
Texture in Art

texture in art

The texture of any artwork tells us what it is, and without it, it would be more of a shape than anything else.

two types of texture in art

visual texture

Visual texture is otherwise referred to as “implied” or giving the “illusion” of texture.  This is usually on a two-dimensional, flat, surface like a canvas, which we can see.

visual texture

There are countless techniques that will create different textured effects in a composition. We see these techniques in a variety of examples in art history.

visual texture

Visual texture was masterfully employed by artists from the Dutch Still Life genre of paintings during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries.

PHYSICAL texture

Physical texture in art points to the physical feeling of artwork, something that has tactile qualities. In a painting, it is when paint has been thickly applied.

physical texture

Van Gogh created texture not only through a thicker application of paint but also utilizing swirling shapes, which gave the composition a different meaning beyond what is real.

visual texture

Other artists like the Romanticist J.W.M Turner, combined colors, lines, and textures to create ambient compositions.

texture artwork examples

Visual Texture: Mona Lisa (c. 1503 – 1506) by Leonardo da Vinci Still Life (c. 1625) by Pieter Claesz Physical Texture: Balloon Dog (1994 – 2001) by Jeff Koons The Starry Night (1889) by Vincent van Gogh