Our TOp 4


EXPLORING ceramic  art

Ceramic artwork is one of the oldest crafts, with many clay artists having come and gone over the centuries. Very few have left their mark, which is why it is necessary for us to highlight the ceramic artists that have set themselves apart from their peers with their artistic ceramics.


Isaiah Zagar  (1939 – Present) Magic Gardens


Yeesookyung  (1963 – Present) Translated vase


Robert Arneson  (1930 – 1992) Bust of George Moscone


Beate Kuhn  (1927 – 2015) Small family in a semicircle

WhAT is ceramic  art?

Ceramic artwork is created with clay materials, and can take the shape of beautiful pottery like dinnerware, mosaics, figures, and other sculptures. While certain ceramics, such as sculpture or pottery, are regarded as fine art, most are regarded as ornamental, commercial, or practical art products.

WhAT were ceramics used for?

Ceramic sculptures have been created by clay artisans for thousands of years. These ancient potters made everything from sacred clay sculptures to pottery for holding liquids and beautiful ceramics for enjoyment.