a look at

How to Draw Anime Anatomy

When drawing anime characters they often exaggerate the human anatomy, so it is important to know the proportions of human anatomy as a body base of your anime.

Understanding Human Proportions

Male Proportions

With male figures and female figures, we will find that the body is broken up into eight equal segments.

Female Proportions

We can do the same for the female figure, where we establish a grid with eight evenly divided segments.

As we have now worked out human proportions, we will find that they serve as a really good body base for your anime drawings. This is because anime is often just an exaggeration of normal human anatomy.

Emphasizing Female Anime Features

Step 1: Broaden the Shoulders 

Step 2: Make the Hips More Curved

Step 3: Add Defined Muscles

Step 4: Make the Structure Geometric

Step 5: Style Your Character

The same process of exaggerating features can be applied to anime male anatomy.  Again, anime is simply a more unrealistic and exaggerated version of human features.

Emphasizing Male Anime Features

Step 1: Broaden the Shoulders 

Step 2: Make the Muscles Defined

Step 3: Create a Heroic Stance

Step 4: Finish Your Anime Character