51, 28
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 53%, 77%
HSL: 45°, 36%, 17%



A bright, warm orange, like the color of a ripe pumpkin, cheerful and autumnal.

Hex: #FF7518
RGB: 255, 117, 24
CMYK: 0%, 54%, 91%, 0%
HSL: 24°, 100%, 55%


Pumpkin Orange

A vibrant, deep orange, like a particularly rich-colored pumpkin, warm and inviting.

Hex: #FF7518
RGB: 255, 117, 24
CMYK: 0%, 54%, 91%, 0%
HSL: 24°, 100%, 55%



A bright, vibrant red or pink, like the color of fruit punch, lively and refreshing.

Hex: #F25278
RGB: 242, 82, 120
CMYK: 0%, 66%, 50%, 5%
HSL: 346°, 86%, 64%


Pure Chocolate

A deep, rich brown, like the color of pure, unadulterated chocolate, indulgent and luxurious.

Hex: #160D08
RGB: 22, 13, 8
CMYK: 0%, 41%, 64%, 91%
HSL: 21°, 47%, 6%


Pure Gold

A bright, metallic gold, radiant and valuable.

Hex: #E5B80B
RGB: 229, 184, 11
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 95%, 10%
HSL: 48°, 91%, 47%


Pure Orange

A vivid, unadulterated orange, bright and cheerful.

Hex: #FF8000
RGB: 255, 128, 0
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 100%, 0%
HSL: 30°, 100%, 50%


Pure Silver

A bright, metallic silver, like polished silver, sleek and refined.

Hex: #C3C7C7
RGB: 195, 199, 199
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 0%, 22%
HSL: 180°, 3%, 77%


Pure White

A bright, clean white, unblemished and pristine.

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 100%



A classic, deep purple, rich and regal.

Hex: #800080
RGB: 128, 0, 128
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 0%, 50%
HSL: 300°, 100%, 25%


Purple Corallite

A unique, coral-like purple, vibrant and unusual.

Hex: #5A4E8F
RGB: 90, 78, 143
CMYK: 37%, 45%, 0%, 44%
HSL: 251°, 29%, 43%


Purple Gray

A muted, grayish-purple, sophisticated and understated.

Hex: #A7A6BA
RGB: 167, 166, 186
CMYK: 10%, 11%, 0%, 27%
HSL: 243°, 13%, 69%


Purple Guy

A specific, playful purple, possibly associated with a character or brand.

Hex: #842593
RGB: 132, 37, 147
CMYK: 10%, 75%, 0%, 42%
HSL: 292°, 60%, 36%


Purple Heart

A deep, rich purple, like the military decoration, noble and dignified.

Hex: #7442C8
RGB: 116, 66, 200
CMYK: 42%, 67%, 0%, 22%
HSL: 262°, 55%, 52%


Purple Mauve

A soft, muted mauve with a purple tint, gentle and elegant.

Hex: #604B62
RGB: 96, 75, 98
CMYK: 2%, 23%, 0%, 62%
HSL: 295°, 13%, 34%


Purple Navy

A deep, dark blue with hints of purple, strong and sophisticated.

Hex: #4E5180
RGB: 78, 81, 128
CMYK: 39%, 37%, 0%, 50%
HSL: 236°, 24%, 40%


Purple Periwinkle

A soft, lavender-like purple with hints of blue, delicate and dreamy.

Hex: #807AA5
RGB: 128, 122, 165
CMYK: 22%, 26%, 0%, 35%
HSL: 248°, 19%, 56%


Purple Pizzazz

A vibrant, lively purple, bright and energetic.

Hex: #FE4EDA
RGB: 254, 78, 218
CMYK: 0%, 69%, 14%, 0%
HSL: 312°, 99%, 65%


Purple Red

A rich, deep color blending purple and red, intense and passionate.

Hex: #953553
RGB: 149, 53, 83
CMYK: 0%, 64%, 44%, 42%
HSL: 341°, 48%, 40%


Purple Taupe

A muted, grayish-purple, sophisticated and versatile.

Hex: #50404D
RGB: 80, 64, 77
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 4%, 69%
HSL: 311°, 11%, 28%


Purple Violet

A deep, vivid purple, blending the best of purple and violet, vibrant and captivating.

Hex: #47243C
RGB: 71, 36, 60
CMYK: 0%, 49%, 15%, 72%
HSL: 319°, 33%, 21%


Purple X11

A specific shade of purple in the X11 color system, deep and vivid.

Hex: #A020F0
RGB: 160, 32, 240
CMYK: 33%, 87%, 0%, 6%
HSL: 277°, 87%, 53%


Purplish Blue

A blue with a purple tint, cool and mysterious.

Hex: #603FEF
RGB: 96, 63, 239
CMYK: 60%, 74%, 0%, 6%
HSL: 251°, 85%, 59%



A Latin-inspired deep purple, rich and regal.

Hex: #9A4EAE
RGB: 154, 78, 174
CMYK: 11%, 55%, 0%, 32%
HSL: 287°, 38%, 49%



A pale, neutral beige or gray, like modeling putty, versatile and understated.

Hex: #CFC3A5
RGB: 207, 195, 165
CMYK: 0%, 6%, 20%, 19%
HSL: 43°, 30%, 73%


Cite this Article

Charlene, Lewis, “Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes.” Art in Context. November 14, 2023. URL:

Lewis, C. (2023, 14 November). Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes. Art in Context.

Lewis, Charlene. “Colors that Start with P – 320+ Color Shades with Codes.” Art in Context, November 14, 2023.

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