What Are Complementary Colors?

what are complementary colors?

A simple definition of complementary colors is that it involves two colors that are found on a color wheel, and both these colors are opposite one another.

an introduction

The entirety of color theory revolves around the color wheel, which was created by Sir Isaac Newton. He took the color spectrum and plotted all the colors out into the shape of a circle.

primary complementary colors

When looking at a color wheel with the primary colors, you will notice that they are positioned in a triangular formation if you had to draw lines between them.

intermediary colors

The next level of colors is your intermediary colors, which some also call tertiary colors. These are a combination and include primary as well as secondary colors.

other color combinations

Some simple color combinations include your split complementary colors, analogous colors, monochromatic colors, triadic colors, and tetradic colors.

color in art

Some famous examples of color in art include Self-Portrait (1889) by Vincent van Gogh, The Scream (1893) by Edvard Munch, Four Dancers (1899) by Edgar Degas, and The Lute (1943) by Henri Matisse.

complementary colors in art and design

The main benefits of complementary colors are providing contrast or creating neutral hues and shadows.

interior design

When deciding on an interior design, you can use complementary colors to great effect. Various color wheel complementary colors work amazingly well together as they enhance each other’s appearance.