Baby Blue Color – All About the Shades of Baby Blue
The baby blue color is said to be one of the more popular shades of blue and is a well-known color for nurseries or baby clothes. Are you considering baby blue as a paint color for your next interior design project? If so, you must read on to find out more about the color and what colors go with baby blue.
What Is the Baby Blue Color?
Baby blue can be described as a light blue color or a very soft blue. The color is also a lighter shade of azure and has a powdery look to it that can class as a pastel color. The table with baby blue shows you the hex code, which helps identify colors, and the various color codes. The RGB baby blue color code shows the breakdown of colors that are used for computer graphics, which are red, green, and blue. The CMYK baby blue color code shows you the color ink used for printing purposes and includes cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.
Baby Blue Shade | Baby Blue Hex Code | CMYK Baby Blue Color Code (%) | RGB Baby Blue Color Code | Baby Blue Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Azure | #0080ff | 100, 50, 0, 0 | 0, 128, 255 |
Baby Blue Color: A Brief History
The baby blue color name was first used and recorded in the late 1800s. As we have mentioned, in Western culture, baby blue is a popular color for nurseries and baby clothes. Baby blue had some time in the spotlight during the 1960s in San Francisco when a well-known English writer and philosopher made a suggestion to the local police.
He recommended that the police paint their cars blue and white, in place of white and black. This was put into operation in San Francisco until the late 1980s. He also recommended that the police uniform should be a baby blue color because it would help keep the officers calm in tense situations. However, this suggestion was never fulfilled, maybe with a sigh of relief from many at the time. Baby blue is also the approved color for the Argentinian flag.
Meaning of the Baby Blue Color
All shades of blue of fresh, calming, and relaxing, and instill a sense of trust and loyalty. Being a softer shade, baby blue can be more playful and peaceful. This color is also associated with youth, health, reliability, and trustworthiness. Being a pastel color, baby blue has a soothing and reassuring effect. If blue is your favorite color, then some personality traits would include being compassionate, enthusiastic, communicative, imaginative, sincere, and idealistic.
Shades of Baby Blue
There are many shades of blue and this also means that there are many colors that are close to the baby blue color. All of these colors have slight variations in their composition, which you can see in the different color codes. Below are three examples of different shades of baby blue.
Beau Blue
This color can be described as a light grayish blue and is a lighter tone than baby blue. The name Beau is French for “beautiful”. The color originally comes from the Plochere color system, which was created in the late 1940s and is mainly used by interior designers.
Baby Blue Shade | Baby Blue Hex Code | CMYK Baby Blue Color Code (%) | RGB Baby Blue Color Code | Baby Blue Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Beau Blue | #bcd4e6 | 18, 8, 0, 10 | 188, 212, 230 |
Sky Blue
A color that is extremely close to baby blue is the color sky blue. At various times of the day, the sky can have that baby blue shade, which is a very soft blue. Similar to baby blue, it is associated with relaxation and calmness.
Baby Blue Shade | Baby Blue Hex Code | CMYK Baby Blue Color Code (%) | RGB Baby Blue Color Code | Baby Blue Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Sky Blue | #87Ceeb | 43, 12, 0, 8 | 135, 206, 235 |
Arctic Blue
The name arctic blue inspires thoughts of ice and color and can be described as a very soft cyan as it does have a greenish undertone. A popular paint color for the home, it is used to create a space that is both calming and soothing.
Baby Blue Shade | Baby Blue Hex Code | CMYK Baby Blue Color Code (%) | RGB Baby Blue Color Code | Baby Blue Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Arctic Blue | #90e0f7 | 42, 9, 0, 3 | 144, 224, 247 |
What Colors Go With Baby Blue?
Baby blue can be used with many different colors; however, some combinations will always work if used correctly. Baby blue works well with neutrals like white, cream, and gray, but it also works wonderfully with softer pinks, lavenders, mauves, dark blues, greens, gold, and jewel tones. Let us see what colors go with baby blue when using the color wheel.
Complementary Baby Blue Colors
When looking at color theory and the color wheel, all the colors you can see have specific color combinations that are directly linked to each color’s position on the color wheel. Complementary colors are directly opposite each other. This color combination is perfect if you want to create contrast and pops of color.
Shade | Hex Code | CMYK Color Code | RGB Color Code | Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Soft Orange | #f0aa89 | 0, 29, 43, 6 | 240, 170, 137 |
Monochromatic Baby Blue Colors
Instead of using a single blue color, consider different shades of baby blue. This can help create more depth and the colors are easy to look at. Colors like navy blue or azure would also go with the baby blue color.
Shade | Hex Code | CMYK Color Code | RGB Color Code | Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Dark Blue | #0e4e6c | 87, 28, 0, 58 | 14, 78, 108 | |
Light Grayish Blue | cdebf9 | 18, 6, 0, 2 | 205, 235, 249 |
Analogous Baby Blue Colors
Colors positioned in the same general area on the color wheel are known as analogous colors. These neighboring colors work well and are pleasing to look at as they do not create contrast like other color combinations. So, this would include shades of green and blue.
Shade | Hex Code | CMYK Color Code | RGB Color Code | Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Soft Cyan | #89f0de | 43, 0, 8, 6 | 137, 240, 222 | |
Soft Blue | #899cf0 | 43, 35, 0, 6 | 137, 156, 240 |
Triadic Baby Blue Colors
Three or more colors within a color scheme can get more challenging to work with. However, if you combine these colors properly, they will create some interesting combinations. The best way to use these colors is to choose the main color and then apply the other colors as accents. Triadic colors can be seen on the color wheel as an even-sided triangle shape. In the case of baby blue, the colors are soft pinks as well as greens.
Shade | Hex Code | CMYK Color Code | RGB Color Code | Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Soft Green | #cff089 | 14, 0, 43, 6 | 207, 240, 137 | |
Soft Pink | #f089cf | 0, 43, 14, 6 | 240, 137, 207 |
How to Use the Baby Blue Color
Since baby blue paint is such a popular color, it can be used in a variety of design ideas and projects. The color can easily be mixed to create a baby blue paint color for art projects, or it can be mixed to paint your walls. Baby blue can also be a comforting choice for interior designs and the perfect fashion color choice.
What Colors Make Baby Blue Paint?
There are so many paint colors you can get ready-made in a tube these days that you do not have to mix many of the colors yourself. Although, many artists insist on mixing their own colors, to get the best color blend.
Mixing baby blue paint at home is quite easy, all you need is some blue and white paint. Take some white paint and place it on your mixing surface, and then slowly add the blue paint until you reach the color you want. You can create a color chart to help record your proportions as you go, so you can replicate the colors in the future.
The Baby Blue Color in Fashion
Baby blue is a great color for clothing and fashion ideas and goes well with other pastels, white, and floral prints. However, black, and navy blue are classic colors that will pair suitably with baby blue. Not only does baby blue look great in clothing, but you can also bring the color in using accessories. For example, consider handbags, shoes, jewelry, scarves, and even things like nail polish or make-up.
There are always blue jeans, which can come in a light baby blue color. Beautiful evening dresses and outfits can work perfectly in baby blue. Consider layer shades of blue in an outfit to create more depth and interest. For example, navy blue pants and a baby blue coat. Add pops of color to the baby blue ensemble with pinks, greens, soft oranges, or even shades of red.
Baby Blue Home Interiors
Baby blue does tend to have a link to nurseries and baby clothes, however, there are other shades of baby blue you can consider. All of these colors offer a calming and relaxing atmosphere and is a popular color for bedrooms. The color has become more popular on walls and can be used alongside other neutrals like gray, white, cream, and beige.
Adding different textures, patterns, and colors, you can use a baby blue color palette in any room. Blue and white is always a good combination if you are trying to create a seaside atmosphere. Besides using baby blue on the walls, it can be used to add a bit of color by painting door and window frames blue.
Pairing baby blue with the right colors can help to warm up a room. You can pair the baby blue color with natural wood elements that have a warm orange undertone. Since orange and blue complement, each other, they are the perfect combination. You can also add pops of color in a blue room using accessories like cushions, rugs, curtains, art pieces, and plants for greenery. Baby blue can also be the accent color if you would just like to add a touch of blue. Below is an example of a more delicate color palette that includes light pink or peach, rose quartz, and baby blue.
Shade | Hex Code | CMYK Color Code | RGB Color Code | Color |
Baby Blue | #89cff0 | 43, 14, 0, 6 | 137, 207, 240 | |
Peach | #ffe5b4 | 0, 10, 29, 0 | 255, 229, 180 | |
Rose Quartz | #f7cac9 | 0, 18, 19, 3 | 247, 202, 201 |
The light blue color that is baby blue does not have to be set apart for baby rooms or clothing. The color also has other uses and is a great addition to any wardrobe as well as the perfect color for a variety of interior design ideas.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Colors Make Baby Blue?
Mixing baby blue is easy, all you need is some white and blue paint. Place some white on your palette and add in small amounts of blue until you reach the color you want. You can try out separate types of blue, to find out what shades and tones of blue you can create.
Can Baby Blue Be Used in the Kitchen?
Yes, baby blue can work in the kitchen. Lighter shades, when paired with white can create a clean, fresh, and invigorating look. The color can be added to cabinets, the walls, or brought in through accessories or appliances like dishcloths, kettles, or toasters.
What Colors Go With Baby Blue?
Baby blue can go with white, gray, black, beige, and cream. The color can also work with pinks, shades of green and orange as well as other shades of blue.
In 2005, Charlene completed her Wellness Diplomas in Therapeutic Aromatherapy and Reflexology from the International School of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. She worked for a company offering corporate wellness programs for a couple of years, before opening up her own therapy practice. It was in 2015 that a friend, who was a digital marketer, asked her to join her company as a content creator, and this is where she found her excitement for writing.
Since joining the content writing world, she has gained a lot of experience over the years writing on a diverse selection of topics, from beauty, health, wellness, travel, and more. Due to various circumstances, she had to close her therapy practice and is now a full-time freelance writer. Being a creative person, she could not pass up the opportunity to contribute to the Art in Context team, where is was in her element, writing about a variety of art and craft topics. Contributing articles for over three years now, her knowledge in this area has grown, and she has gotten to explore her creativity and improve her research and writing skills.
Charlene Lewis has been working for since the relaunch in 2020. She is an experienced writer and mainly focuses on the topics of color theory, painting and drawing.
Learn more about Charlene Lewis and the Art in Context Team.
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Charlene, Lewis, “Baby Blue Color – All About the Shades of Baby Blue.” Art in Context. December 30, 2022. URL:
Lewis, C. (2022, 30 December). Baby Blue Color – All About the Shades of Baby Blue. Art in Context.
Lewis, Charlene. “Baby Blue Color – All About the Shades of Baby Blue.” Art in Context, December 30, 2022.