Neutral colors aren’t commonly found on the color wheel, this is because they are defined as hues that seem to be without color. In line with this neutral colors definition, they are also known for being universal complements.
Neutral colors are commonly used in interior design. Neutral colors are great for backgrounds because they help someone’s eye travel from one focal point to another with ease.
All neutral colors are quite easy on the eyes since they don’t actually have any color. This quality of being easy to look at means that most neutral colors symbolize relaxation, tranquility, peace, or neutrality in some way.
White is most commonly associated around the world with feelings of purity, peace, fresh starts, new beginnings, potential, and cleanliness. Off-whites are considered timeless, classic, and elegantly subtle.
It is considered a simple, inexpensive, and modest color that is commonly associated with being stabilizing, approachable, authentic, warm, modest, grounding, and wholesome.
Depending on the colors you use, the gray you create can be dark, light, cool, or warm. You can easily create a neutral gray paint using titanium white and black.
You can use complementary colors mixed together to create browns quite easily. In fact, many artists feel that brown is the easiest color to create whether you want to or not!
A rule to follow is that by mixing together three primary hues or one secondary color and its complement, you will get a neutral color. Once you have created a gray or brown you can easily alter it further.