Lilac is a shade of purple and is so named after the lilac flowers, which are of the same color. The lilac color can be described as being a lighter shade of purple, with a slight pinkish undertone.
The first time the lilac was recorded as a color was in 1775. Lilac was a well-known color in the 19th century, as a color of mourning for widows during the last phase of the mourning ritual.
Since lilac is so closely linked to purple, they share many common straights. Some of these include associations with creativity, spirituality, and royalty.
To blend a lilac color with acrylic paints, you need equal amounts of red and blue to make a purple, and then add in white to create a lighter shade that is closer to lilac.
Lilac is a friendly color, that has an inviting and feminine feel to it. If added to a room, it could create a relaxed atmosphere that is full of positive energy.