Chakra Colors – Color Meanings to Balance Body and Mind
Maybe you have never even heard about chakra colors, so you might be surprised by the association between your physical and mental wellness and the seven chakra colors. Colors, in general, have various meanings, and there is even the study of colors and how they can affect the body and mind. In this article, we are going to discuss the chakra colors, their meanings, and the benefits of balancing these chakras. So, by the end of this article, you should have a basic understanding of the different chakra colors, and how to use color to help balance your body and mind.
What Are Chakra Colors?
There are several main chakras, which involve seven chakra colors. The word “chakra” means “cycle” or “wheel” and originates from the Sanskrit language, which is a sacred language of Hinduism. The seven chakras are positioned up the spine, from the bottom or base to the crown of the head. It is an ancient belief system that is used in certain practices like meditation and yoga and has become part of the New Age way of thinking. Each of the seven chakras is connected to a specific color, which includes the following. Below is the chakra color order, starting from the root chakra to the crown chakra.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet
Each of these chakra colors is connected to the body organs, emotions, and levels of consciousness, among other aspects. The chakras are believed to be areas of the body where the spiritual, physical, and mind connect, projecting a higher amount of energy. So, chakras are closely linked to the energy that runs throughout the body, and each chakra color has a certain frequency or vibration, which has been chosen to match the various energy centers.
Any blockage within a chakra can disturb the proper energy flow, which can then lead to physical and mental issues.
For example, common physical symptoms can include a sore throat or infections, while emotional issues can seem out of control. Understanding the chakra colors and meanings can help restore the balance of energy. This can be done by knowing the chakra color order, where each chakra is located, and the function or meaning of each chakra. Below is a chakra color chart, which provides a summary of the chakras with the chakra color and meanings. The chakras begin at the root, otherwise referred to as the base of the spine, and move up through the body to the crown or head.
Chakra Color Number | Chakra Color | English Chakra Name | Sanskrit Chakra Name | Body Area | Chakra Properties |
1 | Red | Root | Muladhara | The base of the spine (tailbone) | Grounding, stability, and security |
2 | Orange | Sacral | Svadhishthana | Below the navel, just above the pubic bone | Creativity, sexuality, and pleasure |
3 | Yellow | Solar Plexus | Manipura | Upper abdomen or stomach area | Confidence, self-esteem, personality, and strength |
4 | Green | Heart | Anahata | Center of chest | Compassion, love, and harmony |
5 | Blue | Throat | Vishuddha | Throat region | Communication and expression |
6 | Indigo | Third eye | Ajna | On the forehead, between the eyebrows | Imagination and intuition |
7 | Violet/purple/white | Crown | Sahasrara | Top of the head | Awareness and intelligence |
Benefits of Balancing the Chakra Colors
Most of us have to deal with the stresses of day-to-day living, especially in the modern world. Bad diets, no exercise, and other stressors can place the body under pressure, which can then lead to an imbalance in the chakras. This can cause both physical and psychological issues. By improving your lifestyle and balancing the chakra system, you can help to improve mental clarity, increase energy, and find emotional stability. The balancing of the chakras is said to improve overall well-being. When the energy centers are balanced, we can communicate better and form deeper relationships, share more positive energy, and feel more energized and focused. Other benefits can include the following to name only a few.
- Improving confidence
- Better decision making
- Clarity of mind
- Greater sense of calm
- Improving physical and mental health
Chakra Colors
Now that you have a basic idea of what colors are involved and where each chakra is positioned, let us now go into a little more detail about each chakra color, what they symbolize, and how each chakra feels if they are blocked or balanced. You will also find a chakra color chart for each chakra.
Root Chakra (Red)
This chakra color is found on the spine at the base and is connected to the color red. It is the first chakra and is considered the foundation and anchor for all other primary chakras. The red chakra color provides a sense of being grounded, and calm. All chakras are also linked to the elements, so the root chakra is naturally linked to the earth element. It represents a foundation and is closely linked with feelings of security and safety.
Focusing on the root chakra can help you deal with life’s challenges, providing more confidence.
Chakra | Chakra Color | Meaning | Location | Color |
Root Chakra | Red (#ff0000) | Stable, grounding, and provides feelings of security | The base of the spine |
A Balanced Root Chakra
When the root chakra is kept in balance, it means that you should be more focused and grounded. The root chakra is also linked to other characteristics, such as having responsibility, dependability, and reliability. You are confident enough to be and look after yourself. You feel like you belong and have a passion for living well.
An Unbalanced Root Chakra
If this chakra is blocked, you may feel out of balance and may experience negative feelings like anger, fear, and anxiety, and suffer from depression, and low self-esteem. You may also find it difficult to make decisions and lack confidence. Physical manifestations may include nightmares, panic attacks, and pain in the lower back that can shoot down the legs.
You might also experience headaches, digestive problems, or heart problems, which can be linked to stress. Fatigue and a lowered immune system are also problems.
Keeping the Root Chakra Balanced
Some of the ideas for helping to balance the root chakra include trying visualization techniques, wearing red clothing or stones, and practicing yoga stretches that target this area, for example, the mountain pose. You can also focus on meditation and breathwork and consider saying affirmations. Movement of any kind is also good, for example, hiking, walking, running, or gardening.
Foods to include in the diet include tomatoes, strawberries, beets, turnips, onions, and spices like paprika.
Sacral Chakra (Orange)
The root chakra is believed to govern more of the physical body, while the sacral chakra governs feelings and includes things like pleasure, desire, and emotional intelligence. The color is also associated with creativity and self-worth and governs the reproductive organs. Similar to the color orange, the sacral chakra produces feelings of warmth as well as vitality and excitement.
The chakra is located a bit further up from the root structure, along the spine, and just above the pubic bone.
The sacral chakra is responsible for sexual drive and pleasure; however, this is not the only focus as there are different kinds of pleasure. Where do you feel the most pleasure or happiness, for example, it might be outdoors hiking, or reading a book. These are also the types of desires to take into consideration when dealing with the sacral chakra. Water is the element that is connected to the sacral chakra.
Chakra | Chakra Color | Meaning | Location | Color |
Sacral Chakra | Orange (#ffa500) | Grounding, stability, and security | The base of the spine |
A Balanced Sacral Chakra
When balanced, the sacral chakra provides emotional stability, and you are passionate about living. You also have a healthy creative side, you know what you enjoy and what makes you happy, and you are not afraid to move towards those things. You have a good balance and sense of well-being.
An Unbalanced Sacral Chakra
A blocked sacral chakra can bring about emotions that are all over the place or you may feel consumed by negative emotions. There is a lack of inspiration and creativity, with feelings of loneliness, detachment, anxiety, and isolation. There is also a low libido, or an overactive one, where it can become addictive, along with other addictive tendencies. You feel guilty about enjoying anything you do.
Other physical manifestations of a blocked sacral chakra include a lack of energy, suffering from kidney problems, and menstrual issues in women.
Keeping the Sacral Chakra Balanced
You can do a few things to help restore balance to the sacral chakra. Many of these practices can be done with all chakras and include meditation, exercises like yoga, incorporating essential oils into your daily routine, wearing specific color crystals and stones, and supplementing your diet.
You can include foods like peaches, sweet potatoes, oranges, peppers, mangoes, walnuts, almonds, and spices like cinnamon.
Meditation and visualization can help tremendously with keeping the chakras healthy. For example, you can visualize orange beams of light moving through the sacral chakra area. You can also wear orange clothing or consider experiencing color light therapy.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow)
You can find the solar plexus chakra on the upper abdomen, which is above the belly button and is associated with the color yellow. This symbolizes happiness, confidence, energy, and intellect. This particular chakra is linked to your self-esteem, willpower, and personality. It is connected to the element of fire as well as the digestive system and adrenal glands.
Chakra | Chakra Color | Meaning | Location | Color |
Solar Plexus | Yellow (#ffff00) | Confidence, self-esteem, personality, and strength | Upper abdomen or stomach area |
A Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra
When the solar plexus chakra is balanced, it procures feelings of confidence, and you are motivated to reach goals. You are also prepared and capable of facing the challenges of life. Those with an open solar plexus chakra are often extroverts and love being around others. A balanced chakra also means being less fearful and being comfortable with yourself, having fewer insecurities, and being able to connect with others more profoundly.
An Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra
When the chakra is blocked, there may be a certain lack of motivation and feelings of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence. Feelings of insecurity will surface, along with feelings of powerlessness, requiring validation for everything. Physically, there can be problems with the digestive system, for example, constipation, nausea, chronic heartburn, and issues with the liver, pancreas, and colon.
There is also chronic fatigue, both physically and mentally.
Keeping the Solar Plexus Chakra Balanced
Again, it is important to exercise and eat a well-balanced diet. Meditation, visualization, and yoga again come into play. You can practice saying positive affirmations out loud every day. You can incorporate yellow into your life, for example, by wearing yellow clothing, eating yellow-type food, and surrounding yourself with yellow objects like crystals or stones. You can include foods like yellow peppers, bananas, pineapple, and lemons, among others.
Since the solar plexus chakra is heavily associated with the digestive system, try to not overeat, and do not drink ice-cold water.
Heart Chakra (Green)
The heart chakra is easy to find at the center of your chest and is the place where most of us feel intense emotions. The heart chakra is a place of compassion, love, and empathy. People who tend to make decisions based mostly on emotion instead of thinking things through, usually have an active heart chakra. Green is the color connected to the heart chakra, while the associated element is air.
Green is often associated with renewal, healing, balance, and nature.
Chakra | Chakra Color | Meaning | Location | Color |
Heart | Green (#00ff00) | Compassion, love, and harmony | Center of chest |
A Balanced Heart Chakra
When the heart chakra is flowing freely, you should feel things like peace, gratitude, forgiveness, and joy. You can easily regulate your emotions and express them in a healthy manner. You can feel emotions, including negative ones, but instead of suppressing them, they can be fully acknowledged and let go.
An Unbalanced Heart Chakra
If the heart chakra is unbalanced, there can be feelings of anger, lack of empathy, resentment, and jealousy. There is also a deep insecurity, anxiety, and fear, and there is very little capacity to receive and freely give love. Some of the physical manifestations that go with a blocked heart chakra can include heart palpitations, chest pains, blood pressure issues, or shortness of breath. It can also produce issues with the lungs and upper extremities.
These can be quite serious conditions, so learning how to manage your emotions is vital.
Keeping the Heart Chakra Balanced
Meditation and visualization can help to restore balance, as well as exercise and practicing yoga poses. When visualizing, think of a yellow ball of light that sits over the heart chakra, and imagine it getting larger and larger as you breathe. Again, you can wear green clothes or use crystals and stones. Try to eat more raw green foods, for example, cucumber, broccoli, beans, spinach, and other leafy greens.
Certain sound frequencies, ranging from 341.3 to 528 Hz (hertz) can help, which is where Tibetan singing bowls can play a role.
Throat Chakra (Blue)
The throat chakra is associated with things like communication, creativity, clarity, wisdom, self-expression, or knowing how to express your inner truth. This chakra is located in the neck and throat area and is connected to the color blue and is associated with the element known as ether.
Chakra | Chakra Color | Meaning | Location | Color |
Throat | Blue (#0000ff) | Communication and expression | Throat region |
A Balanced Throat Chakra
When the chakra is balanced, there should be open and clear communication and a person can express themselves without problems. There is also a sense of calm, stability, empathy, and efficiency. Keeping a balanced throat chakra can help to enhance verbal as well as written communication, together with this, it can also improve creativity.
An Unbalanced Throat Chakra
In cases where the throat chakra is not in balance, there is a lack of confidence, and the person will not be able to express themselves well. So, there is poor communication and a certain lack of empathy for others. There is also a fear and anxiety over conveying and speaking personal truths or expressing ideas.
Physical problems are mostly related to the area and include issues like thyroid imbalances, tonsillitis, sore throat, ear infections, hearing problems, mouth issues, and severe stiffness in the neck muscles.
Keeping the Throat Chakra Balanced
As with all the other cases, visualization and yoga can help to keep the throat chakra balanced. You can try using stones or crystals like aquamarine or use essential oils to help with opening it up, for example, peppermint, geranium, and frankincense. You can wear a necklace with one of the gems or consider blue clothing items. Neck stretches, breathing exercises, and you can even try journaling to help with opening the throat chakra.
Include foods like blackberries and blueberries, among others, into your diet.
Third Eye Chakra (Indigo)
The third eye chakra is located on the forehead, just above and between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with spiritual wisdom and feelings of universal connectedness. It is also related to a clear mind, imagination, intuition, and concentration. The chakra is associated with the indigo color, which is also seen as a mysterious and spiritual color.
The chakra is also associated with the element of light and the pineal gland, which helps control sleep patterns and the production of melatonin.
Chakra | Chakra Color | Meaning | Location | Color |
Third Eye | Indigo (#4b0082) | Imagination and intuition | On the forehead and between the eyebrows |
A Balanced Third Eye Chakra
When this chakra is balanced, it can bring about feelings of self-awareness and enhance psychic energy. Some of the benefits of opening this chakra include improved concentration, enhanced creativity, and a heightened sense of intuition. It provides a clearer link between our soul and the world around us.
An Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra
When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, it can affect concentration and how we manage stressful situations. You can experience indecisiveness, fatigue, lack of proper judgment, confusion, and pessimism. There is a general lack of purpose, little imagination, and an inability to remain calm.
Physical manifestations of a blocked third eye chakra can include headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
Keeping the Third Eye Chakra Balanced
You can try using gems, crystals, or stones, such as lapis lazuli or amethyst to help balance energy. Supplementing your diet and using essential oils can also help, for example, sandalwood, jasmine, and lemon essential oils. Practicing yoga and meditation is always an option. Visualize a purple ball of light in the location of the third eye and imagine it growing larger and larger while speaking positive affirmations. Incorporate the indigo color into your life, for example, clothing items, candles, and other items.
Include foods like blueberries, eggplant, purple cabbage, and plums.
Crown Chakra (Violet)
The crown chakra is known for being closely linked to all things spiritual. It is also known for enlightenment and universal consciousness. You can find this chakra on the head, at the top by the crown. The crown chakra is associated with the color violet and the hypothalamus and pituitary glands and is not associated with any element like the other chakras as it symbolizes pure spirit.
The crown chakra is known to be the most spiritual chakra, with its connection to both violet and white.
Chakra | Chakra Color | Meaning | Location | Color |
Crown | Violet (#ee82ee) | Awareness and intelligence | Top of Head |
A Balanced Crown Chakra
When the crown chakra is balanced, you will experience a sense of peace and clarity of mind, which produces a more meaningful connection to the world and universe around you. You are self-assured and sure of your life purpose, and you feel connected with the world around you.
An Unbalanced Crown Chakra
When the chakra is unbalanced, it can lead to feelings of confusion and disconnection from body and spirit. There is also a lack of purpose, and there can also be close-mindedness, especially towards learning new things. Other negative associations include spiritual skepticism and being overly judgmental.
Physically, you can experience headaches, and anxiety and suffer from other mental health issues.
Keeping the Crown Chakra Balanced
Keep up with regular yoga practice and find activities that help to calm and relax your body and mind. Meditation, breathing exercises, and visualization are again something you can incorporate into your daily life. Spend time outdoors in nature and spend some moments in silence. Speak positive affirmations and bring the violet or purple color into your everyday life. You can also consider foods like mushrooms, onion, ginger, coconut, and other foods that help to detox the body.
Essential oils for the crown chakra can include juniper berry, lavender, sage, and frankincense.
The Origin of Chakras
The chakras originate from India and form part of a larger and more complex spiritual tradition that stems from Hinduism. The chakras or energy centers were first mentioned in what is known as the “Vedas”, which are spiritual texts that date back many years. The chakras are believed to be wheel-like energy centers that play a vital role in the well-being of a person and involve the body, mind, and spirit.
Over the years, the concept has evolved and has also been influenced not only by Hindu traditions but also Buddhist traditions. This collective belief system became known as “Tantra”.
The concept spread to European spiritualists in the 20th century, which also had an influence and became the Western understanding of chakras. Some of the well-known “Westerners” that contributed to the spread of this belief system include Sir John Woodroffe (1865-1936), a British Orientalist, who wrote the book The Serpent Power (1919), and Charles W. Leadbeater (1854-1934), A British author, who wrote the book The Chakras (1927). The association with the “rainbow colors” was written about by British author, Christopher Hills (1926-1997), who wrote the book Nuclear Evolution (1977).
When the chakras are balanced, the body, mind, and spirit are aligned. However, the chakras can become blocked or unbalanced, creating various physical, mental, and spiritual issues. Seven primary chakras follow a certain pattern and can be numbered from one to seven, each with a correlating color as we have discussed. You will notice that they are all the colors of the rainbow. When thinking of the chakras, do not think of them as separate and individual colors, rather consider the entire spectrum, one leading into the other from the base to the crown. This association of chakras and the color of the rainbow is a
Western cultural influence, which also became associated with other elements, such as metals, crystals, foods, and astrological signs. This has had a great influence on many of the New Age alternative health practices, which include homeopathy and crystal healing.
How to Use the Chakra Colors to Create Balance in the Body
Why Are Colors Associated with Chakras? The reason is that each color is linked to a certain frequency of energy. Everything is believed to vibrate at a specific frequency, which is described as a “resonant frequency”. Some objects have two or more frequencies, for example, the seven chakras resonate differently. So, when the chakras are balanced, the colors are clear and vibrant, meaning that the energy is freely flowing.
When there is a blockage, an imbalance occurs and the energy is disrupted, so the corresponding colors will be dull. Things like crystals and sound also have frequencies, which can be used to help balance the chakras.
Using Colors to Balance the Chakras
Using color is a simple way you can activate and balance chakras. You can use color in various ways, for example, in our discussion on each chakra, we mentioned that you can wear specific color clothing for each chakra. Other ways you can incorporate color can include the following.
Color Therapy
There are many methods you can try, which include wearing colored clothing items. You can also wear jewelry or crystals that correspond with each chakra. You can bring in items that surround you at home and work. You can also think of painting your room walls a certain color.
Color Meditation
Meditation and visualization can also be used in conjunction with color therapy. The most common way to do this is to visualize the specific color as a ball of energy over the chakra location. Imagine this ball of energy increasing and growing throughout your body. You can do this together with affirmations.
Color Breathing
Breath is life, so breathing exercises are important. Most of us are prone to shallow breathing, so focusing on this area can help with reducing stress and balancing the chakras. Again, visualize as you breathe in, the color expanding throughout your body. Breathe out and imagine all negativity being exhaled from that specific chakra.
Color and Diet
Just as the color of the clothes you wear can affect the chakras, so can the type and color of food. So, when choosing food items, consider what chakra is out of balance and try to incorporate similar color foods. For example, the root chakra is associated with red, so consider foods like strawberries, red peppers, watermelon, beetroot, tomatoes, raspberries, and red potatoes.
Once you understand the basics of the seven chakras, you can then use practical applications to help balance them. You do not have to be a yoga expert to get the benefits, as doing simple stretches and moves can also help. Combined with other techniques using color, you can easily begin your journey to better health!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Colors Are Associated With Each Chakra?
Each chakra vibrates at a certain frequency, which corresponds to a specific color. These colors are as follows, from the root chakra to the crown chakra: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
Is There a Specific Chakra Color Order?
There are several primary chakras, each of which has a corresponding color. There is also a chakra color order, starting from the root or base chakra and moving up towards the crown chakra. You can also number these chakras from one to seven.
How Can You Balance the Chakras?
There are a few techniques that can balance or open the chakras. Some of the more common techniques are meditation, affirmations, and yoga. This can also include breathing exercises and incorporating each color into your daily life. You can also visit a reiki instructor or other energy healer.
How Do You Know If a Chakra Color Is Unbalanced?
If a chakra or chakras are blocked or unbalanced, you will know by the various physical and emotional symptoms that present themselves. There are more common problems that surface for each chakra, for example, you might suffer from digestive issues with a blocked solar plexus chakra.
In 2005, Charlene completed her Wellness Diplomas in Therapeutic Aromatherapy and Reflexology from the International School of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. She worked for a company offering corporate wellness programs for a couple of years, before opening up her own therapy practice. It was in 2015 that a friend, who was a digital marketer, asked her to join her company as a content creator, and this is where she found her excitement for writing.
Since joining the content writing world, she has gained a lot of experience over the years writing on a diverse selection of topics, from beauty, health, wellness, travel, and more. Due to various circumstances, she had to close her therapy practice and is now a full-time freelance writer. Being a creative person, she could not pass up the opportunity to contribute to the Art in Context team, where is was in her element, writing about a variety of art and craft topics. Contributing articles for over three years now, her knowledge in this area has grown, and she has gotten to explore her creativity and improve her research and writing skills.
Charlene Lewis has been working for since the relaunch in 2020. She is an experienced writer and mainly focuses on the topics of color theory, painting and drawing.
Learn more about Charlene Lewis and the Art in Context Team.
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Charlene, Lewis, “Chakra Colors – Color Meanings to Balance Body and Mind.” Art in Context. September 29, 2023. URL:
Lewis, C. (2023, 29 September). Chakra Colors – Color Meanings to Balance Body and Mind. Art in Context.
Lewis, Charlene. “Chakra Colors – Color Meanings to Balance Body and Mind.” Art in Context, September 29, 2023.