colors starting with g

Colors that Start with G – Gorgeous Color Shades to Explore

Welcome to our colorful exploration where we delve into the enchanting world of colors starting with the letter G. From the lush, verdant shades of Green to the deep, mysterious tones of Gunmetal, the G spectrum offers a diverse palette that captivates and inspires. Whether you’re an artist, a designer, or simply a lover of colors, join us as we journey through these vibrant hues, uncovering the stories and emotions they evoke.

Table of Contents




Gainsboro is a light gray color, offering a neutral and calming presence reminiscent of mist or fog.

RGB: 220, 220, 220
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 14%
HSL: 0, 0%, 86%


Gable Green

Gable Green is a deep, nature-inspired green, reminiscent of a dense forest canopy.

Hex: #163531
RGB: 22, 53, 49
CMYK: 58%, 0%, 8%, 79%
HSL: 172°, 41%, 15%



Gaddafi is a warm, deep tan hue, evoking the earthiness of desert sands and ancient artifacts.

RGB: 255, 222, 173
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 32%, 0%
HSL: 36°, 100%, 84%



Galactica is a dark and mysterious blue, suggestive of the vast, unexplored depths of the cosmos.

Hex: #303655
RGB: 48, 54, 85
CMYK: 44%, 36%, 0%, 67%
HSL: 230°, 28%, 26%



Galaxy is a rich, dark blue that captures the enigmatic and infinite beauty of the night sky.

Hex: #303641
RGB: 48, 54, 65
CMYK: 26%, 17%, 0%, 75%
HSL: 219°, 15%, 22%



Galliano is a vibrant, golden yellow that radiates with the brightness and warmth of a sunlit day.

Hex: #DCB20C
RGB: 220, 178, 12
CMYK: 0%, 19%, 95%, 14%
HSL: 48°, 90%, 45%


Gannet Grey

Gannet Grey is a cool, muted grey, echoing the sleek, understated elegance of oceanic birds.

Hex: #8E918F
RGB: 142, 145, 143
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 1%, 43%
HSL: 140°, 1%, 56%



Gargoyle is a strong, stony grey that conveys the solid, timeless presence of medieval architecture.

Hex: #907E69
RGB: 144, 126, 105
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 27%, 44%
HSL: 32°, 16%, 49%


Gargoyle Gas

Gargoyle Gas is a unique, eerie green, evoking the mysterious and otherworldly ambiance of a foggy night.

Hex: #FFDF46
RGB: 255, 223, 70
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 73%, 0%
HSL: 50°, 100%, 64%


Garnet Red

Garnet Red is a deep, luxurious red, reminiscent of the precious gemstone with its dark, alluring charm.

Hex: #6C000F
RGB: 108, 0, 15
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 86%, 58%
HSL: 352°, 100%, 21%


Garnet Orange

Garnet Orange is a vibrant orange tone, infused with a hint of red, capturing the fiery glow of sunset.

Hex: #CB624D
RGB: 203, 98, 77
CMYK: 0%, 52%, 62%, 20%
HSL: 10°, 55%, 55%



Gauntlet is a dark, formidable grey, evoking the strength and resilience of medieval armor.

Hex: #716F69
RGB: 113, 111, 105
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 7%, 56%
HSL: 45°, 4%, 43%



Geas is a unique blend of earthy brown and subtle green, suggesting ancient forests and mythical undertones.

Hex: #78A890
RGB: 120, 168, 144
CMYK: 29%, 0%, 14%, 34%
HSL: 150°, 22%, 56%



Gecko is a lively, vivid green, full of energy and the vivaciousness of tropical wildlife.

Hex: #45634B
RGB: 69, 99, 75
CMYK: 30%, 0%, 24%, 61%
HSL: 132°, 18%, 33%



Geebung is a warm, rich yellow, reminiscent of ripe, sun-kissed summer fruit.

Hex: #D18F1B
RGB: 209, 143, 27
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 87%, 18%
HSL: 38°, 77%, 46%



Gelato is a soft, pastel pink, sweet and inviting like its namesake dessert.

Hex: #DBB7BE
RGB: 219, 183, 190
CMYK: 0%, 16%, 13%, 14%
HSL: 348°, 33%, 79%



Geneva is a serene and subtle green, evoking the tranquility and beauty of a lakeside retreat.

Hex: #D2E09E
RGB: 210, 224, 158
CMYK: 6%, 0%, 29%, 12%
HSL: 73°, 52%, 75%



Genie is a bright and playful blue, reminiscent of clear, sunny skies and joyful days.

Hex: #62B3F2
RGB: 98, 179, 242
CMYK: 60%, 26%, 0%, 5%
HSL: 206°, 85%, 67%


Genie Purple

Genie Purple is a mystical and vibrant purple, conjuring images of magical realms and enchanting evenings.

Hex: #833E77
RGB: 131, 62, 119
CMYK: 0%, 53%, 9%, 49%
HSL: 310°, 36%, 38%



Genoa is a deep, rich green, reflecting the lushness of Mediterranean landscapes and historic charm.

Hex: #15736B
RGB: 21, 115, 107
CMYK: 82%, 0%, 7%, 55%
HSL: 175°, 69%, 27%


Georgia Clay

Georgia Clay is a warm, earthy red, reminiscent of the southern state’s rich, fertile soils.

Hex: #A95143
RGB: 169, 81, 67
CMYK: 0%, 52%, 60%, 34%
HSL: 8°, 43%, 46%



Geraldine is a soft, feminine pink, gentle and inviting like a blooming rose garden.

Hex: #FB8989
RGB: 251, 137, 137
CMYK: 0%, 45%, 45%, 2%
HSL: 0°, 93%, 76%


Geranium Red

Geranium Red is a bright, bold red, capturing the lively spirit and vibrancy of the flowering plant.

Hex: #F04B51
RGB: 240, 75, 81
CMYK: 0%, 69%, 66%, 6%
HSL: 358°, 85%, 62%


German Grey

German Grey is a strong, no-nonsense grey, evocative of efficiency and modern industrial design.

Hex: #414C52
RGB: 65, 76, 82
CMYK: 21%, 7%, 0%, 68%
HSL: 201°, 12%, 29%



Geronimo is a dynamic, spirited orange, full of energy and adventure.

Hex: #88213C
RGB: 136, 33, 60
CMYK: 0%, 76%, 56%, 47%
HSL: 344°, 61%, 33%


Get Reddy

Get Reddy is an electrifying, intense red, bold and assertive, ready to make a statement.

Hex: #AD3539
RGB: 173, 53, 57
CMYK: 0%, 69%, 67%, 32%
HSL: 358°, 53%, 44%



Geyser is a cool, serene blue-gray, reminiscent of the peaceful and revitalizing waters of a natural spring.

Hex: #D4DFE2
RGB: 212, 223, 226
CMYK: 6%, 1%, 0%, 11%
HSL: 193°, 19%, 86%



Ghost is an ethereal, almost translucent white, capturing the elusive and mysterious nature of its namesake.

Hex: #C7C9D5
RGB: 199, 201, 213
CMYK: 7%, 6%, 0%, 16%
HSL: 231°, 14%, 81%


Ghoulish Graham Cracker

Ghoulish Graham Cracker is a warm, toasted brown, evocative of cozy autumn evenings and sweet treats.

Hex: #803300
RGB: 128, 51, 0
CMYK: 0%, 60%, 100%, 50%
HSL: 24°, 100%, 25%


Giant’s Club

Hex: #B05C52
RGB: 176, 92, 82
CMYK: 0%, 48%, 53%, 31%
HSL: 6°, 37%, 51%


Giants Orange

Giants Orange is a vibrant, energetic orange, full of life and bursting with team spirit.

Hex: #FE5A1D
RGB: 254, 90, 29
CMYK: 0%, 65%, 89%, 0%
HSL: 16°, 99%, 55%



Gigas is a profound, majestic blue, echoing the depth and mystery of the ocean’s heart.

Hex: #523C94
RGB: 82, 60, 148
CMYK: 45%, 59%, 0%, 42%
HSL: 255°, 42%, 41%



Giggle is a light-hearted, playful pink, capturing the joy and innocence of a child’s laughter.

Hex: #69326E
RGB: 105, 50, 110
CMYK: 5%, 55%, 0%, 57%
HSL: 295°, 38%, 31%



Gimblet is a natural, subdued green, reflecting the calm and soothing essence of a peaceful meadow.

Hex: #B8B56A
RGB: 184, 181, 106
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 42%, 28%
HSL: 58°, 35%, 57%



Gin is a crisp, clean shade of light blue, reminiscent of the refreshing clarity of its namesake spirit.

Hex: #E8F2EB
RGB: 232, 242, 235
CMYK: 4%, 0%, 3%, 5%
HSL: 138°, 28%, 93%


Gin Fizz

Gin Fizz is a bubbly, effervescent yellow, capturing the light and zesty character of a refreshing cocktail.

Hex: #FFF9E2
RGB: 255, 249, 226
CMYK: 0%, 2%, 11%, 0%
HSL: 48°, 100%, 94%



Ginger is a warm, spicy orange, embodying the inviting and familiar aroma of the namesake root.

Hex: #B06500
RGB: 176, 101, 0
CMYK: 0%, 43%, 100%, 31%
HSL: 34°, 100%, 35%



Gingerbread is a rich, warm brown, evoking cozy winter holidays and sweetly spiced treats.

Hex: #C86A50
RGB: 200, 106, 80
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 60%, 22%
HSL: 13°, 52%, 55%



Gingko is a vibrant, lively yellow-green, reflective of the unique and enduring gingko tree.

Hex: #A59C55
RGB: 165, 156, 85
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 48%, 35%
HSL: 53°, 32%, 49%



Givry is a subtle, understated beige, conveying a sense of elegance and timeless charm.

Hex: #F8E4BF
RGB: 248, 228, 191
CMYK: 0%, 8%, 23%, 3%
HSL: 39°, 80%, 86%



Glacier is a crisp, icy blue, capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of its frozen, majestic namesake.

Hex: #80B3C4
RGB: 128, 179, 196
CMYK: 35%, 9%, 0%, 23%
HSL: 195°, 37%, 64%


Glade Green

Glade Green is a refreshing, verdant green, reminiscent of a sunlit forest clearing.

Hex: #61845F
RGB: 97, 132, 95
CMYK: 27%, 0%, 28%, 48%
HSL: 117°, 16%, 45%


Glistening White

Glistening White is a sparkling, radiant white, like freshly fallen snow under the morning sun.

Hex: #F4F4EC
RGB: 244, 244, 236
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 3%, 4%
HSL: 60°, 27%, 94%


Glitter Purple

Glitter Purple is a dazzling, vibrant purple, exuding a sense of luxury and enchantment.

Hex: #413A5D
RGB: 65, 58, 93
CMYK: 30%, 38%, 0%, 64%
HSL: 252°, 23%, 30%



Glitterati is a glamorous, shiny gold, embodying the opulence and allure of the high life.

Hex: #B3AD97
RGB: 179, 173, 151
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 16%, 30%
HSL: 47°, 16%, 65%



Glitterbug is a whimsical, sparkling pink, full of fun and the magic of fairy tales.

Hex: #A92A37
RGB: 169, 42, 55
CMYK: 0%, 75%, 67%, 34%
HSL: 354°, 60%, 41%


Glossy Grape

Glossy Grape is a luscious, deep purple, reminiscent of ripe, succulent grapes.

Hex: #AB92B3
RGB: 171, 146, 179
CMYK: 4%, 18%, 0%, 30%
HSL: 285°, 18%, 64%


Go Ben

Go Ben is a robust, earth-toned green, suggesting the resilience and vitality of nature.

Hex: #726D4E
RGB: 114, 109, 78
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 32%, 55%
HSL: 52°, 19%, 38%


Go Go Go

Go Go Go is an energetic, fiery red, symbolizing action, passion, and unbridled enthusiasm.

Hex: #76AD4C
RGB: 118, 173, 76
CMYK: 32%, 0%, 56%, 32%
HSL: 94°, 39%, 49%


GO Green

GO Green is a vibrant, lively green, embodying the spirit of environmental consciousness and renewal.

Hex: #00AB66
RGB: 0, 171, 102
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 40%, 33%
HSL: 156°, 100%, 34%



Goblin is a mischievous, dark green, reminiscent of enchanted forests and fairy tale adventures.

Hex: #3D7D52
RGB: 61, 125, 82
CMYK: 51%, 0%, 34%, 51%
HSL: 140°, 34%, 36%



Gobstopper is a rich, multicolored hue, capturing the playful and ever-changing essence of the candy.

Hex: #583580
RGB: 88, 53, 128
CMYK: 31%, 59%, 0%, 50%
HSL: 268°, 41%, 35%



Goddess is a divine, soft rose pink, evoking the grace and beauty of mythical deities.

Hex: #FBAB8F
RGB: 251, 171, 143
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 43%, 2%
HSL: 16°, 93%, 77%



Goethite is a deep, iron-rich brown, echoing the mineral’s earthy, natural essence.

Hex: #EAA22C
RGB: 234, 162, 44
CMYK: 0%, 31%, 81%, 8%
HSL: 37°, 82%, 55%



Gold is a timeless, opulent gold, radiating wealth, luxury, and enduring value.

Hex: #FFD700
RGB: 255, 215, 0
CMYK: 0%, 16%, 100%, 0%
HSL: 51°, 100%, 50%


Gold Drop

Gold Drop is a bright, sun-kissed yellow, reminiscent of a precious droplet of liquid gold.

Hex: #F18200
RGB: 241, 130, 0
CMYK: 0%, 46%, 100%, 5%
HSL: 32°, 100%, 47%


Gold Dust

Gold Dust is a fine, shimmering gold, capturing the ephemeral beauty of a fleeting, golden moment.

Hex: #927748
RGB: 146, 119, 72
CMYK: 0%, 18%, 51%, 43%
HSL: 38°, 34%, 43%


Gold Foil

Gold Foil is a shiny, metallic gold, evoking the luxurious sheen of gilded surfaces.

Hex: #BD9B16
RGB: 189, 155, 22
CMYK: 0%, 18%, 88%, 26%
HSL: 48°, 79%, 41%


Gold Fusion

Gold Fusion is a bold, electrifying gold, blending classic opulence with a modern twist.

Hex: #85754E
RGB: 133, 117, 78
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 41%, 48%
HSL: 43°, 26%, 41%


Gold Rush

Gold Rush is a dynamic, adventurous gold, embodying the excitement and ambition of the legendary era.

Hex: #A28A64
RGB: 162, 138, 100
CMYK: 0%, 15%, 38%, 36%
HSL: 37°, 25%, 51%


Gold Sand

Gold Sand is a soft, sandy gold, evoking warm beaches and sunlit dunes.

Hex: #E6BE8A
RGB: 230, 190, 138
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 40%, 10%
HSL: 34°, 65%, 72%


Gold Tips

Gold Tips is a delicate, pale gold, reminiscent of the gentle touch of sunlight on the tips of leaves.

Hex: #DEBA13
RGB: 222, 186, 19
CMYK: 0%, 16%, 91%, 13%
HSL: 49°, 84%, 47%


Golden Bell

Golden Bell is a cheerful, ringing gold, capturing the joy and clarity of a bell’s chime.

Hex: #E28913
RGB: 226, 137, 19
CMYK: 0%, 39%, 92%, 11%
HSL: 34°, 84%, 48%


Golden Brown

Golden Brown is a warm, inviting brown, like freshly baked bread or autumn leaves.

Hex: #996515
RGB: 153, 101, 21
CMYK: 0%, 34%, 86%, 40%
HSL: 36°, 76%, 34%


Golden Dream

Golden Dream is a soft, dreamy gold, like the first rays of dawn or a whispered wish.

Hex: #F0D52D
RGB: 240, 213, 45
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 81%, 6%
HSL: 52°, 87%, 56%


Golden Fizz

Golden Fizz is a bubbly, effervescent gold, reminiscent of sparkling champagne and celebration.

Hex: #F5FB3D
RGB: 245, 251, 61
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 76%, 2%
HSL: 62°, 96%, 61%


Golden Flesh

Golden Flesh is a rich, warm peach, evoking the succulent sweetness of ripe fruit.

Hex: #F9D77E
RGB: 249, 215, 126
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 49%, 2%
HSL: 43°, 91%, 74%


Golden Glow

Golden Glow is a radiant, glowing gold, like the gentle warmth of a setting sun.

Hex: #FDE295
RGB: 253, 226, 149
CMYK: 0%, 11%, 41%, 1%
HSL: 44°, 96%, 79%


Golden Grass

Golden Grass is a bright, sunlit green, evoking the freshness and vitality of a meadow in spring.

Hex: #DAA521
RGB: 218, 165, 33
CMYK: 0%, 24%, 85%, 15%
HSL: 43°, 74%, 49%


Golden Poppy

Golden Poppy is a vibrant, intense orange, embodying the lively spirit of California’s state flower.

Hex: #FCC200
RGB: 252, 194, 0
CMYK: 0%, 23%, 100%, 1%
HSL: 46°, 100%, 49%


Golden Sand Beach

Golden Sand Beach is a warm, sandy beige, reminiscent of a sun-drenched tropical paradise.

Hex: #F0DB7D
RGB: 240, 219, 125
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 48%, 6%
HSL: 49°, 79%, 72%


Golden Straw

Golden Straw is a light, airy gold, like the delicate strands of a sunlit wheat field.

Hex: #F6C346
RGB: 246, 195, 70
CMYK: 0%, 21%, 72%, 4%
HSL: 43°, 91%, 62%


Golden Tainoi

Golden Tainoi is a vivid, tropical orange, bursting with the warmth and energy of a sun-soaked island.

Hex: #FFCC5C
RGB: 255, 204, 92
CMYK: 0%, 20%, 64%, 0%
HSL: 41°, 100%, 68%


Golden Yellow

Golden Yellow is a bright, pure yellow, like the bold and unyielding rays of the midday sun.

Hex: #FFDF00
RGB: 255, 223, 0
CMYK: 0%, 13%, 100%, 0%
HSL: 52°, 100%, 50%



Goldenrod is a deep, rich yellow, reflecting the robust and enduring beauty of the wildflower.

Hex: #DAA520
RGB: 218, 165, 32
CMYK: 0%, 24%, 85%, 15%
HSL: 43°, 74%, 49%



Goldfish is a lively, playful orange, capturing the vibrant energy and charm of the aquatic pet.

Hex: #D36A0F
RGB: 211, 106, 15
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 93%, 17%
HSL: 28°, 87%, 44%



Goldmine is a deep, rich gold, evoking the hidden treasures and the allure of undiscovered wealth.

Hex: #9B8160
RGB: 155, 129, 96
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 38%, 39%
HSL: 34°, 24%, 49%



Gondola is a deep, sophisticated black, reminiscent of the elegant and timeless Venetian boats.

Hex: #261414
RGB: 38, 20, 20
CMYK: 0%, 47%, 47%, 85%
HSL: 0°, 31%, 11%


Gondola Grey

Gondola Grey is a muted, understated grey, echoing the calm and grace of a peaceful waterway.

Hex: #373332
RGB: 55, 51, 50
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 9%, 78%
HSL: 12°, 5%, 21%



Goo is a playful, sticky green, reminiscent of childhood fun and mischievous pranks.

Hex: #59BE37
RGB: 89, 190, 55
CMYK: 53%, 0%, 71%, 25%
HSL: 105°, 55%, 48%


Good Apollo

Good Apollo is a celestial, otherworldly blue, capturing the mystery and vastness of the cosmos.

Hex: #F0E6A5
RGB: 240, 230, 165
CMYK: 0%, 4%, 31%, 6%
HSL: 52°, 71%, 79%



Gooseberry is a tart, fresh green, embodying the zing and zest of the tangy fruit.

Hex: #BFC298
RGB: 191, 194, 152
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 22%, 24%
HSL: 64°, 26%, 68%


Gooseberry Sour

Gooseberry Sour is a sharp, acidic yellow-green, capturing the sour bite and lively spirit of the berry.

Hex: #853148
RGB: 133, 49, 72
CMYK: 0%, 63%, 46%, 48%
HSL: 344°, 46%, 36%


Gordons Green

Gordons Green is a deep, distinguished green, evoking the refinement and tradition of an English garden.

Hex: #0B1107
RGB: 11, 17, 7
CMYK: 35%, 0%, 59%, 93%
HSL: 96°, 42%, 5%



Gorse is a bright, sunny yellow, capturing the cheerful and resilient nature of the wild shrub.

Hex: #FFF14F
RGB: 255, 241, 79
CMYK: 0%, 5%, 69%, 0%
HSL: 55°, 100%, 65%



Gossamer is a delicate, ethereal pink, like the fine, silky threads of a spider’s web.

Hex: #069B81
RGB: 6, 155, 129
CMYK: 96%, 0%, 17%, 39%
HSL: 170°, 93%, 32%



Gossip is a playful, chatty pink, evoking the lively and spirited exchange of stories and secrets.

Hex: #D2F8B0
RGB: 210, 248, 176
CMYK: 15%, 0%, 29%, 3%
HSL: 92°, 84%, 83%


Gossip Green

Gossip Green is a light, gossip-worthy green, full of freshness and lively conversation.

Hex: #9FD385
RGB: 159, 211, 133
CMYK: 25%, 0%, 37%, 17%
HSL: 100°, 47%, 67%



Gotham is a dark, brooding grey, capturing the mysterious and formidable essence of the iconic city.

Hex: #303B44
RGB: 48, 59, 68
CMYK: 29%, 13%, 0%, 73%
HSL: 207°, 17%, 23%



Gothic is a deep, intense black, embodying the dramatic and timeless appeal of Gothic architecture.

Hex: #6D92A1
RGB: 109, 146, 161
CMYK: 32%, 9%, 0%, 37%
HSL: 197°, 22%, 53%


GOV Position

GOV Position is a commanding, authoritative blue, symbolizing power, leadership, and responsibility.

Hex: #C05854
RGB: 192, 88, 84
CMYK: 0%, 54%, 56%, 25%
HSL: 2°, 46%, 54%


Governor Bay

Governor Bay is a regal, dignified blue, reflecting the prestige and honor of its namesake.

Hex: #2F3CB3
RGB: 47, 60, 179
CMYK: 74%, 66%, 0%, 30%
HSL: 234°, 58%, 44%


Governor Bay Purple

Governor Bay Purple is a majestic, royal purple, capturing the elegance and nobility of regal attire.

Hex: #51559B
RGB: 81, 85, 155
CMYK: 48%, 45%, 0%, 39%
HSL: 237°, 31%, 46%



Graceland is a soft, inviting beige, echoing the warmth and nostalgia of the iconic estate.

Hex: #877482
RGB: 135, 116, 130
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 4%, 47%
HSL: 316°, 8%, 49%


Grain Brown

Grain Brown is a warm, earthy brown, reminiscent of fertile fields and bountiful harvests.

Hex: #E4D5B7
RGB: 228, 213, 183
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 20%, 11%
HSL: 40°, 45%, 81%


Grain Sand

Grain Sand is a light, sandy beige, capturing the serene and natural essence of a windswept beach.

Hex: #EECC00
RGB: 238, 204, 0
CMYK: 0%, 14%, 100%, 7%
HSL: 51°, 100%, 47%


Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon is a majestic, deep red-orange, evoking the awe-inspiring grandeur of the iconic landscape.

Hex: #6D3834
RGB: 109, 56, 52
CMYK: 0%, 49%, 52%, 57%
HSL: 4°, 35%, 32%



Grandis is a cheerful, sun-kissed yellow, radiating warmth and happiness like a day bathed in sunlight.

Hex: #FFD38C
RGB: 255, 211, 140
CMYK: 0%, 17%, 45%, 0%
HSL: 37°, 100%, 77%


Granite Gray

Granite Gray is a strong, enduring gray, reflecting the unyielding and timeless nature of its namesake stone.

Hex: #676767
RGB: 103, 103, 103
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 60%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 40%


Granite Green

Granite Green is a muted, natural green, conveying the resilience and quiet strength of mountain granite.

Hex: #8D8974
RGB: 141, 137, 116
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 18%, 45%
HSL: 50°, 10%, 50%


Granny Smith

Granny Smith is a vibrant, tart green, reminiscent of the crisp and refreshing apple variety.

Hex: #84A0A0
RGB: 132, 160, 160
CMYK: 17%, 0%, 0%, 37%
HSL: 180°, 13%, 57%


Granny Smith Apple

Granny Smith Apple is a bright, lively green, bursting with the fresh and tangy flavor of the fruit.

Hex: #A8E4A0
RGB: 168, 228, 160
CMYK: 26%, 0%, 30%, 11%
HSL: 113°, 56%, 76%



Grape is a rich, deep purple, evoking the lush and luxurious taste of ripe, juicy grapes.

Hex: #6F2DA8
RGB: 111, 45, 168
CMYK: 34%, 73%, 0%, 34%
HSL: 272°, 58%, 42%


Grape Juice

Grape Juice is a vibrant, juicy purple, capturing the sweet and delightful essence of the beverage.

Hex: #575083
RGB: 87, 80, 131
CMYK: 34%, 39%, 0%, 49%
HSL: 248°, 24%, 41%



Graphite is a dark, metallic gray, reflecting the sleek and industrial nature of the mineral.

Hex: #251607
RGB: 37, 22, 7
CMYK: 0%, 41%, 81%, 85%
HSL: 30°, 68%, 9%



Grass is a fresh, lively green, embodying the rejuvenating and vibrant spirit of a lush lawn.

Hex: #153023
RGB: 21, 48, 35
CMYK: 56%, 0%, 27%, 81%
HSL: 151°, 39%, 14%


Grass Stain

Grass Stain is a bright, playful green, reminiscent of carefree days and outdoor adventures.

Hex: #165B31
RGB: 22, 91, 49
CMYK: 76%, 0%, 46%, 64%
HSL: 143°, 61%, 22%



Grasshopper is a vibrant, energetic green, capturing the lively and spirited nature of the insect.

Hex: #7A7229
RGB: 122, 114, 41
CMYK: 0%, 7%, 66%, 52%
HSL: 54°, 50%, 32%



Grasslands is a natural, earthy green, reflecting the wide-open and serene beauty of sprawling fields.

Hex: #3D3D2E
RGB: 61, 61, 46
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 25%, 76%
HSL: 60°, 14%, 21%



Gravel is a muted, understated gray-brown, like the solid and dependable stones of a well-trodden path.

Hex: #4A444B
RGB: 74, 68, 75
CMYK: 1%, 9%, 0%, 71%
HSL: 291°, 5%, 28%



Gravity is a deep, powerful gray, conveying a sense of weight and the unyielding force of nature.

Hex: #3D4040
RGB: 61, 64, 64
CMYK: 5%, 0%, 0%, 75%
HSL: 180°, 2%, 25%



Gray is a classic, versatile shade, balanced and neutral, perfect for any setting or style.

RGB: 190, 190, 190
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 25%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 75%


Gray Asparagus

Gray Asparagus is a unique, dark green-gray, reminiscent of the earthy and sophisticated vegetable.

Hex: #465945
RGB: 70, 89, 69
CMYK: 21%, 0%, 22%, 65%
HSL: 117°, 13%, 31%


Gray Blue

Gray Blue is a subdued, calming blue-gray, evoking the tranquility and stability of a stormy sea.

Hex: #8C92AC
RGB: 140, 146, 172
CMYK: 19%, 15%, 0%, 33%
HSL: 229°, 16%, 61%


Gray Chateau

Gray Chateau is an elegant, refined gray, reminiscent of the stately and dignified presence of a grand estate.

Hex: #A2AAB3
RGB: 162, 170, 179
CMYK: 9%, 5%, 0%, 30%
HSL: 212°, 10%, 67%


Gray Nickel

Gray Nickel is a sleek, metallic gray, echoing the cool and contemporary sheen of the metal.

Hex: #C3C3BD
RGB: 195, 195, 189
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 3%, 24%
HSL: 60°, 5%, 75%


Gray Nurse

Gray Nurse is a gentle, soothing gray, providing a sense of comfort and care like a nurturing presence.

Hex: #E7ECE6
RGB: 231, 236, 230
CMYK: 2%, 0%, 3%, 7%
HSL: 110°, 14%, 91%


Gray Olive

Gray Olive is a muted, natural green-gray, evoking the subtle and understated beauty of olive groves.

Hex: #A9A491
RGB: 169, 164, 145
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 14%, 34%
HSL: 48°, 12%, 62%


Gray Suit

Gray Suit is a polished, sophisticated gray, embodying the classic and professional elegance of business attire.

Hex: #C1BECD
RGB: 193, 190, 205
CMYK: 6%, 7%, 0%, 20%
HSL: 252°, 13%, 77%


Gray Sky

Gray Sky is a soft, overcast gray, capturing the quiet and reflective mood of a cloudy day.

Hex: #D5D8DD
RGB: 213, 216, 221
CMYK: 4%, 2%, 0%, 13%
HSL: 218°, 11%, 85%



Grey is a timeless, adaptable shade, embodying neutrality and balance in its purest form.

RGB: 238, 238, 238
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 7%
HSL: 0°, 0%, 93%



Green is a vibrant, life-affirming hue, symbolizing growth, renewal, and the lushness of nature.

Hex: #00FF00
RGB: 0, 255, 0
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 100%, 0%
HSL: 120°, 100%, 50%


Green Blue

Green Blue is a cool, refreshing teal, blending the tranquility of blue with the vitality of green.

Hex: #1164B4
RGB: 17, 100, 180
CMYK: 91%, 44%, 0%, 29%
HSL: 209°, 83%, 39%



Hex: #009966
RGB: 0, 153, 102
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 33%, 40%
HSL: 160°, 100%, 30%


Green Fields

Green Fields is a bright, verdant green, reminiscent of sprawling, sunlit meadows and open spaces.

Hex: #3E6334
RGB: 62, 99, 52
CMYK: 37%, 0%, 47%, 61%
HSL: 107°, 31%, 30%


Green Grapes

Green Grapes is a light, juicy green, capturing the fresh and tangy essence of the vineyard fruit.

Hex: #D0DC78
RGB: 208, 220, 120
CMYK: 5%, 0%, 45%, 14%
HSL: 67°, 59%, 67%


Green Haze

Green Haze is a soft, misty green, evoking the ethereal and dreamy quality of a morning fog.

Hex: #01A368
RGB: 1, 163, 104
CMYK: 99%, 0%, 36%, 36%
HSL: 158°, 99%, 32%


Green House

Green House is a deep, nurturing green, embodying the growth and vitality of a flourishing garden.

Hex: #24500F
RGB: 36, 80, 15
CMYK: 55%, 0%, 81%, 69%
HSL: 101°, 68%, 19%


Green Kelp

Green Kelp is a dark, seaweed green, reminiscent of the mysterious and rich depths of the ocean.

Hex: #25311C
RGB: 37, 49, 28
CMYK: 24%, 0%, 43%, 81%
HSL: 94°, 27%, 15%


Green Leaf

Green Leaf is a fresh, vibrant green, embodying the crisp and rejuvenating spirit of new foliage.

Hex: #436A0D
RGB: 67, 106, 13
CMYK: 37%, 0%, 88%, 58%
HSL: 85°, 78%, 23%


Green Meets Blue

Green Meets Blue is a harmonious blend of blue and green, evoking the peaceful convergence of sky and earth.

Hex: #455B58
RGB: 69, 91, 88
CMYK: 24%, 0%, 3%, 64%
HSL: 172°, 14%, 31%


Green Mist

Green Mist is a soft, ethereal green, like a gentle haze enveloping a serene landscape.

Hex: #CBD3B0
RGB: 203, 211, 176
CMYK: 4%, 0%, 17%, 17%
HSL: 74°, 28%, 76%


Green Pea

Green Pea is a cheerful, springy green, reminiscent of the bright and playful character of the garden vegetable.

Hex: #1D6142
RGB: 29, 97, 66
CMYK: 70%, 0%, 32%, 62%
HSL: 153°, 54%, 25%


Green Room

Green Room is a calm, soothing green, reminiscent of a tranquil and restorative sanctuary.

Hex: #388160
RGB: 56, 129, 96
CMYK: 57%, 0%, 26%, 49%
HSL: 153°, 39%, 36%


Green Smoke

Green Smoke is a soft, muted green, evoking the image of a gentle, wispy haze in a peaceful forest.

Hex: #A4AF6E
RGB: 164, 175, 110
CMYK: 6%, 0%, 37%, 31%
HSL: 70°, 29%, 56%


Green Spring

Green Spring is a fresh, vibrant green, bursting with the promise and renewal of springtime.

Hex: #B8C1B1
RGB: 184, 193, 177
CMYK: 5%, 0%, 8%, 24%
HSL: 94°, 11%, 73%


Green Tea

Green Tea is a subtle, light green, reminiscent of the soothing and delicate leaves of the tea plant.

Hex: #95A226
RGB: 149, 162, 38
CMYK: 8%, 0%, 77%, 36%
HSL: 66°, 62%, 39%


Green Vogue

Green Vogue is a chic, fashionable green, embodying the elegance and trendiness of high fashion.

Hex: #032B52
RGB: 3, 43, 82
CMYK: 96%, 48%, 0%, 68%
HSL: 210°, 93%, 17%


Green Waterloo

Green Waterloo is a deep, historical green, echoing the depth and gravity of its namesake battle.

Hex: #101405
RGB: 16, 20, 5
CMYK: 20%, 0%, 75%, 92%
HSL: 76°, 60%, 5%


Green White

Green White is a pale, almost translucent green, offering a hint of color with a serene, understated presence.

Hex: #E8EBE0
RGB: 232, 235, 224
CMYK: 1%, 0%, 5%, 8%
HSL: 76°, 22%, 90%


Green Yellow

Green Yellow is a bright, zesty shade, combining the cheerfulness of yellow with the freshness of green.

Hex: #ADFF2F
RGB: 173, 255, 47
CMYK: 32%, 0%, 82%, 0%
HSL: 84°, 100%, 59%



Greenback is a rich, monetary green, symbolizing wealth and prosperity with its strong, confident hue.

Hex: #44583B
RGB: 68, 88, 59
CMYK: 23%, 0%, 33%, 65%
HSL: 101°, 20%, 29%



Greenstone is a deep, natural green, reminiscent of the precious and ancient jade gemstone.

Hex: #246C46
RGB: 36, 108, 70
CMYK: 67%, 0%, 35%, 58%
HSL: 148°, 50%, 28%



Grenadier is a bold, fiery red, evoking the energy and strength of its military namesake.

Hex: #D54600
RGB: 213, 70, 0
CMYK: 0%, 67%, 100%, 16%
HSL: 20°, 100%, 42%


Grenadier Red

Grenadier Red is a deep, intense red, reflecting the valor and bravery of elite soldiers.

Hex: #C14D36
RGB: 193, 77, 54
CMYK: 0%, 60%, 72%, 24%
HSL: 10°, 56%, 48%



Greywacke is a solid, earthy grey, reminiscent of the rugged, sedimentary rock.

Hex: #BCB8BE
RGB: 188, 184, 190
CMYK: 1%, 3%, 0%, 25%
HSL: 280°, 4%, 73%



Grizzly is a powerful, wild brown, echoing the untamed spirit of the majestic bear.

Hex: #885818
RGB: 136, 88, 24
CMYK: 0%, 35%, 82%, 47%
HSL: 34°, 70%, 31%



Groovy is a lively, retro shade, capturing the fun and free spirit of the swinging 60s.

Hex: #5CA345
RGB: 92, 163, 69
CMYK: 44%, 0%, 58%, 36%
HSL: 105°, 41%, 45%



Groundbreaker is a robust, earth-toned shade, symbolizing innovation and the forging of new paths.

Hex: #5A4F40
RGB: 90, 79, 64
CMYK: 0%, 12%, 29%, 65%
HSL: 35°, 17%, 30%



Grullo is a unique, smoky taupe, combining the softness of grey with the warmth of brown.

Hex: #A99A86
RGB: 169, 154, 134
CMYK: 0%, 9%, 21%, 34%
HSL: 34°, 17%, 59%


Guardsman Brown

Guardsman Brown is a dignified, strong brown, embodying the reliability and steadiness of a ceremonial guard.

Hex: #952E31
RGB: 149, 46, 49
CMYK: 0%, 69%, 67%, 42%
HSL: 358°, 53%, 38%


Guardsman Red

Guardsman Red is a rich, ceremonial red, conveying the prestige and discipline of military honor.

Hex: #BA0101
RGB: 186, 1, 1
CMYK: 0%, 99%, 99%, 27%
HSL: 0°, 99%, 37%



Gules is a heraldic, vibrant red, steeped in tradition and symbolic of valor and courage.

Hex: #E00000
RGB: 224, 0, 0
CMYK: 0%, 100%, 100%, 12%
HSL: 0°, 100%, 44%


Gulf Blue

Gulf Blue is a deep, maritime blue, reminiscent of the vast and mysterious ocean.

Hex: #051657
RGB: 5, 22, 87
CMYK: 94%, 75%, 0%, 66%
HSL: 228°, 89%, 18%


Gulf Stream

Gulf Stream is a soft, flowing blue, capturing the gentle and constant movement of ocean currents.

Hex: #80B3AE
RGB: 128, 179, 174
CMYK: 28%, 0%, 3%, 30%
HSL: 174°, 25%, 60%



Gull is a light, airy grey, evoking the freedom and grace of seabirds soaring above the waves.

Hex: #9DACB7
RGB: 157, 172, 183
CMYK: 14%, 6%, 0%, 28%
HSL: 205°, 15%, 67%



Gum is a soft, pastel pink, gentle and sweet like the inside of a bubblegum.

Hex: #FF7F7F
RGB: 255, 127, 127
CMYK: 0%, 50%, 50%, 0%
HSL: 0°, 100%, 75%


Gum Leaf

Gum Leaf is a crisp, eucalyptus green, reflecting the refreshing and invigorating aroma of gum trees.

Hex: #B6D3BF
RGB: 182, 211, 191
CMYK: 14%, 0%, 9%, 17%
HSL: 139°, 25%, 77%



Gumbo is a rich, stew-like brown, warm and inviting with a mix of earthy tones.

Hex: #7CA1A6
RGB: 124, 161, 166
CMYK: 25%, 3%, 0%, 35%
HSL: 187°, 19%, 57%



Gumboot is a practical, sturdy black, reminiscent of the reliable and waterproof footwear.

Hex: #313337
RGB: 49, 51, 55
CMYK: 11%, 7%, 0%, 78%
HSL: 220°, 6%, 20%


Gun Powder

Gun Powder is a dark, smoky grey, evoking the gritty and explosive nature of its namesake.

Hex: #414257
RGB: 65, 66, 87
CMYK: 25%, 24%, 0%, 66%
HSL: 237°, 14%, 30%



Gunmetal is a strong, metallic grey, echoing the sleek and formidable nature of steel.

Hex: #6F6E71
RGB: 111, 110, 113
CMYK: 2%, 3%, 0%, 56%
HSL: 260°, 1%, 44%



Gunsmoke is a muted, smokey grey, capturing the elusive and mysterious essence of a bygone era.

Hex: #828685
RGB: 130, 134, 133
CMYK: 3%, 0%, 1%, 47%
HSL: 165°, 2%, 52%



Gurkha is a rich, earthy khaki, embodying the resilience and ruggedness of the elite soldiers.

Hex: #9A9577
RGB: 154, 149, 119
CMYK: 0%, 3%, 23%, 40%
HSL: 51°, 15%, 54%



Guru is a wise, deep blue, reflecting the depth and knowledge of a spiritual teacher.

Hex: #154C65
RGB: 21, 76, 101
CMYK: 79%, 25%, 0%, 60%
HSL: 199°, 66%, 24%



Gamboge is a deep yellow color, reminiscent of the natural resin used in art and a symbol of creativity.

Hex: #E49B0F
RGB: 228, 155, 15
CMYK: 0%, 32%, 93%, 11%
HSL: 39, 88%, 48%


Generic Viridian

Generic Viridian is a deep blue-green color, evoking the depths of the ocean and the tranquility of nature.

Hex: #007F66
RGB: 0, 127, 102
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 20%, 50%
HSL: 168, 100%, 25%


Ghost White

Ghost White is a very light shade of blue, almost white, providing a ghostly, ethereal quality.

Hex: #F8F8FF
RGB: 248, 248, 255
CMYK: 3%, 3%, 0%, 0%
HSL: 240, 100%, 99%



Glaucous is a muted blue-gray, reminiscent of the powdery bloom on grapes and plums.

Hex: #6082B6
RGB: 96, 130, 182
CMYK: 47%, 29%, 0%, 29%
HSL: 216, 41%, 55%



Glitter is a light, sparkling silver, capturing the shimmer and shine of glittering lights.

Hex: #E6E8FA
RGB: 230, 232, 250
CMYK: 8%, 7%, 0%, 2%
HSL: 231, 67%, 94%



Gray-Asparagus is a dark, grayish-green color, reminiscent of the earthy tones of asparagus stems.

Hex: #465945
RGB: 70, 89, 69
CMYK: 21%, 0%, 22%, 65%
HSL: 119, 13%, 31%



Green-Blue is a vibrant color blending the calmness of blue with the freshness of green.

Hex: #1164B4
RGB: 17, 100, 180
CMYK: 91%, 44%, 0%, 29%
HSL: 208, 83%, 39%


Green Lizard

Green Lizard is a bright, vivid green, evoking the dynamic and lively nature of a lizard.

Hex: #A7F432
RGB: 167, 244, 50
CMYK: 32%, 0%, 80%, 4%
HSL: 84, 90%, 58%


Green Sheen

Green Sheen is a soft, pale green with a silvery sheen, reminiscent of tranquil waters.

Hex: #6EAEA1
RGB: 110, 174, 161
CMYK: 37%, 0%, 7%, 32%
HSL: 168, 29%, 56%



Green-Yellow is a vibrant color that combines the energy of green with the brightness of yellow.

Hex: #ADFF2F
RGB: 173, 255, 47
CMYK: 32%, 0%, 82%, 0%
HSL: 84, 100%, 59%


Guppie Green

Guppie Green is a bright, tropical green, evoking the lively colors of guppy fish.

Hex: #00FF7F
RGB: 0, 255, 127
CMYK: 100%, 0%, 50%, 0%
HSL: 150, 100%, 50%



Guyabano is a pale, creamy white, reminiscent of the flesh of the guyabano fruit.

Hex: #F8F8F8
RGB: 248, 248, 248
CMYK: 0%, 0%, 0%, 3%
HSL: 0, 0%, 97%


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artincontext, , “Colors that Start with G – Gorgeous Color Shades to Explore.” Art in Context. November 12, 2023. URL:

, a. (2023, 12 November). Colors that Start with G – Gorgeous Color Shades to Explore. Art in Context.

, artincontext. “Colors that Start with G – Gorgeous Color Shades to Explore.” Art in Context, November 12, 2023.

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