Trippy Art


Also known as Psychedelic Art, this art form refers to all of the artistic creations emerging from the late 1960s that attempted to portray the inner world of the psyche through incredibly graphic and visual depictions.

history of trippy art

The origins of Psychedelic Art are said to relate back to the discovery of LSD by Albert Hofmann in 1943.

history of trippy art

This 1960s movement made a strong impact on comic book artists, who created a revolutionary type of comic book art.

history of trippy art

The notion of an altered state of consciousness is essentially what fueled the Psychedelic Art movement.

counterculture art

While counterculture was associated with the hippie community of the 1960s and 1970s, it allowed the Psychedelic Art scene to grow.

corporate advertising

By the early 1970s, more advertisers had begun to use features of Psychedelic Art in an attempt to sell countless consumer goods.


Spirals that seemed kaleidoscopic, concentric circles, paisley patterns, and repetitions of motifs or symbols until a pattern was formed were common.

the digital age

Psychedelic Art experienced a great revival in the digital age, most notably within the 1990s rave culture. This digital revolution was coined as the “New LSD” trip.

OUR LIST OF FAMOUs psychedelic artists

Victor Moscoso  (Born 1936) Wes Wilson  (1937 – 2020) Bonnie MacLean  (1939 – 2020) Stanley “Mouse” Miller  (Born 1940) Rick Griffith  (1944 – 1991) Gary Grimshaw  (1946 – 2014)

the legacy of psychedelic art

The legacy of Psychedelic Art changed dramatically from the 1960s and 1970s, as the entire genre was turned inside out to feed commercial ideals.  However, some elements of Trippy Art are finding their way back into artistic society as a revolutionary medium.