Wood Sculpture

the art of wood carving

Wooden art sculptures have a long and varied history. Wood was one of the first materials that early people learned to use, along with clay, stone, and animal parts.

famous wood sculptures

Artists are still working in this timeless medium today. Some cut and treat the wood in order to get a smooth, cloth-like finish to their wood carving sculptures.

our list of famous wood sculptures

Loredana (2019) by Bruno Walpoth

other notable wood sculptures

other famous wood carvings

Spaghetti Bench (2008) by Pablo Reinoso Sud (2012) by Aron Demetz Amoebic Sculptures (2012) by Henrique Oliveira Scholar’s Rock (2013) by Ben Butler Matchstickmen (2019) by Wolfgang Stiller

why is wood sculpture art popular?

Some people cut and treat the wood to get a smooth, cloth-like surface. Others admire its angular appearance and instantly incorporate it into their wood-carved creations. Although approaches vary when working with wood, one aspect of wooden sculpture is consistent: artists always transform the harsh shape into something wonderfully unexpected.

when did wood art sculpture start?

There are various ways to trace it, including wood carving, which dates back to ancient Egypt. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo displays a 4,000-year-old wooden sculpture of a man.  This was one of the first works in a long line of wood sculpture art. Wooden sculptures have surely been made much longer than that though, as it is a readily-available material.