How to Draw a Camel

How to Draw a Camel – Easy Camel Drawing Step by Step

Camels are fascinating creatures to study as they have such a unique shape to them. For many years, it was incorrectly thought that camels stored water in their humps, when in truth they actually stored fat! This fat helps them to go for longer periods of time without eating or drinking, as their body converts this fat to energy. So, get ready to be energized as today’s tutorial will teach you all about how to draw a camel! 



An Easy Guide on How to Draw a Camel 

In today’s tutorial, we will be taking you step-by-step through our how-to-draw a camel tutorial. Any animal drawing can seem daunting as you want to make it look as realistic as possible, however, we will guide you through the entire construction process all the way to the detailing, shading, and coloring steps. Follow along with us and you will be to create a camel drawing in no time! 

For a more detailed step-by-step process, please see our camel drawing collage below.  

Camel Drawing Collage


Step 1: Draw the Main Body of the Camel Sketch  

To begin today’s how to draw a camel drawing tutorial, start by locating the center of your page. Once this is done, draw a large horizontal oval shape, which will represent the main body of your camel drawing. On the right-hand side of this oval, draw a smaller vertical oval shape, which will represent the neck and head of your camel. 

Camel Drawing 01


Step 2: Outline the Main Body 

Make use of your oval shapes to help aid you in drawing the outline of your camel illustration. Draw two large humps on top of the main body. Begin to draw a curved line that will connect the main body and head, creating a neck. 

Complete the step by drawing incomplete lines on the bottom of the main body. This will represent the legs and rear end of the camel sketch. 

Camel Drawing 02


Step 3: Outline the Head and Feet of Your Camel Sketch 

Begin by outlining a head that is connected to the nearest lump and the neck. Add in details such as the eyes and the mouth. Complete this step by drawing the feet both with thin arches. 

Finish this step by erasing any visible construction or overlapping lines. 

Camel Drawing 03


Step 4: Add the First Coat of Color 

In this step, we are starting the process of creating a realistic camel drawing by adding color! Begin by selecting a regular paintbrush and brown paint, and evenly color the entire camel drawing. 

Camel Drawing 04


Step 5: Shade Your Easy Camel Drawing 

Make use of a soft brush and black paint, and apply gentle brush strokes to the feet, knees, and bottom area of the main body. This will create soft shading for your camel illustration.

Continue by using the same brush and switching to brown paint, and apply soft shading along the top of the humps, and the head and neck area. 

Complete this step, this time switching to tan paint, and add soft highlights along the edges of the body.

Camel Drawing 05


Step 6: Texture the Neck of Your Camel Drawing  

Select a fine, sharp brush and a combination of black, tan, and light brown paint, and paint individual brush strokes along the entire neckline and top of the head. In doing this, you are creating fine hairlines that will add realism to your camel illustration. 

Remember! The first coat of color should still be visible under your newly textured areas. 

Camel Drawing 06


Step 7: Texture the Entire Body of the Camel 

Use the same paintbrush and combination of colors, and begin painting individual brush strokes along the main body of your camel sketch. Once completed, there should be a layer of texture across the entire body. 

Camel Drawing 07


Step 8: Add Texture to the Head 

Make use of a fine, sharp brush and tan paint, and add rough textures across the face. Repeat this process now with black and dark brown paint. 

With the use of a small, soft brush and black paint, apply shading around the eyes, nostrils, and mouth area. Repeat this step with white paint, and add highlights to these mentioned areas. 

Complete the step with a fine brush and white paint, and add small patches of highlights across the body and on the feet. 

Camel Drawing 08


Step 9: Add a Textured Outline 

To make your easy camel drawing more realistic, you will need to add a layer of fur to your camel sketch. To do this, select a sharp brush and a combination of black and brown paint, and begin to texture the entire outline of your camel. 

Easy Camel Drawing 09


Step 10: Add a Ground Shadow 

Make use of a soft brush and black paint, and add a black spot directly underneath your camel illustration.

Complete the step by using a blending brush, and smooth out the edges of the shadow to create a nice fade. 

Camel Sketch 10


Step 11: Finalize Your Easy Camel Drawing 

We have now reached the end of our how-to draw a camel tutorial! To complete this step, select a fine brush and the corresponding colors, and begin to trace the entire outline of your camel sketch. This will create a perfectly seamless camel drawing! 

Camel Illustration 11


We have now reached the end of our easy camel drawing tutorial! We hope you have greatly enjoyed our how to draw a camel tutorial, and have gained some important skills that will help you become an excellent artist. Now, hop onto your camel and enjoy a beautiful desert sunset! 



Frequently Asked Questions 


How to Draw a Camel and Make It Look Realistic? 

The key to making an animal drawing look realistic lies in the proportions. In our drawing tutorial, we teach you step-by-step how to draw the correct proportions in order to make your camel drawing look realistic! 


How Do You Draw the Fur on a Camel Sketch? 

To draw the fur on your camel drawing is quite simple. Once you have a completed sketch of your camel, select any color you want and draw little strokes of fine lines. What we mean by this is that you want to draw individual lines, and not color in the entire camel sketch. By doing this, you will give your camel drawing a fluffy hair-like aesthetic! 


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