Our TOp 9

American Paintings


Paul Revere  (1770)  John Singleton Copley


The Veteran in a New Field (1865) Winslow Homer


Portrait of Madame X  (1884)  John Singer Sargent


The Grass Fire  (1908) Frederic Remington


Stag at Sharkey’s  (1909)  George Bellows


American Gothic  (1930) Grant Wood


Nighthawks  (1942) Edward Hopper


Freedom from Want  (1943)  Norman Rockwell


WHAAM!  (1963) Roy Lichtenstein

other american paintings

Black Iris (1926) by Georgia O’Keeffe Christina’s World (1948) by Andrew Wyeth Number 5, 1948 (1948) by Jackson Pollock Mountains and Sea (1952) by Helen Frankenthaler Campbell’s Soup Cans (1962) by Andy Warhol Untitled (1982) by Jean-Michel Basquiat