Statue of Venus

the venus de milo statue

Since its discovery in 1820 on the little Greek island of Melos in the Aegean Sea, this beautiful goddess sculpture has captivated art enthusiasts for over two hundred years. The beautiful statue without arms was previously credited to the sculptor Praxiteles, but it is now largely accepted that the figure was constructed sooner, and is rather the art of Alexandros of Antioch.


The statue was found in two sections: the torso and the draped legs. A second left arm clutching an apple, as well as an engraved plinth with a definite connection to a craftsman named “Alexandros from Anchiochia on the Meander,” were unearthed.

amphitrite or aphrodite?

Is she the sea goddess Amphitrite, who is particularly revered on the island of Melos? Or is she Aphrodite, the deity of perfection, as her seductive, half-naked form could imply?

the louvre

The statue first appeared at the Louvre in 1821, although its placement within the museum has shifted multiple times since then. She was initially displayed at the Galerie des Antiques, where she may still be seen today.

false attribution

The pedestal had inscriptions naming Alexandros of Antioch as the artist. Despite this, the work was falsely assigned to the sculptor Praxiteles, one of the finest artists of the Classical period.


The work is perceived as a delicate blend of older and later styles. Unfortunately, the figure’s limbs and initial pedestal have been lost practically since the artwork arrived in 1820 in Paris.


Most academics believe the Venus de Milo sculpture depicts the Greek divinity Aphrodite and also the story of the Paris Judgment.


“The Winged Victory of Samothrace”, as well as the famous statue without arms, were held in Château de Valençay, which was saved from German occupation on technical grounds.


As one of the world’s most famous pieces of art, the Venus de Milo sculpture has been mentioned several times in popular culture. The depiction of how the statue purportedly lost its limbs is a typical humorous prank. The eponymous character in the 1997 Disney picture, “Hercules”, skims a stone on water and accidentally smashes both arms of the sculpture.