
Hellenistic Period Art

hellenistic greek art history

When Alexander led the Greeks to triumph, he split the captured regions among his commanders, the Diadochi. These kingdoms and alliances eventually disintegrated into smaller kingdoms enriched with Greek cultural characteristics.

hellenistic culture

Grecian influences combined with native culture during these kingdoms resulted in a wide range of techniques and subjects in Hellenistic art.

statues and sculptures

Ordinary folk, mothers, children, animal life, and household scenes became appropriate subjects for Hellenistic statues, which were funded by the wealthy.


As a result, the era is noteworthy for its  portraiture.


As a result of privatization, considerably more Hellenistic statues have endured than Classic sculptures.

mosaics and paintings

Paintings and mosaics were major mediums in Hellenistic Greek art. However, no instances of paintings on panels escaped the Roman conquest.


The greater use of landscape in Hellenistic mosaics and paintings is perhaps the most remarkable feature. 

wall paintings

During the Pompeian period, wall paintings became more prevalent. These wall murals were not just featured in temples or tombs. Wall paintings were frequently utilized to beautify the dwelling.

techniques and mediums

The secco and fresco methods were used in wall art during this period.

modern discoveries

Recent finds include chamber tombs at Vergina (1987), in the old kingdom of Macedonia, where several friezes were discovered.

mosaic techniques

The evolution of mosaic artwork during the Hellenistic Era started with Pebble Mosaics, which are best depicted in the 5th century BC at the site of Olynthos.

tel dor mosaic

Over 200 shards of the mosaic have been unearthed at Tel Dor’s headline since 2000, but the demolition of the original mosaic is unclear.

stag hunt mosaic

The work is a pebble mosaic composed of stones gathered from coastlines and riverbanks and placed in cement.