a look at

Michelangelo Statues

famous sculptures by michelangelo

Michelangelo is one of the most well-known and influential figures in art history.  He was an Italian painter, sculptor, architect, and poet of the High Renaissance period, whose work was notable for its influence on the development of the Western tradition of art. 

famous sculptures by michelangelo


Crucifix  (1492)


Angel  (1494 – 1495)


Bacchus  (1496 – 1497)


Pietà  (1498 – 1499)


David  (1501 – 1504)


Madonna of Bruges  (1501 – 1504)


Rebellious Slave  (1513)


The Moses  (1513 – 1515)


Dying Slave  (1513 – 1516)


Apollo  (1530)


Crouching Boy  (1530 – 1534)


Rachel  (1542 – 1545)


The Deposition  (1547 – 1553)