colors starting with e

Colors that Start with E – Complete Overview

Welcome to the vibrant spectrum of hues that commence with the letter ‘E’! In the realm of color theory, each shade not only paints our world with beauty but also carries its own unique story and psychological impact. From the electric energy of neon tones to the soothing whispers of earthy shades, ‘E’ colors encapsulate a world of emotions and natural associations. Join us as we embark on a chromatic journey, exploring the depth and diversity of colors that start with ‘E’. Whether you’re a designer seeking inspiration, an artist in search of the perfect palette, or simply a color enthusiast curious about the meanings behind these captivating hues, you’ll find that each color has its own fascinating narrative. Let’s dive into the enchanting world of ‘E’ colors and discover the visual feast they have to offer!



Our Collection of Colors Starting with E



Eagle is a color reminiscent of the majestic bird, often associated with freedom and a broad perspective.

Hex: #B6BAA4
RGB: 182, 186, 164
CMYK: Calculate from RGB


Earls Green

Earls Green is a vibrant, yellowish-green shade that evokes the freshness of spring.

Hex: #C9B93B
RGB: 201, 185, 59
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 71%, 21%


Early Dawn

Early Dawn is a pale, soft color that captures the serene essence of the early morning sky.

Hex: #FFF9E6
RGB: 255, 249, 230
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 10%, 0%


Earth Yellow

Earth Yellow is a warm, muted shade that captures the essence of soil and the natural world.

Hex: #E1A95F
RGB: 225, 169, 95
CMYK: 0%, 25%, 58%, 12%


East Bay

East Bay is a deep blue shade that reflects the depth and mystery of the ocean.

Hex: #414C7D
RGB: 65, 76, 125
CMYK: 48%, 39%, 0%, 51%


East Side

East Side is a soft purple that suggests refinement and elegance.

Hex: #AC91CE
RGB: 172, 145, 206
CMYK: 16%, 30%, 0%, 19%


Eastern Blue

Eastern Blue is a vibrant, tropical blue that is refreshing and invigorating.

Hex: #1E9AB0
RGB: 30, 154, 176
CMYK: 83%, 13%, 0%, 31%



Ebb is a light grey that conveys a sense of calm and neutrality.

Hex: #E9E3E3
RGB: 233, 227, 227
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 3%, 9%



Ebony is a dark blackish-brown that is strong and impactful.

Hex: #0C0B1D
RGB: 12, 11, 29
CMYK: 59%, 62%, 0%, 89%


Ebony Clay

Ebony Clay is a deep grey with a hint of blue, evoking a sense of sophistication.

Hex: #26283B
RGB: 38, 40, 59
CMYK: 36%, 32%, 0%, 77%



Ecru is a light beige that is natural and understated.

Hex: #C2B280
RGB: 194, 178, 128
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 34%, 24%


Ecru White

Ecru White is a pale, creamy white that offers a soft, clean look.

Hex: #F5F3E5
RGB: 245, 243, 229
CMYK: 0%, 1%, 7%, 4%



Ecstasy is a vibrant orange that is energetic and lively.

Hex: #FA7814
RGB: 250, 120, 20
CMYK: 0%, 52%, 92%, 2%


Egg Sour

Egg Sour is a soft yellow that is comforting and warm.

Hex: #FFF4DD
RGB: 255, 244, 221
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 13%, 0%


Eggshell Brown

Eggshell Brown is a warm, earthy brown that is comforting and natural.

Hex: #D8985A
RGB: 216, 152, 90
CMYK: 0%, 30%, 58%, 15%


Egyptian Blue

Egyptian Blue is a rich, historical blue that carries the legacy of ancient art.

Hex: #1034A6
RGB: 16, 52, 166
CMYK: 90%, 69%, 0%, 35%


Electric Blue

Electric Blue is a bright and vivid blue that is both energetic and calming.

Hex: #7DF9FF
RGB: 125, 249, 255
CMYK: 51%, 2%, 0%, 0%


Electric Crimson

Electric Crimson is a vibrant and intense red that exudes excitement and passion.

Hex: #FF003F
RGB: 255, 0, 63
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 75%, 0%


Electric Cyan

Electric Cyan is a bright, fluorescent cyan that is reminiscent of neon lights.

Hex: #00FFFF
RGB: 0, 255, 255
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 0%, 0%


Electric Green

Electric Green is a bright and vivid green that is full of life and energy.

Hex: #00FF00
RGB: 0, 255, 0
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 100%, 0%


Electric Indigo

Electric Indigo is a deep indigo color that is electric and mysterious.

Hex: #6F00FF
RGB: 111, 0, 255
CMYK: 56%, 100%, 0%, 0%


Electric Lavender

Electric Lavender is a soft, electric purple that is unique and captivating.

Hex: #F4BBFF
RGB: 244, 187, 255
CMYK: 4%, 27%, 0%, 0%


Electric Lime

Electric Lime is a neon lime green that is as lively as it is bright.

Hex: #CCFF00
RGB: 204, 255, 0
CMYK: 20%, 0%, 100%, 0%


Electric Pink

Electric Pink is a vibrant pink that is playful and full of energy.

Hex: #F187B7
RGB: 241, 135, 183
CMYK: 0%, 44%, 24%, 5%


Electric Purple

Electric Purple is a deep purple that is striking and bold.

Hex: #BF00FF
RGB: 191, 0, 255
CMYK: 25%, 100%, 0%, 0%


Electric Ultramarine

Electric Ultramarine is a bright ultramarine blue that is electric and intense.

Hex: #3F00FF
RGB: 63, 0, 255
CMYK: 75%, 100%, 0%, 0%


Electric Violet

Electric Violet is a vivid purple that is electric and full of life.

Hex: #8F00FF
RGB: 143, 0, 255
CMYK: 44%, 100%, 0%, 0%


Electric Yellow

Electric Yellow is a bright and vibrant yellow that is full of energy and cheer.

Hex: #FFFF33
RGB: 255, 255, 51
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 80%, 0%



Electrum is a varying blend of gold and silver, creating a color that carries the allure of precious metals.

Hex: #94826A
RGB: 148, 130, 106
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 28%, 42%



Elephant is a deep, subdued blue-gray reminiscent of the majestic animal.

Hex: #123447
RGB: 18, 52, 71
CMYK: 75%, 27%, 0%, 72%


Elephant Grey

Elephant Grey is a medium light shade of gray that has a stoic and enduring quality.

Hex: #AFA395
RGB: 175, 163, 149
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 15%, 31%


Elf Green

Elf Green is a rich, vibrant shade of green that is full of life and reminiscent of forest foliage.

Hex: #088370
RGB: 8, 131, 112
CMYK: 94%, 0%, 15%, 49%



Elm is a shade of cyan that captures the calm and serenity of the elm tree’s presence.

Hex: #1C7C7D
RGB: 28, 124, 125
CMYK: 78%, 1%, 0%, 51%


Elm Green

Elm Green is a darker, more subdued shade of green, offering a sense of stability and natural beauty.

Hex: #5F8144
RGB: 95, 129, 68
CMYK: 26%, 0%, 47%, 49%



Embers is a warm, fiery red that glows with intensity and warmth, much like the dying embers of a fire.

Hex: #8C3F30
RGB: 140, 63, 48
CMYK: 0%, 55%, 66%, 45%



Emerald is a brilliant, deep green, like the precious gemstone from which it takes its name.

Hex: #50C878
RGB: 80, 200, 120
CMYK: 60%, 0%, 40%, 22%



Eminence is a deep shade of indigo, which can be associated with wisdom and dignity.

Hex: #6C3082
RGB: 108, 48, 130
CMYK: 17%, 63%, 0%, 49%



Emperor is a muted, dark grayish purple that speaks of sophistication and power.

Hex: #514649
RGB: 81, 70, 73
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 10%, 68%



Empress is a soft, muted purple with a regal and refined presence.

Hex: #817377
RGB: 129, 115, 119
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 8%, 49%



Enchante is a light, creamy beige that evokes a sense of enchantment and calm.

Hex: #EED5BA
RGB: 238, 213, 186
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 22%, 7%



Encore is a deep, muted violet-red, reminiscent of a dramatic curtain call.

Hex: #54162C
RGB: 84, 22, 44
CMYK: 0%, 74%, 48%, 67%



Endeavour is a strong, bright blue that carries the spirit of adventure and exploration.

Hex: #0056A7
RGB: 0, 86, 167
CMYK: 100%, 49%, 0%, 35%



Endorphin is a medium light shade of cyan-blue, inspiring a sense of happiness and energy.

Hex: #4190AD
RGB: 65, 144, 173
CMYK: 62%, 17%, 0%, 32%



Energy is a vibrant yellow that exudes vitality and dynamism.

Hex: #F5D752
RGB: 245, 215, 82
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 67%, 4%


Energy Yellow

Energy Yellow is a bright, sunny yellow that brings a burst of energy and cheer.

Hex: #F8DD5C
RGB: 248, 221, 92
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 63%, 3%


English Green

English Green is a deep, dark green, associated with the lush greenery of the English countryside.

Hex: #1B4D3E
RGB: 27, 77, 62
CMYK: 65%, 0%, 19%, 70%


English Holly

English Holly is a very dark shade of green, evoking the traditional holly plant.

Hex: #022D15
RGB: 2, 45, 21
CMYK: 96%, 0%, 53%, 82%


English Lavender

English Lavender is a soft, pale purple with a tranquil and soothing quality.

English Lavender

English Lavender is a soft, pale purple with a tranquil and soothing quality.

Hex: #B48395
RGB: 180, 131, 149
CMYK: 0%, 27%, 17%, 29%


English Red

English Red is a rich, earthy red reminiscent of traditional English brick.

Hex: #AB4B52
RGB: 171, 75, 82
CMYK: 0%, 56%, 52%, 33%


English Sage

English Sage is a muted green with gray undertones, evoking the herbaceous plant.

Hex: #7D9D72
RGB: 125, 157, 114
CMYK: 20%, 0%, 27%, 38%


English Vermilion

English Vermilion is a bright, pure red with a hint of orange, like the pigment traditionally used in art.

Hex: #CC474B
RGB: 204, 71, 75
CMYK: 0%, 65%, 63%, 20%


English Violet

English Violet is a deep, blue-toned purple that is stately and classic.

Hex: #563C5C
RGB: 86, 60, 92
CMYK: 7%, 35%, 0%, 64%


English Walnut

English Walnut is a dark, chocolate brown that is warm and rich.

Hex: #3E2B23
RGB: 62, 43, 35
CMYK: 0%, 31%, 44%, 76%



Enigma is a mysterious shade of blue-gray, suggesting the unknown and the enigmatic.

Hex: #515072
RGB: 81, 80, 114
CMYK: 29%, 30%, 0%, 55%



Envy is a subdued green with a hint of gray, like the color of foliage in a dense forest.

Hex: #8BA690
RGB: 139, 166, 144
CMYK: 16%, 0%, 13%, 35%



Epic is a golden yellow that is bright and bold, like a heroic tale from ancient times.

Hex: #D9BC36
RGB: 217, 188, 54
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 75%, 15%



Epiphany is a soft green with a touch of blue, like a revelation in a serene landscape.

Hex: #6A9A62
RGB: 106, 154, 98
CMYK: 31%, 0%, 36%, 40%



Equator is a warm, medium yellow that is sunny and inviting.

Hex: #E1BC64
RGB: 225, 188, 100
CMYK: 0%, 16%, 56%, 12%



Equilibrium is a balanced, medium gray that is solid and stable.

Hex: #776E5B
RGB: 119, 110, 91
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 24%, 53%



Ergo is a soft blue that is reflective and thoughtful, like a clear sky.

Hex: #89B0C7
RGB: 137, 176, 199
CMYK: 31%, 12%, 0%, 22%



Erica is a deep pink with a hint of purple, like the heather plant.

Hex: #81332D
RGB: 129, 51, 45
CMYK: 0%, 60%, 65%, 49%



Erotic is a deep maroon shade that suggests sensuality and depth.

Hex: #94414C
RGB: 148, 65, 76
CMYK: 0, 56, 49, 42



Escapade is a muted blue-gray, reminiscent of a fleeting adventure in the clouds.

Hex: #667C91
RGB: 102, 124, 145
CMYK: 30, 14, 0, 43



Escape is a light blue with a hint of green, like a breath of fresh air.

Hex: #9EC0CA
RGB: 158, 192, 202
CMYK: 22, 5, 0, 21



Eskimo is a pale, icy blue, evoking the chill of a glacier.

Hex: #A2B4BA
RGB: 162, 180, 186
CMYK: 13, 3, 0, 27



Eskolaite is a deep forest green, dark and mysterious.

Hex: #395946
RGB: 57, 89, 70
CMYK: 36, 0, 21, 65



Espirit is a dark teal, reflective of the depth of the ocean.

Hex: #354E51
RGB: 53, 78, 81
CMYK: 35, 4, 0, 68



Espresso is a deep brown, as rich and dark as the coffee it’s named after.

Hex: #612718
RGB: 97, 39, 24
CMYK: 0, 60, 75, 62


Espresso Stain

Espresso Stain is a warm, medium brown, reminiscent of a coffee stain.

Hex: #4E312D
RGB: 78, 49, 45
CMYK: 0, 37, 42, 69


Essential Cream

Essential Cream is a soft, warm cream color, providing a neutral backdrop.

Hex: #DCB66F
RGB: 220, 182, 111
CMYK: 0, 17, 50, 14



Eternity is a deep, dark brown, evoking the timeless nature of wood and earth.

Hex: #211A0E
RGB: 33, 26, 14
CMYK: 0, 21, 58, 87


Eton Blue

Eton Blue is a pale greenish-blue, light and airy like a spring morning.

Hex: #96C8A2
RGB: 150, 200, 162
CMYK: 25, 0, 19, 22



Eucalyptus is a vibrant green, full of life and energy like the eucalyptus plant.

Hex: #278A5B
RGB: 39, 138, 91
CMYK: 72, 0, 34, 46



Eunry is a muted pink, a subtle and gentle hue.

Hex: #CFA39D
RGB: 207, 163, 157
CMYK: 0, 21, 24, 19



Eureka is a deep green, reminiscent of a dense forest canopy.

Hex: #415B4E
RGB: 65, 91, 78
CMYK: 29, 0, 14, 64


European Wood

European Wood is a warm, reddish-brown shade reminiscent of aged wood.

Hex: #9C2801
RGB: 156, 40, 1
CMYK: 0, 74, 99, 39



Euxanth is a golden yellow, like the color of autumn leaves.

Hex: #E3A857
RGB: 227, 168, 87
CMYK: 0, 26, 62, 11



Evasive is a soft pink, offering a sense of calm and serenity.

Hex: #FDD8CF
RGB: 253, 216, 207
CMYK: 0, 15, 18, 1


Evening Sea

Evening Sea is a deep teal, reminiscent of the ocean at dusk.

Hex: #024E46
RGB: 2, 78, 70
CMYK: 97, 0, 10, 69



Everglade is a dark, forest green, full of depth and mystery.

Hex: #1C402E
RGB: 28, 64, 46
CMYK: 56, 0, 28, 75



Evergreen is a classic green, symbolizing life and renewal.

Hex: #28372F
RGB: 40, 55, 47
CMYK: 27, 0, 15, 78


Evergreen Garland

Evergreen Garland is a muted green, like the foliage of a holiday wreath.

Hex: #536A56
RGB: 83, 106, 86
CMYK: 22, 0, 19, 58



Evermore is a warm, earthy terra cotta, evoking a sense of enduring beauty.

Hex: #BE6A3F
RGB: 190, 106, 63
CMYK: 0, 44, 67, 25



Evolution is a muted gray, embodying the idea of progress and change.

Hex: #676455
RGB: 103, 100, 85
CMYK: 0, 3, 17, 60



Exhaust is a deep gray, like the color of spent embers in a dying fire.

Hex: #3F3C3C
RGB: 63, 60, 60
CMYK: 0, 5, 5, 75



Explorer is a deep blue, suggestive of the vast and uncharted ocean depths.

Hex: #374E59
RGB: 55, 78, 89
CMYK: 38, 12, 0, 65



Extrovert is a bold, vibrant magenta, full of energy and life.

Hex: #752642
RGB: 117, 38, 66
CMYK: 0, 68, 44, 54




Eyeful is a soft, muted grey, reminiscent of a calm and overcast sky.

Hex: #B6BAA4
RGB: 182, 186, 164
CMYK: 2, 0, 12, 27


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Charlene, Lewis, “Colors that Start with E – Complete Overview.” Art in Context. November 6, 2023. URL:

Lewis, C. (2023, 6 November). Colors that Start with E – Complete Overview. Art in Context.

Lewis, Charlene. “Colors that Start with E – Complete Overview.” Art in Context, November 6, 2023.

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