
Futurism  Art 

what is futurism?

The Futurism art movement was a reaction against the traditional,  old, and outdated art forms from the Classical eras. It started in Milan, Italy, during 1909.


Futurism bridged the gap between the art world and the political world, often using their varying forms of media like imagery and music to reach the masses as propaganda.


The Futurist manifesto outlined several points as a declaration of what Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and a group of artists and theoreticians all envisioned for the future.

what influenced futurism?

Inspiration came from prominent movements like Cubism, Divisionism, and Post-Impressionism.


Futurist art wanted to celebrate and portray a “universal dynamism”, in other words, movement, speed, violence, and a strong opposition to  the past.


Paintings were depicted using images that were fractured and geometric in their composition while appearing dynamic and in motion.

Carlo Carrà  (1881 – 1966) Funeral of the Anarchist Galli  (1910-1911)

Umberto Boccioni (1882 – 1916) Dynamism of a Cyclist  (1913)

Gino Severini  (1883 – 1966) Dancer at Pigalle  (1912)

Luigi Russolo  (1885 – 1947) The Art of Noises  (1913)

Giacomo Balla  (1871 – 1958) Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash  (1912)

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti  (1876 – 1944) Author of the Futurist Manifesto  (1909)

back to the futurism

When Marinetti passed away in 1944, the movement did not continue. Futurism lived on in many other art movements namely, Art Deco, Dadaism, Vorticism, Constructivism, and Surrealism.