what colors go with emerald green

What Color Goes With Emerald Green? – 28 Stunning Palettes

Sometimes you are looking for something specific when it comes to choosing a color for a design idea. So, if you are searching for something stylish and vibrant, developing an emerald green color palette might just be what you are looking for. This is a versatile and rich color that pairs wonderfully with most colors. Read further to discover the perfect color combinations that complement the rich and vibrant hue of emerald green. With a total of 28 captivating color combinations awaiting exploration, you’ll have a myriad of options to enhance and accentuate the beauty of this color in interior design. 



Understanding Emerald Green

Emerald green is a beautiful vibrant, rich, and dark shade of green that has a bluish undertone, making it a cool color. So, you can also say that it is a blue-green hue. Being a part of the green family, it provides a fresh and calm feel to any design. Emerald green has been popular throughout history, especially during the nineteenth century, and has gained even more popularity since then.

Shade Hex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green #04630796, 0, 93, 614, 99, 7 

colors that go with emerald green



How to Use the Emerald Green Color

Emerald green is a versatile color and can be chosen as your main color or used as an accent. However, for some, too much of this color can be overwhelming, so it should also be used carefully to avoid making such a mistake. Emerald green is usually a color that is chosen because it adds a certain sophistication and can be used in many different ways in fashion, interior design, and graphic design.


Emerald Green and Gold

This opulent combination exudes luxury and sophistication. Use emerald green as a dominant color in furniture or accent walls, allowing gold to shine through in accessories like frames, lighting fixtures, or metallic decor. Consider incorporating lush greenery for a natural touch, enhancing the overall regal ambiance.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Gold#FFD7000, 0, 100, 0255, 215, 0 

gold and emerald green


Emerald Green and Navy Blue

The pairing of emerald green and navy blue creates a timeless and calming atmosphere. Utilize emerald as an accent color through textiles, throw pillows, or artwork against a navy backdrop. Balance the deep tones with neutral furnishings, ensuring the space feels balanced and inviting. Personally, I suggest introducing metallic accents, such as brass or silver, to add a touch of glamour.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Navy Blue#000080100, 100, 0, 500, 0, 128 

navy and emerald green


Emerald Green and Blush Pink

This combination strikes a perfect balance between vibrancy and softness. To implement this pairing, consider using emerald green for larger elements like furniture and walls, while introducing blush pink in accessories and textiles. Don’t shy away from patterns that incorporate both colors for a cohesive look. In my experience, adding natural textures like wood or rattan complements the blend, creating a harmonious and inviting space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Blush Pink#FFB6C10, 21, 8, 0255, 182, 193 

blush pink and emerald green


Emerald Green and Charcoal Gray

Modern and chic, this color combination creates a sophisticated aesthetic. Use emerald green as an accent color in furniture or statement pieces against a neutral gray backdrop. Infuse warmth with wooden elements or textured fabrics to prevent the space from feeling too stark. Personally, I find this combination works exceptionally well in contemporary settings, allowing the emerald green to stand out while maintaining an overall sleek appearance.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Charcoal Gray#36454F67, 45, 35, 7754, 69, 79 

charcoal and emerald green


Emerald Green and Mustard Yellow

The dynamic contrast between these colors injects energy and warmth into a space. Consider incorporating emerald green in larger elements like upholstery or rugs and punctuating the space with mustard yellow in smaller decor items. This combination is particularly effective in spaces where you want to evoke a lively and cheerful atmosphere. Personally, I recommend introducing natural materials like wood and plants to enhance the vibrancy of these hues.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Mustard Yellow#FFDB580, 8, 63, 0255, 219, 88 

mustard and emerald green


Emerald Green and Coral

Combining these colors creates a bold and lively palette. To achieve a balanced look, use emerald green as a grounding color for furniture and larger elements, while infusing coral in accents like throw pillows, artwork, or vases. The juxtaposition of these colors brings a refreshing and energetic vibe to the space. As a personal touch, consider incorporating metallic finishes, like gold or brass, to add a touch of glamour and refinement. 

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Coral#FF6F610, 62, 46, 0255, 111, 97 

coral and emerald green


Emerald Green and Teal

The pairing of this color combination creates a rich and harmonious blend of deep greens. Distribute these colors evenly throughout the space to maintain balance. Consider using emerald green for larger furniture pieces and teal for accent elements like throw blankets or decorative items. Personally, I find that incorporating plenty of natural light enhances the vibrancy of these hues, creating a welcoming and cozy atmosphere.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Teal#008080100, 0, 33, 500, 128, 128 

teal and emerald green


Emerald Green and Cream

For a timeless and elegant look, combine emerald green with cream. Use emerald green in accent pieces and textiles, while allowing cream to dominate larger surfaces like walls and furniture. This combination works well in both traditional and contemporary settings, offering a versatile and sophisticated palette. Personally, I recommend incorporating texture through fabrics and materials to add depth and interest to the color palette.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Cream#FFFDD00, 2, 22, 0255, 253, 208 

cream and emerald green


Emerald Green and Burgundy

The combination of emerald green and burgundy exudes richness and warmth. Consider using emerald green for statement furniture or accent walls and introducing burgundy in smaller elements like throw pillows, curtains, or artwork. To balance the intensity, incorporate neutral tones such as beige or cream in surrounding areas. Personally, I find that incorporating metallic accents, such as gold or bronze, enhances the overall luxurious feel of this pairing.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Burgundy#8000200, 100, 75, 68128, 0, 32 

burgundy and emerald green


Emerald Green and Copper

The warm undertones of copper beautifully complement the depth of emerald green. Integrate emerald green in larger elements and furniture while incorporating copper through lighting fixtures, decor accents, or even kitchenware. This combination works well in both modern and rustic settings, adding a touch of glamour and earthiness. My personal tip is to use natural materials like wood and stone to further enhance the organic feel of this color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Copper#B873330, 33, 67, 28184, 115, 51 

copper and emerald green


Emerald Green and Lavender

This unexpected pairing brings a sense of tranquility to a space. Use emerald green for larger elements like walls or furniture and introduce lavender in accessories or textiles. The contrast between the bold emerald and the calming lavender creates a visually appealing and balanced atmosphere. Personally, I suggest incorporating soft textures, such as plush rugs or velvet upholstery, to enhance the overall comfort and luxury of the space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Lavender#E6E6FA6, 6, 0, 4230, 230, 250 

lavender and emerald green


Emerald Green and Ivory

The combination of emerald green and ivory creates a classic and timeless palette. Use emerald green for accent furniture or statement pieces and allow ivory to dominate larger surfaces. This pairing is versatile and works well in various design styles, from traditional to contemporary. Personally, I recommend incorporating pops of metallic accents, such as silver or chrome, to add a touch of modern sophistication and visual interest.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Ivory#FFFFF00, 0, 6, 0255, 255, 240 

ivory and emerald green


Emerald Green and Turquoise

The fusion of emerald green and turquoise creates a refreshing and lively ambiance. Incorporate emerald green in larger elements like furniture and use turquoise for accents, such as throw pillows or decorative items. This combination works particularly well in spaces where you want to evoke a sense of energy and playfulness. My personal recommendation is to balance these vibrant hues with neutral elements like white or beige to prevent the space from feeling overwhelming.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Turquoise#40E0D073, 0, 24, 064, 224, 208 

turquoise and emerald green


Emerald Green and Mauve

The pairing of emerald green and mauve introduces a soft and sophisticated color palette. Use emerald green for statement pieces or accent walls and incorporate mauve in textiles or smaller decor items. This combination works beautifully in creating a serene and elegant atmosphere. Personally, I suggest adding layers of texture through fabrics and accessories to enhance the overall comfort and visual interest of the space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Mauve#E0B0FF18, 32, 0, 0224, 176, 255 

mauve and emerald green


Emerald Green and Chocolate Brown

Combining emerald green with chocolate brown results in a rich and earthy color scheme. Use emerald green for accent pieces and chocolate brown for larger elements like furniture or walls. This combination is well-suited for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere, especially in spaces like living rooms or bedrooms. My personal tip is to introduce natural materials like leather or wood to enhance the warmth and texture of the color palette.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Chocolate Brown#D2691E0, 47, 88, 18210, 105, 30 

chocolate and emerald green


Emerald Green and Peach

The combination of emerald green and peach creates a harmonious and playful palette. Use emerald green for larger elements and incorporate peach in smaller details, such as throw blankets or decorative accessories. This pairing is perfect for spaces where you want to infuse a sense of cheerfulness and vibrancy. Personally, I recommend incorporating natural elements like plants to enhance the overall freshness and liveliness of the color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Peach#FFE5B40, 10, 26, 0255, 229, 180 

peach and emerald green


Emerald Green and Lilac

The pairing of emerald green and lilac creates a charming and elegant color scheme. Use emerald green as a dominant color for larger elements, such as furniture or accent walls, and incorporate lilac in textiles or decorative items. This combination is particularly well-suited for bedrooms or living spaces, adding a touch of romance and sophistication. Personally, I recommend incorporating soft lighting, like table lamps or string lights, to enhance the dreamy and cozy atmosphere.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Lilac#C8A2C827, 45, 0, 17200, 162, 200 

lilac and emerald green


Emerald Green and Black

Combining emerald green with black creates a bold and dramatic contrast. Use emerald green as an accent color against a predominantly black backdrop, allowing it to pop in smaller elements like artwork or accessories. This combination is ideal for creating a modern and edgy aesthetic. My personal tip is to balance the dark tones with pops of metallic accents, such as gold or silver, to add a touch of glamour and sophistication.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Black#0000000, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0 

black and emerald green


Emerald Green and Beige

The combination of emerald green and beige results in a timeless and sophisticated color palette. Use emerald green for accent pieces or focal points and let beige dominate larger surfaces like walls or furniture. This pairing works well in creating a neutral yet visually interesting space. Personally, I suggest incorporating natural textures like rattan or jute to add warmth and depth to the color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Beige#F5F5DC2, 2, 12, 0245, 245, 220 

beige and emerald green


Emerald Green and Terracotta

The warm and earthy tones of emerald green and terracotta create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Use emerald green for accent pieces or textiles and incorporate terracotta in smaller details like pottery or throw pillows. This combination is well-suited for creating a comfortable and welcoming ambiance, especially in living spaces. My personal tip is to add layers of texture through rugs and cushions to enhance the overall tactile experience.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87879, 0, 72, 080, 200, 120 
Terracotta#E2725B0, 56, 46, 11226, 114, 91 

terracotta and emerald green


Emerald Green and Sky Blue

The pairing of emerald green with sky blue brings a refreshing and calming vibe to a space. Use emerald green for larger elements like furniture and introduce sky blue in smaller details or accessories. This combination is perfect for creating a tranquil and airy atmosphere, making it well-suited for bedrooms or living rooms. Personally, I recommend incorporating natural materials like linen or cotton to enhance the overall light and breezy feel of the color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Sky Blue#87CEEB32, 8, 0, 7135, 206, 235 

sky blue and emerald green


Emerald Green and Silver

Combining emerald green with silver creates a cool and sophisticated color palette. Use emerald green for statement pieces or accent walls and introduce silver in metallic finishes or decor items. This combination works well in creating a modern and glamorous aesthetic. My personal tip is to incorporate mirrors strategically to reflect light and enhance the sense of brightness in the space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Silver#C0C0C00, 0, 0, 25192, 192, 192 

silver and emerald green


Emerald Green and Burnt Orange

The pairing of emerald green with burnt orange creates a vibrant and energetic color scheme. Use emerald green for larger elements and incorporate burnt orange in smaller details or accent pieces. This combination is well-suited for creating a lively and eclectic atmosphere, especially in spaces where you want to infuse a sense of warmth and creativity. Personally, I recommend incorporating bold patterns and artwork to enhance the overall dynamic feel of the color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Burnt Orange#CC55000, 57, 100, 20204, 85, 0 

burnt orange and emerald green


Emerald Green and Indigo

The deep and rich tones of emerald green paired with indigo create a sophisticated and moody color palette. Use emerald green for larger elements and introduce indigo in smaller details or textiles. This combination is ideal for creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere, making it well-suited for bedrooms or reading nooks. My personal tip is to incorporate low-level lighting, such as floor lamps or sconces, to enhance the overall ambiance and create a relaxing space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Indigo#4B0082100, 100, 0, 4975, 0, 130 

indigo and emerald green


Emerald Green and Tan

The combination of emerald green and tan creates a warm and versatile color palette. Use emerald green for accent pieces or textiles and let tan dominate larger surfaces like walls or furniture. This pairing works well in creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere, especially in living spaces. Personally, I recommend incorporating natural materials like leather or wood to add warmth and texture to the color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Tan#D2B48C0, 17, 38, 18210, 180, 140 

tan and emerald green


Emerald Green and Rose Gold

The elegant and feminine tones of emerald green paired with rose gold create a sophisticated and luxurious color palette. Use emerald green for statement pieces or accent walls and introduce rose gold in metallic finishes or decor items. This combination works well in creating a glamorous and refined aesthetic. My personal tip is to incorporate plush fabrics like velvet or silk to enhance the overall opulence and comfort of the space.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Rose Gold#B76E790, 29, 23, 28183, 110, 121 

rose gold and emerald green


Emerald Green and Aubergine

The deep and rich tones of emerald green combined with aubergine create a luxurious and dramatic color palette. Use emerald green for larger elements and introduce aubergine in smaller details or accent pieces. This combination is well-suited for creating a sumptuous and indulgent atmosphere, making it ideal for bedrooms or dining rooms. Personally, I recommend incorporating rich textures like velvet or satin to enhance the overall decadence of the color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Aubergine#481A1B0, 60, 60, 8172, 26, 27 

aubergine and emerald green


Emerald Green and Pale Yellow

The pairing of emerald green with pale yellow creates a refreshing and cheerful color scheme. Use emerald green for larger elements and introduce pale yellow in smaller details or accessories. This combination is perfect for creating a bright and lively atmosphere, making it well-suited for kitchens or sunrooms. My personal tip is to incorporate natural elements like plants to enhance the overall freshness and vibrancy of the color scheme.

ShadeHex CodeCMYK Color Code (%)RGB Color CodeColor
Emerald Green#50C87878, 0, 100, 2080, 200, 120 
Pale Yellow#FFFF990, 0, 20, 0255, 255, 153 

pale yellow and emerald green



Emerald Color Interior Designs

When it comes to interiors, emerald green works best when paired with neutrals like white, gray, and beige. This helps to create a look that does not overwhelm. Pastels are also great for creating a more subdued look with the emerald-green color. Emerald green can make a luxurious accent color if you do not want to go all out. You can introduce the color through accent walls or accessories like cushions, patterned rugs, throws, furniture, or even window treatments. If you are going for a bold approach, you can consider painting the walls.

Emerald green also works well with natural elements like wood and creates an even more luxurious appeal when combined with metallics like gold.

emerald green in interior design


Once you have an understanding of color psychology and color theory, you can easily begin to make amazing emerald-green color combinations. However, if you are still hesitant about the color, why not start small and use emerald green as an accent? This way, you still bring in a sense of luxury, and you have the calming effect of green without it becoming too dominant.




Frequently Asked Questions


What Color Goes With Emerald Green?

The best color matches with emerald green include neutrals such as beige, gray, and white. Other shades of green and blue also work well. Other colors that go with emerald green include shades of pink, orange, and mustard yellow.


Is Emerald Green Warm or Cool?

Emerald green is a cool green, as it has more of a bluish undertone. Ideal colors that match emerald green are also other cool colors. However, warm colors can also be paired with emerald green; it just has to be done carefully to create a balanced look.


What Are the Colors That Complement Emerald Green?

Colors that are opposite emerald green on the color wheel will be complementary colors. For example, these include different shades of red. Colors like coral, dusty pink, and mustard yellow are also great to pair with emerald green.


Cite this Article

Charlene, Lewis, “What Color Goes With Emerald Green? – 28 Stunning Palettes.” Art in Context. October 2, 2023. URL: https://artincontext.org/what-color-goes-with-emerald-green/

Lewis, C. (2023, 2 October). What Color Goes With Emerald Green? – 28 Stunning Palettes. Art in Context. https://artincontext.org/what-color-goes-with-emerald-green/

Lewis, Charlene. “What Color Goes With Emerald Green? – 28 Stunning Palettes.” Art in Context, October 2, 2023. https://artincontext.org/what-color-goes-with-emerald-green/.

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