shades of pink

Shades of Pink Color – 240+Pinkish Tones to Inspire

Step into the enchanting world of pink with our extensive collection of over 240 shades, where each hue whispers its own unique story. From the softest blush to the boldest fuchsia, our visuals, detailed descriptions, and precise color codes will guide you through this versatile palette. Unleash your creativity and find the perfect pink to paint your world, one shade at a time!

Table of Contents



What Color is Pink?

Pink is a playful and versatile color that ranges from delicate pastels to vibrant hot pinks. It often represents charm, tenderness, and romance, resonating with a youthful and spirited energy. Whether used in soft, subtle tones for a calming effect or bold, bright shades for a more dynamic presence, pink adds a touch of femininity and whimsy to any design or fashion statement.



240+ Shades of Pink at Your Fingertips



Pink is a classic, playful shade that evokes feelings of warmth, tenderness, and love. It’s widely used in fashion and design for its soft, inviting hue.

Hex: #FFC0CB
RGB: 255, 192, 203
CMYK: 0, 25, 20, 0


Light Pink

Light Pink is a delicate, pale version of pink, offering a sense of innocence and gentleness, perfect for serene and youthful designs.

Hex: #FFB6C1
RGB: 255, 182, 193
CMYK: 0, 29, 24, 0


Dark Pink

Dark Pink is a more intense and vibrant variation, embodying a sense of passion and energy, ideal for bold and lively themes.

Hex: #E75480
RGB: 231, 84, 128
CMYK: 0, 64, 45, 9


Hot Pink

Hot Pink is a striking, vivid shade, full of excitement and flair, perfect for eye-catching and vibrant designs.

Hex: #FF69B4
RGB: 255, 105, 180
CMYK: 0, 59, 29, 0


Baby Pink

Baby Pink is a soft, powdery hue, often associated with infants and sweetness, ideal for nurturing and gentle environments.

Hex: #F4C2C2
RGB: 244, 194, 194
CMYK: 0, 20, 20, 4


Pale Pink

Pale Pink is a very soft, almost neutral pink, offering a hint of color in a subtle and understated way.

Hex: #F9CCCA
RGB: 249, 204, 202
CMYK: 0, 19, 19, 0


Deep Pink

Deep Pink is a bold, rich shade, resonating with intensity and depth, perfect for making a strong and confident statement.

Hex: #FF1493
RGB: 255, 20, 147
CMYK: 0, 92, 42, 0


Pastel Pink

Pastel Pink is a soft, muted shade, embodying tranquility and softness, ideal for peaceful and light designs.

Hex: #FFD1DC
RGB: 255, 209, 220
CMYK: 0, 18, 14, 0


Soft Pink

Soft Pink is a tender, light hue, exuding calmness and softness, perfect for creating a soothing and romantic atmosphere.

Hex: #FDDDE6
RGB: 253, 221, 230
CMYK: 0, 13, 9, 1


Neon Pink

Neon Pink is a bright, fluorescent shade, radiating energy and a sense of fun, ideal for trendy and youthful designs.

Hex: #FF6EC7
RGB: 255, 110, 199
CMYK: 0, 57, 22, 0


Salmon Pink

Salmon Pink is a warm, peachy shade, blending pink with a touch of orange, perfect for a natural and inviting look.

Hex: #FF91A4
RGB: 255, 145, 164
CMYK: 0, 43, 36, 0


Blush Pink

Blush Pink is a delicate, rosy hue, reminiscent of a natural blush, ideal for adding a touch of natural charm and elegance.

Hex: #FE828C
RGB: 254, 130, 140
CMYK: 0, 49, 45, 0


Bright Pink

Bright Pink is a vivid, eye-catching shade, full of vibrancy and life, perfect for bold and dynamic designs.

Hex: #FF007F
RGB: 255, 0, 127
CMYK: 0, 100, 50, 0


Bubblegum Pink

Bubblegum Pink is a fun, playful shade, reminiscent of the sweet candy, perfect for youthful and cheerful themes.

Hex: #F58092
RGB: 245, 128, 146
CMYK: 0, 48, 40, 4


Rose Pink

Rose Pink is a romantic, floral hue, echoing the beauty of roses, ideal for romantic and feminine designs.

Hex: #FF66CC
RGB: 255, 102, 204
CMYK: 0, 60, 20, 0


Dusty Pink

Dusty Pink is a muted, vintage shade, offering an elegant, sophisticated alternative to brighter pinks.

Hex: #C291A4
RGB: 194, 145, 164
CMYK: 0, 25, 15, 24


Peachy Pink

Peachy Pink combines the softness of pink with the warmth of peach, creating a gentle, approachable hue.

Hex: #FF9A8A
RGB: 255, 154, 138
CMYK: 0, 40, 46, 0


Coral Pink

Coral Pink is a vibrant blend of pink and orange, reminiscent of coral reefs, perfect for lively and spirited designs.

Hex: #F88379
RGB: 248, 131, 121
CMYK: 0, 47, 51, 3


Barbie Pink

Barbie Pink is a bold, iconic shade, associated with the famous doll, embodying playfulness and fantasy.

Hex: #DA1884
RGB: 218, 24, 132
CMYK: 0, 89, 39, 15


Red Pink

Red Pink is a deep, vibrant shade, combining the intensity of red with the softness of pink, ideal for passionate and energetic designs.

Hex: #fe2c54
RGB: 254, 44, 84
CMYK: 0, 83, 67, 0


Millennial Pink

Millennial Pink is a muted, soft shade, popularized in recent years, symbolizing modernity and subtlety.

Hex: #FFD1DC
RGB: 255, 209, 220
CMYK: 0, 18, 14, 0


Flamingo Pink

Flamingo Pink is a bright, tropical shade, inspired by the color of flamingos, perfect for fun and exotic designs.

Hex: #FC8EAC
RGB: 252, 142, 172
CMYK: 0, 44, 32, 1


Nude Pink

Nude Pink is a subtle, natural shade, blending pink with neutral tones, ideal for understated elegance.

Hex: #DDC0B4
RGB: 221, 192, 180
CMYK: 0, 13, 19, 13


Magenta Process

Magenta Process is a deep, saturated pink, vibrant and full of life, perfect for striking and bold designs.

Hex: #FF0090
RGB: 255, 0, 144
CMYK: 0, 100, 44, 0


Raspberry Glace

Raspberry Glace is a rich, muted red-pink, reminiscent of the fruit, perfect for sophisticated and mature themes.

Hex: #915F6D
RGB: 145, 95, 109
CMYK: 0, 34, 25, 43


Brink Pink

Brink Pink is a vibrant, almost neon shade, full of energy and playfulness, ideal for dynamic and youthful designs.

Hex: #FB607F
RGB: 251, 96, 127
CMYK: 0, 62, 49, 1


Hollywood Pink

Hollywood Pink is a bright, glamorous shade, reminiscent of the glitz and glamor of Hollywood, perfect for bold and luxurious designs.

Hex: #FF0090
RGB: 255, 0, 144
CMYK: 0, 100, 44, 0


Super Pink

Super Pink is a deep, vibrant shade, full of energy and excitement, ideal for making a strong statement.

Hex: #CF6BA9
RGB: 207, 107, 169
CMYK: 0, 48, 18, 19


Deep Pruce

Deep Pruce is a unique, muted red-pink, offering a sophisticated and elegant hue for refined designs.

Hex: #A95C68
RGB: 169, 92, 104
CMYK: 0, 46, 38, 34



Rosewood is a rich, deep pink with hints of red, resembling the color of the wood, perfect for warm and luxurious designs.

Hex: #9E4244
RGB: 158, 66, 68
CMYK: 0, 58, 57, 38



Sakura is a soft, delicate pink, inspired by Japanese cherry blossoms, ideal for serene and graceful themes.

Hex: #dfb1b6
RGB: 223, 177, 182
CMYK: 11, 30, 21, 0



Ruber is a bright, deep pink, full of vibrancy and energy, perfect for eye-catching and lively designs.

Hex: #CE4676
RGB: 206, 70, 118
CMYK: 0, 66, 43, 19


Pinkish Cream

Pinkish Cream is a very light, soft pink, offering a hint of color in a creamy, gentle way.

Hex: #FFD7E9
RGB: 255, 215, 233
CMYK: 0, 16, 9, 0


Rose Madder

Rose Madder is a deep, intense pink with a hint of red, historic and rich, ideal for artistic and traditional designs.

Hex: #c83944
RGB: 200, 57, 68
CMYK: 0, 71, 66, 22


Light Salmon Pink

Light Salmon Pink is a soft, warm pink with a touch of orange, reminiscent of salmon, perfect for gentle and natural designs.

Hex: #ff91a4
RGB: 255, 145, 164
CMYK: 0, 43, 36, 0



Redwood is a deep, warm pinkish-brown, like the wood, offering a sense of strength and endurance.

Hex: #A45A52
RGB: 164, 90, 82
CMYK: 0, 45, 50, 36



Mauvelous is a playful, light pink-purple, full of charm and whimsy, perfect for fun and light-hearted designs.

Hex: #EF98AA
RGB: 239, 152, 170
CMYK: 0, 36, 29, 6


Fashion Fuchsia

Fashion Fuchsia is a bright, bold pink, a statement color that’s trendy and attention-grabbing.

Hex: #F400A1
RGB: 244, 0, 161
CMYK: 0, 100, 34, 4


Dark Salmon

Dark Salmon is a deeper version of salmon pink, blending pink and orange for a rich, warm hue.

Hex: #E9967A
RGB: 233, 150, 122
CMYK: 0, 36, 48, 9


Pinkish Orange

Pinkish Orange is a warm, vibrant shade, combining the cheerfulness of pink with the brightness of orange.

Hex: #F89880
RGB: 248, 152, 128
CMYK: 0, 45, 48, 3


Candy pink

Candy Pink is a playful and sweet shade, reminiscent of sugary treats, perfect for youthful and cheerful designs.

Hex: #E4717A
RGB: 228, 113, 122
CMYK: 0, 50, 46, 11


Shocking Pink Crayola

Shocking Pink Crayola is an electrifying and vibrant pink, full of energy and excitement, ideal for bold and striking designs.

Hex: #FF6FFF
RGB: 255, 111, 255
CMYK: 0, 56, 0, 0


Mauve Pink

Mauve Pink is a subtle blend of pink and purple, exuding sophistication and a touch of romance, ideal for elegant and refined designs.

Hex: #D17C8F
RGB: 209, 124, 143
CMYK: 0, 41, 32, 18


Solid Pink

Solid Pink is a strong, unadulterated pink, offering a bold and confident presence, perfect for impactful and lively designs.

Hex: #893843
RGB: 137, 56, 67
CMYK: 0, 59, 51, 46


Magenta Pantone

Magenta Pantone is a deep, vivid pink with a hint of purple, bold and eye-catching, perfect for dynamic and vibrant designs.

Hex: #D0417E
RGB: 208, 65, 126
CMYK: 0, 69, 39, 18


Classic Pink

Classic Pink is a timeless, traditional shade of pink, embodying a sense of familiarity and comfort, ideal for classic and nostalgic themes.

Hex: #F898C8
RGB: 248, 152, 200
CMYK: 0, 39, 19, 3


Tango Pink

Tango Pink is a lively, energetic pink with a hint of red, reminiscent of the passionate dance, perfect for vibrant and spirited designs.

Hex: #E4717A
RGB: 228, 113, 122
CMYK: 0, 50, 47, 11


Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade is a sweet, refreshing pink, evoking the feeling of a cool, delightful drink on a hot day, perfect for fun and lighthearted themes.

Hex: #EFD3D2
RGB: 239, 211, 210
CMYK: 0, 12, 12, 6


Fandango Pink

Fandango Pink is a bright, bold pink, full of flair and charisma, ideal for expressive and adventurous designs.

Hex: #DE5285
RGB: 222, 82, 133
CMYK: 0, 63, 40, 13


China Pink

China Pink is a deep, rich pink, sophisticated and elegant, perfect for luxurious and refined designs.

Hex: #DE6FA1
RGB: 222, 111, 161
CMYK: 0, 50, 27, 13


Rose Bonbon

Rose Bonbon is a vibrant, candy-like pink, playful and sweet, ideal for youthful and cheerful designs.

Hex: #F9429E
RGB: 249, 66, 158
CMYK: 0, 73, 37, 2


Old Rose

Old Rose is a muted, vintage pink, evoking a sense of nostalgia and timeless elegance, perfect for classic and romantic themes.

Hex: #C08081
RGB: 192, 128, 129
CMYK: 0, 33, 33, 25


Pink Pearl

Pink Pearl is a soft, lustrous pink, reminiscent of the iridescent inside of a pearl, ideal for delicate and refined designs.

Hex: #E7ACCF
RGB: 231, 172, 207
CMYK: 0, 26, 10, 9


Raspberry Sorbet

Raspberry Sorbet is a deep, fruity pink, refreshing and vibrant, perfect for lively and playful designs.

Hex: #B7416E
RGB: 183, 65, 110
CMYK: 0, 64, 40, 28


Valentine Pink

Valentine Pink is a romantic and soft shade, embodying the spirit of love and affection, ideal for tender and heartfelt designs.

Hex: #E6A6BE
RGB: 230, 166, 190
CMYK: 0, 28, 17, 10



Careys is a muted, soft pink, offering a gentle and soothing presence, perfect for calming and peaceful designs.

Hex: #D8A8A8
RGB: 216, 168, 168
CMYK: 0, 22, 22, 15


Fiery Rose

Fiery Rose is a bright, intense pink with a touch of red, full of passion and energy, ideal for dynamic and spirited designs.

Hex: #FF5470
RGB: 255, 84, 112
CMYK: 0, 67, 56, 0



Melon is a soft, peachy-pink, warm and inviting, perfect for light, summery designs.

Hex: #F7BCAC
RGB: 247, 188, 172
CMYK: 0, 24, 30, 3


Light Hot Pink

Light Hot Pink is a softer version of hot pink, offering a playful yet more subdued hue, ideal for vibrant but gentle designs.

Hex: #FFB3DE
RGB: 255, 179, 222
CMYK: 0, 30, 13, 0


Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a pale, translucent pink, symbolizing serenity and calm, perfect for soothing and gentle themes.

Hex: #AA98A9
RGB: 170, 152, 169
CMYK: 0, 11, 1, 33


Red Violet Crayola

Red Violet Crayola is a deep blend of pink and purple, offering a rich and intense hue, ideal for dramatic and bold designs.

Hex: #C0448F
RGB: 192, 68, 143
CMYK: 0, 65, 26, 25


Melon Pink

Melon Pink is a light, creamy pink, combining the softness of pink with the freshness of melon, ideal for light and refreshing designs.

Hex: #f1d4c4
RGB: 241, 212, 196
CMYK: 0, 12, 19, 6


Rose Red

Rose Red is a deep, vibrant shade of pink, reminiscent of the flower, perfect for passionate and romantic designs.

Hex: #C21E56
RGB: 194, 30, 86
CMYK: 0, 85, 56, 24


Pinkish Purple

Pinkish Purple is a unique blend of pink and purple, offering a whimsical and enchanting hue, perfect for imaginative and creative designs.

Hex: #D648D7
RGB: 214, 72, 215
CMYK: 0, 66, 0, 16


Medium Violet Red

Medium Violet Red is a deep, rich pink with a hint of purple, dramatic and sophisticated, ideal for bold and luxurious designs.

Hex: #C71585
RGB: 199, 21, 133
CMYK: 0, 89, 33, 22



Carnation is a bright, cheerful pink, reminiscent of the flower, perfect for lively and joyful designs.

Hex: #FFA6C9
RGB: 255, 166, 201
CMYK: 0, 35, 21, 0


Thulian Pink

Thulian Pink is a deep, dusky pink, offering a mature and sophisticated shade, perfect for elegant and refined designs.

Hex: #DE6FA1
RGB: 222, 111, 161
CMYK: 0, 50, 27, 13


Pinkish Beige

Pinkish Beige is a soft, neutral pink, blending the warmth of pink with the subtlety of beige, ideal for understated and elegant designs.

Hex: #D5A499
RGB: 213, 164, 153
CMYK: 0, 23, 28, 16


Pale Dogwood

Pale Dogwood is a subtle, soft pink, exuding tranquility and a delicate charm, perfect for serene and minimalist designs.

Hex: #EDCDC2
RGB: 237, 205, 194
CMYK: 0, 13, 18, 7


Wild Strawberry

Wild Strawberry is a bright, vibrant pink, full of life and sweetness, perfect for energetic and playful designs.

Hex: #FF43A4
RGB: 255, 67, 164
CMYK: 0, 74, 36, 0


Camellia Pink

Camellia Pink is a soft, floral pink, reminiscent of the beautiful flower, ideal for delicate and romantic designs.

Hex: #F7A9A7
RGB: 247, 169, 167
CMYK: 0, 31, 32, 3


Pink (G&S)

Pink (G&S) is a standard, versatile shade of pink, suitable for a wide range of design applications, embodying classic femininity and charm.

Hex: #F7BFBE
RGB: 247, 191, 190
CMYK: 0, 23, 23, 0


Grapefruit Pink

Grapefruit Pink is a lively, citrusy pink, refreshing and invigorating, perfect for fresh and lively designs.

Hex: #E0707C
RGB: 224, 112, 124
CMYK: 0, 50, 45, 12



SeaShell is a very light, almost white pink, offering a hint of color with a soft and soothing presence.

Hex: #FFF5EE
RGB: 255, 245, 238
CMYK: 0, 4, 7, 0


Ultra Pink

Ultra Pink is a bright, intense pink, making a strong and vibrant statement, perfect for bold and lively designs.

Hex: #FF6FFF
RGB: 255, 111, 255
CMYK: 0, 56, 0, 0


Rosewood Color

Rosewood Color is a deep, rich pink-brown, reminiscent of the wood, offering a sense of sophistication and warmth.

Hex: #65000B
RGB: 101, 0, 11
CMYK: 0, 100, 89, 60


Persian Pink

Persian Pink is a soft, light pink, elegant and graceful, perfect for luxurious and refined designs.

Hex: #F77FBE
RGB: 247, 127, 190
CMYK: 0, 49, 23, 3


Shell Pink

Shell Pink is a soft, pale pink, like the inside of a seashell, perfect for gentle and delicate themes.

Hex: #FFD8D8
RGB: 255, 216, 216
CMYK: 0, 15, 15, 0


Gold Pink

Gold Pink is a muted, golden pink, offering a subtle and warm hue, ideal for elegant and understated designs.

Hex: #E6C7C2
RGB: 230, 199, 194
CMYK: 0, 13, 16, 10


Fuchsia Pink

Fuchsia Pink is a vivid, vibrant shade that combines deep pink and purple hues, exuding confidence and vivacity, ideal for bold and impactful designs.

Hex: #FF77FF
RGB: 255, 119, 255
CMYK: 0, 53, 0, 0



Magenta is a rich, intense pink-purple, a statement color that is both energetic and sophisticated, perfect for creative and dynamic designs.

Hex: #FF00FF
RGB: 255, 0, 255
CMYK: 0, 100, 0, 0



Shampoo is a very light, almost translucent pink, offering a hint of color with a fresh and clean presence.

Hex: #FFCFF1
RGB: 255, 207, 241
CMYK: 0, 19, 5, 0



Perfume is a soft, delicate pink, reminiscent of the subtle scent of floral perfumes, ideal for elegant and refined designs.

Hex: #FFDBE5
RGB: 255, 219, 229
CMYK: 0, 14, 10, 0


American Pink

American Pink is a bright, cheerful pink, full of vitality and joy, perfect for spirited and lively designs.

Hex: #FF9899
RGB: 255, 152, 153
CMYK: 0, 40, 40, 0


Tickle Me Pink

Tickle Me Pink is a playful, light-hearted shade, full of fun and whimsy, ideal for youthful and cheerful designs.

Hex: #FC89AC
RGB: 252, 137, 172
CMYK: 0, 46, 32, 1


Dark Coral

Dark Coral is a deep, vibrant pink with a hint of orange, reminiscent of coral reefs, perfect for bold and energetic designs.

Hex: #CD5B45
RGB: 205, 91, 69
CMYK: 0, 56, 66, 20


Baker-Miller Pink

Baker-Miller Pink, also known as “Drunk-Tank Pink,” is a shade used to calm and reduce erratic behavior, ideal for tranquil and soothing spaces.

Hex: #FF91AF
RGB: 255, 145, 175
CMYK: 0, 43, 31, 0


Dogwood Rose

Dogwood Rose is a deep, vivid pink, reminiscent of the dogwood flower, perfect for romantic and passionate designs.

Hex: #D71868
RGB: 215, 24, 104
CMYK: 0, 89, 52, 16


Brilliant Rose

Brilliant Rose is a bright, intense pink, full of life and exuberance, perfect for making a strong and joyful statement.

Hex: #FF55A3
RGB: 255, 85, 163
CMYK: 0, 67, 36, 0



Rouge is a rich, deep pink with a hint of red, embodying sophistication and allure, ideal for elegant and seductive designs.

Hex: #A94064
RGB: 169, 64, 100
CMYK: 0, 62, 41, 34


Raspberry Pink

Raspberry Pink is a rich, fruity shade, reminiscent of the berry, perfect for lively and juicy designs.

Hex: #E30B5C
RGB: 227, 11, 92
CMYK: 0, 95, 59, 11


Cinnamon Satin

Cinnamon Satin is a warm, pinkish-brown, evoking the spice’s warmth and smoothness, ideal for cozy and comforting designs.

Hex: #CD607E
RGB: 205, 96, 126
CMYK: 0, 53, 39, 20


Tea Rose

Tea Rose is a soft, delicate pink, like the petals of a tea rose, perfect for gentle and romantic themes.

Hex: #F4C2C2
RGB: 244, 194, 194
CMYK: 0, 20, 20, 4



Raspberry is a deep, vibrant pink-red, full of richness and flavor, ideal for bold and flavorful designs.

Hex: #E30B5D
RGB: 227, 11, 93
CMYK: 0, 95, 59, 11



Mystic is a mysterious, deep pink with a hint of purple, suggesting enchantment and intrigue, ideal for mystical and imaginative designs.

Hex: #D65282
RGB: 214, 82, 130
CMYK: 0, 62, 39, 16


Fairy Tale

Fairy Tale is a soft, whimsical pink, reminiscent of magical and dreamy themes, perfect for imaginative and light-hearted designs.

Hex: #F2C1D1
RGB: 242, 193, 209
CMYK: 0, 20, 14, 0


Fuchsia Rose

Fuchsia Rose is a bright, intense pink, combining the boldness of fuchsia with the romance of rose, perfect for vibrant and passionate designs.

Hex: #C74375
RGB: 199, 67, 117
CMYK: 0, 66, 41, 22


Pink Tulip

Pink Tulip is a fresh, floral pink, reminiscent of the spring flower, perfect for light and rejuvenating designs.

Hex: #FF8E8E
RGB: 255, 142, 142
CMYK: 0, 44, 44, 0


Silvery Pink

Silvery Pink is a soft pink with a hint of metallic sheen, offering a modern and sophisticated take on traditional pink.

Hex: #DCB5B4
RGB: 220, 181, 180
CMYK: 0, 18, 18, 14


Deep Cerise Pink

Deep Cerise Pink is a rich, deep pink with a touch of cherry, perfect for sumptuous and luxurious designs.

Hex: #DA3287
RGB: 218, 50, 135
CMYK: 0, 77, 38, 15


Tulip Pink

Tulip Pink is a bright, cheerful pink, capturing the essence of tulips in bloom, ideal for fresh and joyful designs.

Hex: #FF8E8E
RGB: 255, 142, 142
CMYK: 0, 44, 44, 0


Mimi Pink

Mimi Pink is a soft, light pink, subtle and tender, perfect for delicate and understated designs.

Hex: #FFDAE9
RGB: 255, 218, 233
CMYK: 0, 15, 9, 0


Cameo Pink

Cameo Pink is a pale, dusky pink, reminiscent of vintage cameos, ideal for elegant and nostalgic designs.

RGB: 239, 187, 204
CMYK: 0, 22, 15, 6


Pinkish Brown

Pinkish Brown is a warm, earthy shade, blending pink with brown, perfect for natural and understated themes.

Hex: #C27E79
RGB: 194, 126, 121
CMYK: 0, 35, 38, 24


Ruddy Pink

Ruddy Pink is a warm, blush-like shade, offering a healthy, natural flush, ideal for lively and vibrant designs.

Hex: #E18E96
RGB: 225, 142, 150
CMYK: 0, 37, 33, 12


Jazzberry Jam

Jazzberry Jam is a deep, bold pink-purple, full of richness and intensity, perfect for dramatic and expressive designs.

Hex: #A50B5E
RGB: 165, 11, 94
CMYK: 0, 93, 43, 35


Schauss Pink

Schauss Pink, similar to Baker-Miller Pink, is known for its calming effects, ideal for creating a soothing and tranquil atmosphere.

Hex: #FF91AF
RGB: 255, 145, 175
CMYK: 0, 43, 31, 0



Smitten is a deep, passionate pink, evoking feelings of love and adoration, perfect for romantic and heartfelt designs.

Hex: #C84186
RGB: 200, 65, 134
CMYK: 0, 68, 33, 22


China Rose

China Rose is a deep, warm pink, reminiscent of the flower, ideal for elegant and sophisticated designs.

Hex: #A8516E
RGB: 168, 81, 110
CMYK: 0, 52, 35, 34


Paradise Pink

Paradise Pink is a bright, tropical pink, full of life and exuberance, perfect for lively and spirited designs.

Hex: #E63E62
RGB: 230, 62, 98
CMYK: 0, 73, 57, 10


Magenta Haze

Magenta Haze is a muted, dusky pink-purple, offering a sophisticated and mature hue, ideal for refined and understated designs.

Hex: #9F4576
RGB: 159, 69, 118
CMYK: 0, 57, 26, 38



Chestnut is a warm, reddish-brown, evoking the rich, earthy tones of the nut, perfect for cozy and natural designs.

Hex: #CD5C5C
RGB: 205, 92, 92
CMYK: 0, 55, 55, 20


Japanese Rose

Japanese Rose is a bright, vivid pink, reminiscent of traditional Japanese floral designs, perfect for vibrant and exotic themes.

Hex: #C72C48
RGB: 199, 44, 72
CMYK: 0, 78, 64, 22



Mulberry is a deep, rich pink-purple, inspired by the fruit, perfect for luxurious and sumptuous designs.

Hex: #C54B8C
RGB: 197, 75, 140
CMYK: 0, 62, 29, 23


Lavender Rose

Lavender Rose is a soft, pastel pink-purple, combining the delicacy of lavender with the romance of rose, ideal for gentle and dreamy designs.

Hex: #FBA0E3
RGB: 251, 160, 227
CMYK: 0, 36, 10, 2


Shimmering Blush

Shimmering Blush is a soft pink with a hint of gold, offering a subtle and elegant shimmer, perfect for sophisticated and glamorous designs.

Hex: #D98695
RGB: 217, 134, 149
CMYK: 0, 38, 31, 15


Magenta Crayola

Magenta Crayola is a bright, playful pink-purple, full of fun and creativity, ideal for youthful and imaginative designs.

Hex: #F653A6
RGB: 246, 83, 166
CMYK: 0, 66, 33, 4


Pinkish Red

Pinkish Red is a warm, vibrant shade, blending the boldness of red with the softness of pink, perfect for passionate and dynamic designs.

Hex: #F22952
RGB: 242, 41, 82
CMYK: 0, 83, 66, 5


Puce Pink

Puce Pink is a muted, earthy pink, offering a subtle and understated hue, ideal for sophisticated and timeless designs.

Hex: #CC8899
RGB: 204, 136, 153
CMYK: 0, 33, 25, 20


Han Pink

Han Pink is a gentle, soft shade, reminiscent of the traditional Han Chinese pink, offering a sense of cultural elegance and serenity.

Hex: #DE9DAC
RGB: 222, 157, 172
CMYK: 0, 29, 22, 13


Turkish Rose

Turkish Rose is a muted, dusky pink, evoking the romance and mystery of the East, ideal for sophisticated and exotic designs.

Hex: #B57281
RGB: 181, 114, 129
CMYK: 0, 37, 29, 29


Amaranth Pink

Amaranth Pink is a bright, vibrant shade, combining the intensity of amaranth with the softness of pink, perfect for lively and spirited designs.

Hex: #F19CBB
RGB: 241, 156, 187
CMYK: 0, 35, 22, 5


Bright Maroon

Bright Maroon is a rich, deep pink-red, full of warmth and sophistication, ideal for luxurious and impactful designs.

Hex: #C32148
RGB: 195, 33, 72
CMYK: 0, 83, 63, 24


Copper Rose

Copper Rose is a warm, metallic pink-brown, reminiscent of aged copper, perfect for vintage and elegant themes.

Hex: #996666
RGB: 153, 102, 102
CMYK: 0, 33, 33, 40



Punch is a vibrant, energetic pink, like the fruit drink, full of flavor and zest, ideal for fun and playful designs.

Hex: #F25278
RGB: 242, 82, 120
CMYK: 0, 66, 50, 5


Pink (Pantone)

Pink (Pantone) is a classic, standardized shade of pink, versatile and widely recognized, ideal for a variety of design applications.

Hex: #D74894
RGB: 215, 72, 148
CMYK: 0, 67, 31, 16



Cyclamen is a vibrant, magenta-like pink, inspired by the flower, perfect for bold and beautiful designs.

Hex: #F56FA1
RGB: 245, 111, 161
CMYK: 0, 55, 34, 4



Amaranth is a deep, vivid pink-red, symbolizing immortality in Greek culture, perfect for dramatic and timeless designs.

Hex: #E52B50
RGB: 229, 43, 80
CMYK: 0, 81, 65, 10



Crimson is a deep, rich red with a hint of pink, associated with energy and passion, ideal for bold and intense designs.

Hex: #DC143C
RGB: 220, 20, 60
CMYK: 0, 91, 73, 14


Queen Pink

Queen Pink is a soft, pale pink, regal and delicate, perfect for sophisticated and refined designs.

Hex: #E8CCD7
RGB: 232, 204, 215
CMYK: 0, 12, 7, 9


Champagne Pink

Champagne Pink is a muted, soft pink, like the color of champagne, perfect for elegant and celebratory designs.

Hex: #F1DDCF
RGB: 241, 221, 207
CMYK: 5, 10, 17, 0


Kobi Pink

Kobi Pink is a soft, muted pink-purple, gentle and soothing, ideal for calm and peaceful designs.

Hex: #E79FC4
RGB: 231, 159, 196
CMYK: 0, 31, 15, 9



Thistle is a light, soft pink-purple, reminiscent of the flower, perfect for gentle and natural themes.

Hex: #D8BFD8
RGB: 216, 191, 216
CMYK: 0, 12, 0, 15


Hollywood Taxi

Hollywood Taxi is a bright, neon pink, bold and attention-grabbing, ideal for vibrant and lively designs.

Hex: #FE009A
RGB: 254, 0, 154
CMYK: 0, 100, 0, 0


Mulberry Crayola

Mulberry Crayola is a rich, deep pink-purple, inspired by the crayon color, perfect for creative and imaginative designs.

Hex: #C8509B
RGB: 200, 80, 155
CMYK: 0, 60, 23, 22


New York Pink

New York Pink is a sophisticated, dusky pink, representing the urban elegance and style of New York City.

Hex: #D7837F
RGB: 215, 131, 127
CMYK: 0, 39, 41, 16


Hollywood Cerise

Hollywood Cerise is a deep, vivid pink, glamorous and bold, perfect for high-impact and luxurious designs.

Hex: #F400A1
RGB: 244, 0, 161
CMYK: 0, 100, 34, 4



Irresistible is a deep, warm pink, inviting and captivating, perfect for charming and engaging designs.

Hex: #B3446C
RGB: 179, 68, 108
CMYK: 0, 62, 40, 30



Ruby is a deep, rich pink-red, like the gemstone, symbolizing love and passion, ideal for luxurious and intense designs.

Hex: #E0115F
RGB: 224, 17, 95
CMYK: 0, 92, 58, 12


Carnation Pink

Carnation Pink is a bright, cheerful pink, reminiscent of the flower, perfect for light and joyful designs.

Hex: #FFA6C9
RGB: 255, 166, 201
CMYK: 0, 35, 21, 0


Burnt Sienna

Burnt Sienna is a rich, earthy red-brown with a hint of pink, perfect for warm and natural designs.

Hex: #E97451
RGB: 233, 116, 81
CMYK: 0, 50, 65, 9



Razzmatazz is a vibrant, intense pink-red, full of energy and pizzazz, ideal for bold and exciting designs.

Hex: #E3256B
RGB: 227, 37, 107
CMYK: 0, 84, 53, 11


Persian Rose

Persian Rose is a bright, exotic pink, reminiscent of the opulent gardens of Persia, perfect for luxurious and vibrant designs.

Hex: #FE28A2
RGB: 254, 40, 162
CMYK: 0, 84, 36, 0



Orchid is a soft, gentle pink-purple, inspired by the flower, ideal for elegant and delicate designs.

Hex: #DA70D6
RGB: 218, 112, 214
CMYK: 0, 49, 2, 15



Fandango is a deep, bold pink-purple, full of drama and intensity, perfect for impactful and expressive designs.

Hex: #B53389
RGB: 181, 51, 137
CMYK: 0, 72, 24, 29



Cardinal is a deep, vibrant red-pink, resembling the bird, perfect for rich and commanding designs.

Hex: #C41E3A
RGB: 196, 30, 58
CMYK: 0, 85, 70, 23


Light Blush

Light Blush is a soft, subtle pink, like a natural flush, perfect for gentle and serene designs.

Hex: #F1ABB9
RGB: 241, 171, 185
CMYK: 0, 29, 23, 5


Magenta Dye

Magenta Dye is a bright, saturated pink-purple, full of intensity and vibrancy, ideal for dynamic and striking designs.

Hex: #CA1F7B
RGB: 202, 31, 123
CMYK: 0, 85, 39, 21


Steel Pink

Steel Pink is a metallic, shimmering pink, combining the softness of pink with a modern, industrial edge.

Hex: #CC33CC
RGB: 204, 51, 204
CMYK: 0, 75, 0, 20


Dark Terra Cotta

Dark Terra Cotta is a deep, warm pinkish-brown, reminiscent of baked clay, perfect for earthy and rustic designs.

Hex: #CC4E5C
RGB: 204, 78, 92
CMYK: 0, 62, 55, 20


Azalea Pink

Azalea Pink is a bright, floral pink, inspired by the vibrant azalea flowers, perfect for fresh and lively designs.

Hex: #F1B2E1
RGB: 241, 178, 225
CMYK: 0, 26, 7, 5


Sweet Pink

Sweet Pink is a soft, candy-like pink, playful and delightful, ideal for charming and whimsical designs.

Hex: #EE918D
RGB: 238, 145, 141
CMYK: 0, 39, 41, 7


Pink Lavender

Pink Lavender is a soft, muted pink-purple, combining the tranquility of lavender with the sweetness of pink.

Hex: #DBB2D1
RGB: 219, 178, 209
CMYK: 0, 19, 4, 14


Orchid Pink

Orchid Pink is a gentle, floral pink, inspired by the orchid flower, perfect for delicate and sophisticated designs.

Hex: #F2BDCD
RGB: 242, 189, 205
CMYK: 0, 22, 15, 0


Pink Lace

Pink Lace is a very light, delicate pink, like fine lace, perfect for elegant and refined designs.

Hex: #FFDDF4
RGB: 255, 221, 244
CMYK: 0, 13, 5, 0


Knockout Pink

Knockout Pink is a bright, striking pink, bold and confident, perfect for impactful and vibrant designs.

Hex: #FF3EA5
RGB: 255, 62, 165
CMYK: 0, 76, 35, 0



Frostbite is a vivid, cool pink-purple, like a frozen berry, perfect for bold and unique designs.

Hex: #E936A7
RGB: 233, 54, 167
CMYK: 0, 77, 28, 9


Misty Rose

Misty Rose is a soft, muted pink with a hint of warmth, offering a gentle and soothing hue, ideal for peaceful and romantic designs.

Hex: #FFE4E1
RGB: 255, 228, 225
CMYK: 0, 11, 12, 0


Rose Pompadour

Rose Pompadour is a rich, deep pink, full of baroque elegance and luxury, ideal for opulent and dramatic designs.

Hex: #ED7A9B
RGB: 237, 122, 155
CMYK: 0, 49, 18, 7


French Pink

French Pink is a bright, charming shade, embodying the chic and effortless style of French fashion, ideal for trendy and sophisticated designs.

Hex: #FD6C9E
RGB: 253, 108, 158
CMYK: 0, 57, 38, 1


Cherry Blossom Pink

Cherry Blossom Pink is a delicate, soft pink, reminiscent of the beautiful cherry blossoms in spring, perfect for serene and gentle themes.

Hex: #FFB7C5
RGB: 255, 183, 197
CMYK: 0, 28, 23, 0


Misty Pink

Misty Pink is a soft, subdued pink with a dreamy quality, evoking a sense of calmness and tranquility, ideal for peaceful and elegant designs.

Hex: #F8DCEB
RGB: 248, 220, 235
CMYK: 0, 11, 5, 3



Peach is a warm, soft orange-pink, reminiscent of the fruit, offering a sense of warmth and sweetness, perfect for inviting and cozy designs.

Hex: #FAD1AF
RGB: 250, 209, 175
CMYK: 0, 16, 30, 2



Petite is a subtle, soft pink, delicate and understated, ideal for minimalistic and elegant designs.

RGB: 234, 202, 203
CMYK: 5, 21, 16, 0



Mauve is a soft, pale purple with hints of pink, evoking a sense of nostalgia and romance, ideal for vintage and elegant themes.

Hex: #E0B0FF
RGB: 224, 176, 255
CMYK: 12, 31, 0, 0


Crayola Red

Crayola Red is a bright, playful red-pink, vibrant and full of life, perfect for youthful and energetic designs.

Hex: #EE204D
RGB: 238, 32, 77
CMYK: 0, 87, 68, 7


Neon Fuchsia

Neon Fuchsia is a striking, bright pink-purple, bold and vivid, ideal for eye-catching and modern designs.

Hex: #FE4164
RGB: 254, 65, 100
CMYK: 0, 74, 61, 0


Sky Magenta

Sky Magenta is a soft, pastel pink-purple, like a sunset sky, offering a sense of calmness and wonder, perfect for dreamy and whimsical designs.

Hex: #CF71AF
RGB: 207, 113, 175
CMYK: 0, 45, 15, 19


Rose Dust

Rose Dust is a muted, dusty pink, offering a sense of understated elegance and vintage charm, ideal for sophisticated and refined designs.

Hex: #9E5E6F
RGB: 158, 94, 111
CMYK: 0, 40, 30, 38


Charm Pink

Charm Pink is a warm, inviting pink, exuding charm and friendliness, perfect for welcoming and cheerful designs.

Hex: #E68FAC
RGB: 230, 143, 172
CMYK: 0, 38, 25, 10


Cerise Pink

Cerise Pink is a deep, vivid pink, full of richness and intensity, ideal for luxurious and passionate designs.

Hex: #EC3B83
RGB: 236, 59, 131
CMYK: 0, 75, 44, 7


Spanish Rose

Spanish Rose is a warm, earthy pink, reminiscent of the romantic Spanish countryside, perfect for natural and rustic designs.

Hex: #b97172
RGB: 185, 113, 114
CMYK: 0, 39, 38, 28


French Rose

French Rose is a bright, vibrant pink, exuding sophistication and flair, ideal for chic and fashionable designs.

Hex: #F64A8A
RGB: 246, 74, 138
CMYK: 0, 70, 44, 4


Wild Watermelon

Wild Watermelon is a bright, refreshing pink, like the juicy fruit, perfect for fun and lively designs.

Hex: #FC6C85
RGB: 252, 108, 133
CMYK: 0, 57, 47, 1



Hit is a soft, warm pink, gentle and inviting, perfect for subtle and comforting designs.

Hex: #fda470
RGB: 253, 164, 112
CMYK: 0, 35, 56, 1


Lilly Pink

Lilly Pink is a vibrant, floral pink, reminiscent of the lily flower, perfect for fresh and lively themes.

Hex: #9c208c
RGB: 156, 32, 140
CMYK: 0, 79, 10, 39


Silver Pink

Silver Pink is a soft, muted pink with a hint of silver, offering a sophisticated and modern take on traditional pink.

Hex: #C4AEAD
RGB: 196, 174, 173
CMYK: 0, 11, 12, 23


Ultra Red

Ultra Red is a bright, intense red-pink, vibrant and energetic, perfect for bold and striking designs.

Hex: #FC6C85
RGB: 252, 108, 133
CMYK: 0, 57, 47, 1



Fuchsia is a vivid, deep pink-purple, embodying a sense of confidence and creativity, ideal for impactful and expressive designs.

Hex: #C154C1
RGB: 193, 84, 193
CMYK: 0, 56, 0, 24


Dust Storm

Dust Storm is a muted, dusty pink, evoking a sense of calmness and subtlety, perfect for understated and elegant designs.

Hex: #E5CCC9
RGB: 229, 204, 201
CMYK: 0, 11, 12, 10


Spanish Pink

Spanish Pink is a soft, warm pink, reminiscent of the sun-kissed landscapes of Spain, perfect for tranquil and inviting designs.

Hex: #F7BFBE
RGB: 247, 191, 190
CMYK: 0, 23, 23, 3


Pink Fraud

Pink Fraud is a playful, bright pink, full of fun and whimsy, ideal for youthful and cheerful designs.

Hex: #FEC0CB
RGB: 254, 192, 203
CMYK: 0, 25, 20, 0


Rose Well

Rose Well is a deep, vibrant pink, full of life and richness, perfect for luxurious and passionate designs.

Hex: #FF0490
RGB: 255, 4, 144
CMYK: 0, 98, 44, 0


Light Rose

Light Rose is a soft, gentle pink, like a blooming rose, perfect for delicate and romantic themes.

Hex: #FFC5CB
RGB: 255, 197, 203
CMYK: 0, 23, 20, 0


Mystic Maroon

Mystic Maroon is a deep, mysterious pink-brown, suggesting depth and intrigue, ideal for sophisticated and enigmatic designs.

Hex: #AD4379
RGB: 173, 67, 121
CMYK: 0, 61, 30, 32


Lip Pink

Lip Pink is a bright, lively pink, reminiscent of classic lipstick shades, perfect for glamorous and feminine designs.

Hex: #DBAC98
RGB: 219, 172, 152
CMYK: 0, 21, 31, 14


Shocking Pink

Shocking Pink is an intense, electric pink, bold and unapologetic, ideal for striking and adventurous designs.

Hex: #FC0FC0
RGB: 252, 15, 192
CMYK: 0, 94, 24, 1


Indian Red

Indian Red is a deep, earthy red-pink, rich and warm, perfect for grounded and natural themes.

Hex: #CD5C5C
RGB: 205, 92, 92
CMYK: 0, 55, 55, 20


Vanilla Ice

Vanilla Ice is a soft, pastel pink, light and airy, perfect for delicate and sweet designs.

Hex: #F38FA9
RGB: 243, 143, 169
CMYK: 0, 41, 30, 5


Pink Sherbet

Pink Sherbet is a light, refreshing pink, like the frozen dessert, perfect for playful and light-hearted themes.

Hex: #F78FA7
RGB: 247, 143, 167
CMYK: 0, 42, 32, 3


Rusty Red

Rusty Red is a deep, warm red with hints of pink, reminiscent of rusted metal, perfect for vintage and industrial designs.

Hex: #DA2C43
RGB: 218, 44, 67
CMYK: 0, 80, 69, 15


Red Purple

Red Purple is a deep, rich blend of red and pink, offering a sophisticated and luxurious hue, ideal for bold and dramatic designs.

Hex: #E40078
RGB: 228, 0, 120
CMYK: 0, 100, 47, 11



Froly is a bright, warm pink, cheerful and inviting, perfect for vibrant and playful designs.

Hex: #e56d75
RGB: 229, 109, 117
CMYK: 0, 52, 49, 10


Raspberry Rose

Raspberry Rose is a deep, rosy pink, like the fruit, full of richness and romance, ideal for elegant and passionate themes.

Hex: #B3446C
RGB: 179, 68, 108
CMYK: 0, 62, 40, 30


French Fuchsia

French Fuchsia is a bright, vivid pink-purple, exuding the charm and sophistication of France, perfect for chic and fashionable designs.

Hex: #FD3F92
RGB: 253, 63, 146
CMYK: 0, 75, 42, 1


Hot Magenta

Hot Magenta is a striking, bright pink-purple, bold and vivacious, ideal for eye-catching and dynamic designs.

Hex: #FF1DCE
RGB: 255, 29, 206
CMYK: 0, 89, 19, 0



Bisque is a soft, creamy pink, like the delicate soup, perfect for warm and comforting designs.

Hex: #F2D2BD
RGB: 242, 210, 189
CMYK: 6, 16, 23, 0


Clay Pink

Clay Pink is a warm, earthy pink, reminiscent of natural clay, perfect for rustic and grounded designs.

Hex: #E8BFB1
RGB: 232, 191, 177
CMYK: 0, 18, 24, 9



Salmon is a soft, warm pink with a touch of orange, like the fish, perfect for natural and inviting themes.

Hex: #FF9999
RGB: 255, 153, 153
CMYK: 0, 40, 40, 0


Wild Orchid

Wild Orchid is a vibrant, exotic pink-purple, reminiscent of the rare and beautiful flower, ideal for imaginative and bold designs.

Hex: #D470A2
RGB: 212, 112, 162
CMYK: 0, 47, 24, 17


Fuchsia Purplish Pink

Fuchsia Purplish Pink is a rich blend of deep pink and subtle purple, offering a luxurious and dramatic hue, perfect for impactful and stylish designs.

Hex: #CC397B
RGB: 204, 57, 123
CMYK: 0, 72, 40, 20



Milano is a sophisticated, muted pink, capturing the elegance and fashion-forward nature of the Italian city, ideal for chic and refined themes.

Hex: #D95D67
RGB: 217, 93, 103
CMYK: 0, 57, 53, 15


Lavender Pink

Lavender Pink is a soft, dreamy pink with hints of lavender, evoking a sense of calm and serenity, perfect for tranquil and romantic designs.

Hex: #FBAED2
RGB: 251, 174, 210
CMYK: 0, 31, 16, 0


Rosy Pink

Rosy Pink is a warm, inviting shade, reminiscent of blooming roses, perfect for sweet and charming designs.

Hex: #FF66CC
RGB: 255, 102, 204
CMYK: 0, 60, 20, 0


Dark Pastel Red

Dark Pastel Red is a soft, muted red with pink undertones, offering a subtle and warm hue, ideal for gentle and understated designs.

Hex: #C23B22
RGB: 194, 59, 34
CMYK: 0, 70, 82, 24



Crepe is a light, delicate pink, like the fabric, offering a sense of softness and subtlety, perfect for elegant and refined themes.

Hex: #F89883
RGB: 248, 152, 131
CMYK: 0, 39, 47, 3


Mexican Pink

Mexican Pink is a bright, bold pink, full of vibrancy and energy, inspired by the lively culture and traditions of Mexico.

Hex: #E4007C
RGB: 228, 0, 124
CMYK: 0, 100, 46, 11


Razzle Dazzle Pink

Razzle Dazzle Pink is an intense, lively pink, full of fun and excitement, perfect for dynamic and playful designs.

Hex: #FF33CC
RGB: 255, 51, 204
CMYK: 0, 80, 20, 0


Power Pink

Power Pink is a vibrant, empowering shade, symbolizing strength and confidence, ideal for bold and assertive designs.

Hex: #FE6C9E
RGB: 254, 108, 158
CMYK: 0, 58, 38, 0


Pink Pastel

Pink Pastel is a gentle, muted pink, offering a soft and calming presence, perfect for serene and minimalist themes.

Hex: #FFD1DC
RGB: 255, 209, 220
CMYK: 0, 18, 14, 0


Cherry pink

Cherry Pink is a deep, rich pink, like ripe cherries, full of sweetness and depth, ideal for luxurious and indulgent designs.

Hex: #DE3163
RGB: 222, 49, 99
CMYK: 0, 78, 55, 13



Telemagenta is a vivid, intense pink-purple, modern and striking, perfect for contemporary and energetic designs.

Hex: #CF3476
RGB: 207, 52, 118
CMYK: 0, 75, 43, 19



Strawberry is a bright, juicy pink-red, reminiscent of the fruit, perfect for fresh and delightful designs.

Hex: #E8888A
RGB: 232, 136, 138
CMYK: 0, 41, 41, 9



Lace is a very light, delicate pink, like fine lacework, perfect for soft, elegant, and romantic themes.

Hex: #FFD8F0
RGB: 255, 216, 240
CMYK: 0, 15, 6, 0


Chilean Pink

Chilean Pink is a warm, earthy pink, inspired by the natural landscapes of Chile, perfect for rustic and inviting designs.

Hex: #E8C3BA
RGB: 232, 195, 186
CMYK: 0, 16, 9, 9


Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy is a sweet, light pink, reminiscent of the sugary treat, perfect for playful and whimsical designs.

Hex: #FFBCD9
RGB: 255, 188, 217
CMYK: 0, 26, 15, 0


Rubine Red

Rubine Red is a deep, vivid pink-red, bold and luxurious, ideal for passionate and dramatic themes.

Hex: #D10056
RGB: 209, 0, 86
CMYK: 0, 100, 59, 18


Light Crimson

Light Crimson is a soft, muted red with pink undertones, offering a gentle and warm hue, ideal for soothing and romantic designs.

Hex: #F56991
RGB: 245, 105, 145
CMYK: 0, 57, 41, 4


Begonia Pink

Begonia Pink is a bright, floral pink, inspired by the begonia flower, perfect for vibrant and cheerful designs.

Hex: #EC9ABE
RGB: 236, 154, 190
CMYK: 0, 35, 19, 8



Lady is a soft, understated pink, refined and graceful, perfect for elegant and sophisticated designs.

Hex: #F0C0A8
RGB: 240, 192, 168
CMYK: 0, 20, 30, 6


Piggy Pink

Piggy Pink is a light, playful pink, like a piglet, perfect for fun and light-hearted designs.

Hex: #FDDDE6
RGB: 253, 221, 230
CMYK: 0, 13, 9, 1



Watermelon is a fresh, juicy pink-red, like the fruit, perfect for lively and refreshing designs.

Hex: #FC6C85
RGB: 252, 108, 133
CMYK: 0, 57, 47, 1


Dusty Rose

Dusty Rose is a muted, vintage pink, offering an elegant and timeless hue, ideal for classic and romantic themes.

Hex: #DCAE96
RGB: 220, 174, 150
CMYK: 0, 21, 32, 14



Sea is a soft, tranquil pink, reminiscent of a calm sea at dawn, perfect for peaceful and soothing designs.

Hex: #F09090
RGB: 240, 144, 144
CMYK: 0, 40, 40, 6


Nadeshiko Pink

Nadeshiko Pink is a soft, delicate pink, named after the Japanese flower, ideal for gentle and graceful designs.

Hex: #F6ADC6
RGB: 246, 173, 198
CMYK: 0, 30, 20, 4


Rose Taupe

Rose Taupe is a warm, muted pink-brown, sophisticated and earthy, perfect for natural and understated designs.

Hex: #905D5D
RGB: 144, 93, 93
CMYK: 0, 35, 35, 44


Brownish Pink

Brownish Pink is a soft, earthy pink, blending pink with brown hues, ideal for warm and comforting designs.

Hex: #C08081
RGB: 192, 128, 129
CMYK: 0, 33, 33, 25


Rouge Color

Rouge Color is a rich, deep pink-red, full of passion and intensity, perfect for bold and dramatic designs.

Hex: #A94064
RGB: 169, 64, 100
CMYK: 0, 62, 41, 34


Lusty gallant

Lusty Gallant is a vibrant, playful pink, full of energy and charm, ideal for lively and spirited designs.

RGB: 255, 204, 204
CMYK: 0, 20, 20, 0


Millennial Pink

Millennial Pink is a muted, soft shade, trendy and modern, symbolizing a contemporary and understated style.

Hex: #FFD1DC
RGB: 255, 209, 220
CMYK: 0, 18, 14, 0


Light Deep Pink

Light Deep Pink is a bright, vivid pink, offering a playful and energetic hue, perfect for vibrant and lively designs.

Hex: #FF5CCD
RGB: 255, 92, 205
CMYK: 0, 64, 20, 0


Pinkish grey

Pinkish Grey is a soft, muted blend of pink and grey, offering a sophisticated and modern hue, ideal for contemporary and minimalist designs.

Hex: #C8ACA9
RGB: 200, 172, 169
CMYK: 0, 14, 16, 22


Munsell Red

Munsell Red is a bright, standardized red-pink, vibrant and consistent, perfect for design and color accuracy.

Hex: #F2003C
RGB: 242, 0, 60
CMYK: 0, 100, 75, 5


Pale Violet Red

Pale Violet Red is a soft, muted pink-red, delicate and subtle, ideal for gentle and understated designs.

Hex: #DB7093
RGB: 219, 112, 147
CMYK: 0, 49, 33, 14



Taffy is a sweet, playful pink, like the candy, perfect for fun and whimsical designs.

Hex: #FA86C4
RGB: 250, 134, 196
CMYK: 0, 46, 22, 2


Flickr Pink

Flickr Pink is a bright, modern pink, vibrant and eye-catching, ideal for contemporary and high-energy designs.

Hex: #FB0081
RGB: 251, 0, 129
CMYK: 0, 100, 49, 2


Debian Red

Debian Red is a deep, bold pink-red, inspired by the color of the Debian software logo, perfect for technical and modern designs.

Hex: #D70A53
RGB: 215, 10, 83
CMYK: 0, 95, 61, 16


Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom is a delicate, pale pink, like the beautiful spring flower, perfect for serene and romantic themes.

Hex: #FFB7C5
RGB: 255, 183, 197
CMYK: 0, 28, 23, 0


Rose Gold

Rose Gold is a luxurious blend of pink and gold, offering a sophisticated and elegant hue, ideal for stylish and refined designs.

Hex: #B76E79
RGB: 183, 110, 121
CMYK: 0, 40, 34, 28


Mountbatten Pink

Mountbatten Pink is a muted, dusty pink with a hint of lavender, known for its use in naval camouflage, offering a sense of subtlety and understatement.

Hex: #997A8D
RGB: 153, 122, 141
CMYK: 0, 20, 8, 40



Blush is a warm, natural pink, like the color of flushed cheeks, perfect for creating a healthy, vibrant look in designs.

Hex: #DE5D83
RGB: 222, 93, 131
CMYK: 0, 58, 41, 13



Hippie is a deep, vibrant pink, reminiscent of the bold and expressive colors popular in the hippie movement, perfect for eclectic and spirited designs.

Hex: #A84860
RGB: 168, 72, 96
CMYK: 0, 57, 43, 34


Purple Pizzazz

Purple Pizzazz is an electric, vivid pink with a hint of purple, full of energy and fun, ideal for playful and striking designs.

Hex: #FF01CC
RGB: 255, 1, 204
CMYK: 0, 100, 20, 0



Oyster is a pale, soft pink with a hint of beige, offering a sophisticated and understated elegance, perfect for serene and refined designs.

Hex: #F0D8D8
RGB: 240, 216, 216
CMYK: 0, 10, 10, 6


Brick Pink

Brick Pink is a muted, earthy pink-red, resembling the color of weathered bricks, ideal for rustic and natural designs.

Hex: #E5BDB8
RGB: 229, 189, 184
CMYK: 0, 17, 19, 10


Congo Pink

Congo Pink is a vibrant, tropical pink, inspired by the vivid colors of the Congo region, perfect for bold and adventurous designs.

Hex: #F88379
RGB: 248, 131, 121
CMYK: 0, 47, 51, 3



Shades of Pink in Interior Design

Incorporate shades of pink in interior design by using them as soft accents against a neutral backdrop of whites and grays for a serene and sophisticated look. For a more vibrant and playful space, pair pinks with complementary greens or teal. To create a modern and luxurious vibe, mix blush or rose pinks with metallics like gold or copper. For a bold, contemporary contrast, combine hot pink with black or navy blue.

Green and Pink


Pink Shades in Fashion

Pink shades in fashion offer a dynamic range, from the subtle and demure to the bright and bold, catering to a variety of styles and personal expressions. Designers often employ pastel pinks for a touch of springtime freshness or go for vibrant, hot pinks to make a confident, eye-catching statement. The versatility of pink allows it to be a staple in both casual wear and haute couture, proving that this color can be both playfully whimsical and seriously chic.

shades of pink in fashion


What’s the Color Meaning of Pink?

Pink is commonly associated with love, kindness, and femininity. It evokes feelings of warmth, nurturing, and comfort, often creating a sense of playfulness and tenderness in visual designs. This color can also represent youth and innocence and is sometimes used to denote a calming presence. In various cultures, pink is embraced for its gentle and positive connotations, making it a popular choice in areas ranging from fashion to branding and interior design.

pink shade color meaning


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Charlene, Lewis, “Shades of Pink Color – 240+Pinkish Tones to Inspire.” Art in Context. November 30, 2023. URL:

Lewis, C. (2023, 30 November). Shades of Pink Color – 240+Pinkish Tones to Inspire. Art in Context.

Lewis, Charlene. “Shades of Pink Color – 240+Pinkish Tones to Inspire.” Art in Context, November 30, 2023.

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